Twenty Seven: Lorentz Force (Part 3)

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Cocking her head to the right, Krithika tried to focus on the computer screen. She leaned in and squinted her eyes as if that would help with the task in her hand.

It was late, quite late than she would have loved to stay in the office for a favor. She had her fair time of late-work situations and had stayed back without any compulsion, she fucking loved her job anyway. But this wasn't the case for that evening.

"Where the hell is that damn folder?", she angrily mumbled, scrolling slowly through the contents displayed on the screen.

Enjoy being helpful?

"Shut up!", she chided herself. Her shoulders and back were aching from their excessive use. Her hand reached out and gently massaged the muscles where her neck and left shoulder met to comfort. Her long hair had already come down out of her tight bun relieving her head from physical stress.

She sighed, "Absolute garbage!", she muttered to herself, "How the fuck she works like this!?"

It was tiring to find anything on that computer. She tried to use the search engine, which failed any help- the 32GB RAM failed, the fuck?

It was such a simple job, to just save the bloody file yet it was impossible.

"What are you doing here?"

She squeaked, startled by the deep voice coming from behind.

Wasn't he supposed to be away somewhere? Probably another universe or the best place suited to him- in the hell.

Scared, she turned around in a jiffy and lost her balance. Before she could fall, Xavier caught her arm and tugged her towards him.

Holding the desk on her side for the support, she stood straight as his hand left hers. Her eyes flew up to meet his and she was transfixed. It was the first time she was standing this close to him- face to face- and something flipped inside her stomach.

She had never seen anyone with such a stunning pair of eyes. They were flowing with shades of brown, as if ranges of mountains and dunes decided to meet to kiss in his eyes. His dark brows slightly rose in inquisition and his untainted forehead creased.

It was beautifully poetic, like the words of Thamarai.

The last time when she had argued with him, her eyes were blurry from all the unshed tears. When she had stood beside him, all she had seen was an egoistic son of the narcissist- Xavier- fucking shithole- L. Joseph.

"Are you alright?"

Blinking her eyes rapidly she focused on him. Him, not his eyes.

She realized how close they both stood and immediately stepped back, filling enough space between them, "Yes.", she breathed.

Why is my voice so husky?

"May I know why you are here?", Xavier asked, his voice stern as he stepped forward.

It felt like a bee had stung her body and she retreated fast, "I... I..."

Speak something, you blabbering mess.

She wanted the floor to split open and engulf her at that moment. Ratting out her friend was the last thing on her mind. She was the one who had agreed to help to save one cursed file.

Now, that would surely make her boss furious if he came to know that people shared passwords and probably information. She doubted anyone did that, but Xavier being Xavier would conclude that. Priya could fucking lose her job- perhaps herself as well- and she would be the one to take that guilt on her shoulder for her whole life.

But she couldn't come up with any explanation as to why she was wandering in a department where she wasn't required. Alone and during late hours when no fucking soul was present- except of course the great Xavier.

He crossed his arms over his chest, staring at her face, "You?"

Why do I always make him angry?

"I... I was... I am.."


"I was planning to prank my friends. Yes, prank it is."

What! No no no nooo!

"Prank?", his voice was icy cold, "In the office computer?"

Don't say anything, just stay silent.

"Yes, I tried multiple passwords and finally hacked into Priya's--"

She stopped spewing words when she saw his glaring eyes. Those eyes which she had admired a few minutes back, were ablaze and spitting fire on her.

Dunes, Mountain, Volcano.

"We need to talk.", she flinched at the tone as he continued, "Come to my cabin on Monday, first thing in the morning.", she tasted blood and realized she was biting the insides of her cheeks, "Satya should know of your shenanigans."


"Leave. Now!", he barked and she nearly jumped, scared at the new avatar of him. Hurriedly taking her bag she sprang out of that darn place.

Before she could leave, she heard him murmuring under his breath, "...and I thought she was sincere."




There was an era when "Kangal Irandal" was played like a hymn XD

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