Chapter 20

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5 years later

Y/n and Beomgyu are 24 years old now . Beomgyu is the CEO of his parents company and Y/n work in the same . Now they have everything they wanted except for love . They are still waiting for their Taehyun and Kai . Their parents force them to go on blind dates in which they have zero interest .

About Beomgyu's parents , they came to Beomgyu and resolved everything

Flashback , an year ago

Beomgyu and Y/n were sitting in living room doing their university work . When they heard the bell rang .

" Is it Taehyun and Kai "

Their eyes sparkled and they ran to the door but when they opened the door they saw Beomgyu's parents .

" Uncle , aunt " said Y/n

" Y/n , Beomgyu , you both have grown up a lot " Mrs Choi said and caressed Y/n's hair , she was about to caress Beomgyu's hair too but he backed away

" Beomgyu " Mr Choi said softly

" Uncle , aunty come inside first "

Everyone sat on the couch at the living room . Beomgyu went to take water for his parents . Soon he came back and gave them water . Mrs Choi smiled.

" Beomgyu , we came here to say sorry " said Mrs Choi

Beomgyu just stayed silent

" Beomgyu , we realised our mistake . We were out of our mind that time but now we want to start a new life with you . You are our only son and we don't have any problem with your sexuality , please forgive your parents" said Mr Choi

Y/n went to her room to give privacy to the Choi family

" You think it's a joke ? You can kick me out and come back as you wish ?  Am I not a human ? I don't have any feelings ? You know what I had gone through when you guys weren't there . If Y/n's family wasn't there then I would have died long time ago . Where were you all these years ? My teenage life was ruined because of you guys . When you guys weren't there for me Mr and Mrs Kim took care of me . They gave me everything that you guys should have given to me" Beomgyu's eyes got teary while saying all this and remembering his teenage years .

Mr and Mrs Choi felt guilty .

" Please give us another chance son . We won't leave you this time . Do you have a boyfriend ? We will meet him and we won't any problem not even if he is not rich like us . We always cared for our image and reputation but not now . We only want a happy family that would be incomplete without you . Please forgive us " said Mrs Choi

Beomgyu thought for a while and then nodded making his parents smile . Mrs Choi went to Beomgyu and hugged him tightly . Soon Mr Choi joined the hug too .

" Finally I got my baby back " said Mrs Choi

" Gyu , let's go back home . If you want Y/n can come with us too " said Mr Choi

" I am sorry but I can't come with you guys "

" Why ? Are you still angry on us ? " Asked Mrs Choi

" No mom , I have some reasons but I promise , I will visit you guys on weekends "

" It's ok if you are happy here but do come on weekends and not alone , come with Y/n " said Mrs Choi

Beomgyu nodded

" Y/n , Y/n " yelled Mrs. Choi

" Yes aunty " Y/n said coming out of her room

" Won't you hug your aunty like always ? "

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