The Fox's New Powers

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After eating that strange fruit by mistake, Tommy was now a living Toon fox, and the others were worried about what will happen to the little fox now. Cornflower: "Boney 10... these uh... Devil fruits... are they poisonous?" Boney 10: "No, they just give you certain powers, depending on the fruit, while also taking away your ability to swim... and they're very rare too, it took me many years to find that certain Devil fruit..." Tommy: "Sorry Father Abbot... I didn't know that fruit was special..." Boney 10: "Well... that's in the past now... but remember, it's powers can be used for either good or evil, depending on what you do with them." Tommy: "You mean... I can do more than just stretch?" Boney 10: "You could say that, you can do whatever a Toon does." Tommy: "Like what?" Boney 10: "Well... you can do anything as long as it's funny, like breaking the 4th wall for example." Tommy: "What's so funny about breaking a wall?" Boney 10: "Um... not that kind of wall..." Mattimeo: "Um... will Tommy be okay?" Boney 10: "Yes, I believe so." Mattimeo: "That's good to hear, I was worried that he was in trouble." Matthias: "I wouldn't say that, as you and Tommy did cause trouble with Vitch, so you have to be punished." Mattimeo: "But father..." Matthias: "No more!, I've decided to send you and Tommy to do chores in the food storage with Vitch." Tommy: "Is that a way to force us to learn on getting along with Vitch?" Matthias: "Well that's not how I would say it but yeah." Mattimeo: "But there's something wrong about Vitch... I just know it..." Tommy: "Don't worry, at least this way, we can keep an eye on him." Mattimeo: "Hmm... I guess you're right." said Mattimeo, before he and Tommy went back to the food storage, while Cornflower went over to her husband. Cornflower: "Um... are you sure it's a good idea to leave them with Vitch?" Matthias: "No, but I can't think of a better punishment... they're really nice boys... they just need to learn that violence is not to solution to every problem." Cornflower: "Funny, you used to think that fighting would solve every problem when you were their age." this made Matthias rubbed the back of his head with his hand while blushing a little. Matthias: "Well... I was just a boy back then..." Cornflower: "Maybe... but I know you still wished to be a great warrior like Martian was." Matthias: "Yes... but it's not like Redwall will need one these days..." meanwhile, back with Tommy, he and Mattimeo were forced to scrub the floors with Vitch, who was still mad. Vitch: "Great... as if I wasn't being punished enough..." Tommy: "Well it's not like you didn't deserved it for being mean." Vitch: "Oh shut up!, at least I'm not a freak now!" said Vitch, before a bucket of water, which had a pink glow around it while floating up in the air, went over Vitch's head and dumped water on him, much to his dismay while Mattimeo and Tommy were confused. Tommy: "What the?" Mattimeo: "Nice one bro." Tommy: "But... I didn't do that... at least I don't think I did..." that was when both Tommy and Mattimeo glowed pink and vanished without a trace, much to Vitch's surprise, but was happy that they were gone at the moment. Behind some barrels, Tommy and Mattimeo reappeared, and they were confused, before some some of the kids in front of them. There was a pink cat girl named Gidget D Mew (voiced by Lisa Ortiz), two hyena twins named Jokey and Jokeo D Hyena (voiced by Bill Fagerbakke and Tom Kenny) and a little gray mouse girl around Mattimeo's age named Tess (voiced by young Sarah Gordon) along with a young squirrel boy named Sam (voiced by young Alex House). Gidget: "Hey guys." Tommy: "Oh hi Gidget, hey guys, what's up?" Gidget: "Just testing out my new powers." Mattimeo: "What powers?" Sam: "The powers that Gidget got after eating something called the Psychic Psychic fruit, while Jokey ate a fruit called the Elephant Elephant fruit model Mammoth and Jokeo ate the Ox Ox fruit model giraffe." Jokeo: "Yeah, Boney 10 said they're rare fruits called Devil fruits." Mattimeo: "Hey... that sounds like the one Tommy ate." Gidget: "He ate a Devil fruit too?" Tommy: "Well... by accident really, mine is called the Toon Toon fruit." Jokey: "What does it do?" Tommy: "Um... I'm really sure yet, so far I can stretch any part of my body." said Tommy, as he stretches his cheeks, which really surprised everyone. Tess: "Wow... you got some interesting powers..." Jokeo: "Really?, well watch what I can do." said Jokeo, before his neck turned into a giraffe's neck, much to everyone's surprise. Jokey: "My turn!" said Jokey, before he turns into a mammoth, and the big size of his form caused the barrels to fall over, exposing the kids to the workers in the storage room. Gidget: "Uh... maybe we should get back to work..." Tommy: "Yeah..." Mattimeo: "Yup..." so with that, the group went off to who knows where, only to run into Boney 10 himself, who had an annoyed look on his face. Boney 10: "I was wondering what happened to the other Devil fruits I found aside from the Toon Toon fruit..." Gidget: "Uh... well... you shouldn't have left them on a spot where we could find it." Jokey: "Yeah... what she said..." Jokeo: "Sorry..." Tommy: "Oh never mind... at least you kids were the ones who ate them and not some evil villains... just remember, with great power comes great responsibility." Tommy: "Yes sir." Boney 10: "Now off you go and get back to work, your parents are expecting you to do your chores." Mattimeo: "Yeah, we know." said Mattimeo, before Gidget's eyes glowed and saw something that made her gasped. Sam: "What's wrong?" Gidget: "I don't know... I saw a rat... but he's not here... and it wasn't Vitch either..." Boney 10: "Your devil fruit must have given you a vision, like a dream but while you're awake and showing you an event that will happen in the future." Gidget: "Really?" Boney 10: "Yes... now this rat... what did he look like?" Gidget: "Well... he was a really big rat, had one eye, and he had a really long tail with a blade on the tip, and he used the tail as a whip." Boney 10: "Hmm... I've heard stories about this rat... he went by the name of Cluny the Scourge, a fearsome rat that leads an army of rats to attack anything in his path... he was also the rat that made Matthias an orphan in the first place." Mattimeo: "You mean... my father?" Boney 10: "Yes... he lost his village as well by the rat, forcing him to travel until he got here in Redwall." Tess: "How awful..." Boney 10: "Indeed it was... but never mind that, you kids should get going." Gidget: "But what about my vision?" Boney 10: "Don't worry about it now, I'm sure it was nothing, now off you go then." Tommy: "Yes Father Abbot." said Tommy, as he and the others ran off to who knows where, while Boney 10 had a concerned look on his face. Boney 10: "Martin... it would seem that Matthias' moment will come sooner than I thought... I just hope he'll have what it takes to be your successor..." said Boney 10, as if he was talking to Martin right now.

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