Chapter 9

51 4 40

2 weeks later

The four housemates got along well . Y/n and Beomgyu still find some things weird about the other two but then shrug it off thinking they are just too innocent . Y/n and helped the two aliens to get their bus pass and phones too .

" So , by clicking on this I can call you ? " Kai asked

" Yes , you just have to click on my name " said Y/n

" Wait let me try " Kai said and clicked on Y/n's name

Soon they heard Y/n's phone ringing .

" See , you did it " Y/n clapped

Kai giggled

" You can click photos too "

" Why photos ? "

" It helps to keep memory of our loved ones and the placed we visited . You can show off too by uploading the pictures on social media , like Instagram , Facebook etcetera . You can do tiktok challenges too " Y/n explain while Kai listened to her carefully

While on the other hand

" Let's take a selfie " Beomgyu said and took a selfie with Taehyun

" It's cute , I am sending this on my number " Beomgyu said and giggled while sending the selfie on his number

" Guys let's take a group selfie " said Y/n

" Ok " Taehyun and Beomgyu said in unison

" Kai , you are the tallest , so you click" said Y/n

" You dwarf , what are you doing here ? " Beomgyu mocked Y/n

" You all giants , I am not dwarf . My height is good like normal people "

Beomgyu rolled his eyes

" Everyone stand on your position " said Kai

All of them posed nicely and Kai took a selfie .

" This is good " Taehyun giggled

" But guys listen , don't give your numbers to anyone who ask . Just give them your numbers if they are your friends , ok ? " Said Y/n

Kai and Taehyun nodded their head like obedient kids . Y/n chuckled and ruffled their hairs .

" You guys are forgetting me " said Beomgyu

The other three giggled and hugged Beomgyu


" Kai , it's not good . Let's film again "
Said Y/n

" Ok "

" 1 , 2 and 3 "

Kai was dancing on ' Ting Ting Tang ' while Y/n was filming him .

" Perfect " Y/n stopped filming

" You did great Kai , as your teacher I am really proud of you " Y/n patted his shoulder making him giggle

Beomgyu and Taehyun came to them while giggling .

" See , Taehyun filmed a tiktok challenge too " Beomgyu showed them the video

" You guys can get famous on tiktok " said Y/n

" Let's eat something I am hungry " said Taehyun

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