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"We've got some things to talk about."

They sure did, and Lute was really interested in just how this all was a thing.

Waiting for the demon to speed up again. Crossing her arms carefully as the frown sat nicely on her face.

In a second she was thrown on the couch and the demon was standing, she hissed a bit as it hurt but didn't stand again, instead, she sank into the couch to get away from the demon that had once again shoved her face in hers, too close, that's way to close.

"I'd advise for you to sit down and take this off." At the 'off' The demon picked the halo off her head easily, spinning it on her finger tip before throwing it over her shoulder and it landed in the kitchen skin with a glass breaking sound that seemed to make the demon cringe. "Ah shit." She muttered, having broken something.

"Give it back you cunt!" Lute tried to stand but the boot shoved on her throat to slam her back into the couch was deterrent enough, the heel pressing into the couch with only the sole pressing down, Camael not wanting to choke her out after all, just trap her.

(I realized Camael has a thing for stepping on people and more precisely on their throats or chests but mostly throat.)

"I could just kill you like you should have been, you looked really ugly angel but well, this is how to thank my mercy?" She hissed with a devilish grin, an angry shadow cast on her face. "I really don't enjoy being called that. Got it?"

Lute grabbed the tip of the boot with a frown and a wantless nod, wishing she could just stab her but she'd die for sure if she started a fight.

"Good." Camael took her boot away and backed off, sitting on the old TV, it made a displeased noise but still played on. "Now do try to be polite~. It is not like you can await help from other angels before... 354 more days!"

Lute quickly counted down in her head.

"11 days?!" 

"Did miss angel just realize how long she has been stuck in hell already~?" Camael crossed her knees and crossed her arms over them, bending on up to hold her head up. "You almost bled out and I couldn't really fly you up to heaven if I wanted it since the gates were closed. As much as I enjoy our meetings each year, trust me this was no plan of mine."

Lute wanted to yell and discredit her but sadly her senses didn't tingle with any lies, from the demon saying she'd fly up to heaven to not having planned this, all seemed true... And she was curious despite her situation... There are some answers she can still get.

Arms crossed and leaned into the couch with her narrowed eyes.

"How did you even find me?"

"Outside of you bleeding everywhere it was this." The demon held up a little squished triangle. "I see your confusion, a part I ripped off your mask the first time with met, I can track you with it, leading me straight to you. I was a bit bored when you didn't show up to try to kill me so I went to look and surprisingly I found you in here and quite messed up."

Well that explains how the demon could always find her before she could do so.

"Yeah? Well is that motif enough to help me? I could have stabbed you!"

"You could have but did you?" No, she hadn't. "And I told you, I enjoy our yearly get together." She stood, crossing the distance and grabbing her chin to force the angel to look at her in the eyes. "And it would be a waste for you to die to the hands of demons~"

Lute smacked her hand away but she chuckled, amused.

"No need to get embarrassed~" She taunted the pink faced angel. "I don't bite, unless you like that."

"You cu--bitch."

"See? You learned." Camael ruffled her hair, getting an almost cat-like hiss of anger back. "Good girl~"

"Fuck off..." The angel muttered.

"If I wanted you dead I wouldn't have wasted 11 days making sure you'd survive, keep that in mind angel."

She worried she wouldn't make it, blood loss sever, being in hell so heaven's healing factor being weakened and the injuries.

She crossed her arms with a grin, feeling her finger brush against the bandages through her dress shirt, heh... Lucky angels all have the same type of blood or there was no chance she'd have survived.

Stomach growling.

Camael laughed behind her hand as the angel glared at her.

"I knew I was a snack but not that much."

"Fuck you."

"I told you sugar, you just need to ask."

She got the cushion on the couch thrown at her, one of them snagging on a horn.

She slowly pulled it off and dropped it.

"Bah, whatever, I don't want you to starve now." Grabbing the keys of the table.

"Hey where are you going?!"

"Getting food angel, I'd advise you to stay put... You can't get out of this place alive in your state."

Lute stumbled to her feet, grabbing a fistful of the demons hair to yank her back.

"I need my answers!"

She let go when the demon literally growled in her face, the four eyes flashing red with anger, knowing better than to test her more currently.

"Fine, you can get your answers but I am getting food." Camael said. "But your face is too angelic." She jabbed her finger in Lute's face harshly. "We need to fix that."

"Fix it?" She was already imagining the beating she'd get and being unable to protect herself effectively didn't make it an inviting prospect.

"Yeah because I'll be dragging you along." Camael grumbled, catching a look of herself in the reflection of the window.

She looked at herself a while longer before reaching up to grab her horns, with a soft groan, forcing on them.

Even Lute flinched when the bone shattered off the skull, leaving two sharp and bleeding nubs on the head of the demon who was visibly biting back her pain and swallowing her reaction.

She almost felt bad for her, almost.

Camael squeezed on the horns she broke off hard, her hands trembling before taking a deep breath and grabbing an old headband she didn't use and didn't know why she still kept, glue and the senseless idea in her head.

Lute jumped a bite when her hair was messed up again and something was put on her head.

"What the fuck?!" She tried to yank it odd but Camael grabbed her wrist.

"Like this there is less risk for them to ask questions, now." She grabbed a box of dye. "Cooperate and we'll get food faster."

The Angelic Demon (Lute X F.OC)Where stories live. Discover now