Chapter 45 Su Zhien hugged him and took the beating for him

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Those rotten eggs and vegetable leaves were thrown directly into his face. There were several eggs attached to Wen Guli's face. Even if he turned his head, the eggs were still hanging on his hair. The egg liquid smelled bad. He was extremely angry now. He clenched his fists and had veins on the back of his hands. He got up, and when he was about to rush over and hit someone in the next second, Su Zhien suddenly ran in front of him, hugged his head, and then stood up on his toes to bear the attacks of the villagers for him.

Wen Guli was dumbfounded the moment Su Zhien ran up and hugged him.

Cai Xiaohong felt that this was simply embarrassing. What's the difference with flipping? Holding this man in front of so many people, the son of a shameless bitch is a bitch.

Cai Xiaohong hurriedly said: "Hit! Beat! Beat! Beat me! Then beat these adulterers to death! I don't want a son like me who is a bitch. I really can't raise such a son." You son of a bitch, hanging out with wild men, you really have no face to see the ancestors of the Su family, you have to make the decision for me, kill these two bitches for me, then I will feel at ease."

Su Tubao looked at the two of them hugging each other. He was so angry that he collapsed. He stomped his feet and couldn't control it. He picked up the eggs of the person next to him and threw them at Su Zhien. He wished he could throw this rotten person to death. He wished he could kill him. Kill him!

It was painful for Su Zhien to have these eggs thrown at him, but he was more afraid of Wen Guli's pain, so he could use his body to carry this for him.

Wen Guli saw him hugging his body vigorously, as if to protect him, and an indescribable warmth flowed through his heart.

Su Tubao saw from the back that the egg couldn't kill the man. He was so angry that he grabbed the brick at his feet, picked it up and threw it towards Su Zhien's head. He was really jealous and crazy. Look at it. The two of them hugged each other like this.

When Wen Guli's quick eyesight and quick hands saw a brick coming, he immediately hugged Su Zhien's waist, then quickly turned around and used his back to carry the brick for him.

The brick hit him directly on the back, causing him to scream in pain: "Ah——"

Su Zhien's pupils widened in panic.

At this time, Doi gathered all the brothers and shouted at the guy who was walking towards them with hoes and knives: "Everyone, come on! We have to save the eldest brother and sister-in-law." Come out and beat all these people to death!"

Tu Fei was the first to hold a stick, but his plump body was full of anger. He walked towards the villagers. When the villagers saw the bullies, they rushed towards them one by two and ran back in fear. Running home, they were typically afraid of trouble. There were so many bullies, and it would be terrible if they were caught by these people, so they quickly hid in the house and closed the door.

Cai Xiaohong saw these people coming with ferocious looks. There were at least 20 of them. She quickly grabbed Su Tubao's hand and tried to hide in the house.

The two of them reacted slowly, and before they could react, Doi had already walked in front of them.

Tufei was particularly angry that these people dared to hit his eldest brother. His eldest brother was so good, but these people dared to hit his eldest brother, so he took the stick and hit them, mother and son, at random. The snap was very loud, especially for Cai Xiaohong, a poisonous woman.

Cai Xiaohong kept screaming when she was beaten with the stick.

Su Tubao wasn't much better either. His whole body ached after being hit with this stick, both on his hands and feet.

These two were jumping around, and all those people came towards them and surrounded them collectively. Since the villagers had all run away, they could only beat them.

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