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She was humming to herself.

She tapped her finger on her desk.

The clock on the wall ticks the passing seconds.

The air tense.

An irk mark pulsing on her brow.

"Now~ be a nice little sinner and fuck off?" She said as smiley as she could.

"Oh, but I'd be bored, dear. Can't I visit my friend?"

"We are no friends static stag."

"Your nickname would say otherwise."

"I am this close to nuking hell just to get the roach you are to cease existing." She said, holding up her hand.

"My dear, your fingers are touching."


"Is this about the time I skinned the sinner?"

"IT'S ABOUT THE TIME YOU SKINNED THAT SINNER!!!" The wings bursting from her bag sent her stacks of paper flying around the office as her red eyes shrank to angry dotes. "If you keep sabotaging my affairs I will gut you static stag and I'll have a magnificent time using your oozing intestines as decorations on the bookshelf in my home and send you head with your dick stuffed in your over sized mouth to Vox!"

Face to face, noses almost touching.

He looked at her fury with the same and always arrogance that only Alastor could have.

"Lovely!" He declared, the laugh track playing.

That's the day Alastor discovered he couldn't fly despite being thrown out a window full force.


"Lucien!" She called as she walked to the window.

"Already on it ma'am." Watching the bat demon with a broom already gathering the pieces of Alastor that looked like a puzzle that exploded from its fall from the fifth floor, his arm giving her one of his rare middle fingers... Damned earthborn sinner, only dying to angelic weapons... Heaven help her.

"You could have dampened the fall with your demon form sucker." She muttered, walking back to pick up her paper.

Most of it was about her production, who died and why, and who new she could hire along with where her fortune was going.

Truly... Not really angel like.

But maybe Camael was never meant to be one.


"Come on~sweety I saw you~you let an imp get away, have you grown soft on my now?" Camael's figure loomed over a poor exorcist her sword was pinning to the concrete of hell's street.

She leaned over, putting her weight on the handle, hearing the angel groan as she laughed at it, grinning ear to ear with not an ounce of pity.

"You know we don't pity demons~"

"I-it was a hellborn, not our t-targe--AAAAAH!!" Camael violently twisted the  sword, cracking and breaking the concrete around and ripping the wound in the angel bigger with the sword slicing her more too, a demonic grin etched on her face as the mask showed a terrified face.

"I told you to kill everyone, I don't care if they are hellborn or earthborn, got it~?" She sweetly asked with a promise of punishment behind it.

"Y-yes ma'am."

"Good..." He smile fell, making her blank face even more terrifying. "But I have no use for a failure."

"Wai--" Her head went rolling.

"You should train your soldiers better Adam." She said in disappointment she felt towards the first man and the one tasked with training the exorcists in secret.

She picked up the head by the mask's horn and grabbed the body over her shoulder, she'll just drop it in the pits of fire, the body would be burnt away and no one would know what she did, not the first time she did it anyway.

"Sick fucks." She muttered, watching the demons below lick up the blood from the ground, frowning with disgust before flying away.


She stopped stacking the papers.

Adam never liked her way, both were for violence against demons but she was a loose canon in his 'plan' for exterminations and since she was his superior he needed to suck it up.

She put the stack down, leaning on the desk, staring at it. Had he found out what she did to the angels? Did he find out she was not only causing corporal punishment but death?

He was the only one with motive and possible knowledge to get rid of her, he never liked women anyway.

Camael's face was drowned in the shadows as she took her hand off the desk before punching her hand through it, the desk splitting down the middle and crashing down loudly in a rain of paper.

Of course, who else could easily access the angel headquarters and leave the body of an exorcist there while having 'footage'  of the inside of this headquarters with only her in there and that angel.

That was the only evidence but because of her behavior it was decided she murdered her when the video couldn't be correct as she had been alone that day, someone had access and spliced the recordings together.

And only Adam had such access.

Her wings flapped out, feathers puffed up in anger, her horns curling back a bit as her hands gained claws while fading black instead of the white her skin was.

That damned man.

He is the reason for her banishment.

Hearing a crack with partial pain as spines shot out of her spine and a growl from the depths of her soul.

Camael would gut him with her own hands!


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