The Stolen Tapestry And The Hare

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At the castle walls of Redwall abbey, a black rat named Shadow was climbing up the walls, on a mission to steal the tapestry of Martin the warrior. ScreamClaw: "Looks like he made it." Cluny: "Not yet... not until I get the tapestry in my hands." said Cluny, before Shadow sneaks his way to the Great Hall where the tapestry was, and begins to use his teeth to chew on the tapestry in order to steal the picture. At that moment, Matthias woke up by a voice that belonged to Martin, telling him to not let someone take him, which confused him at first, before heading off to the tapestry, unaware that Tommy and Mattimeo were following him, until Tommy sneezed. Matthias: "Tommy, Mattimeo?, what are you doing up so late?" Tommy: "We woke up by someone calling us... saying 'don't let them take me' which was when we saw you leaving." Matthias: "You too?" Mattimeo: "Look!" shouted Mattimeo, as he sees Shadow with the picture of Martin the warrior. Matthias: "A rat!" Tommy: "He's stealing Martin the Warrior!" shouted Tommy, before he, Matthias and Mattimeo begins chasing Shadow in hopes to stop him. It wasn't long before the others woke up in alarm due to sound of the shouting of Tommy that Martin was being stolen. It wasn't long before Cornflower and Constance see Matthias, Tommy and Mattimeo chasing Shadow right to the top of the abbey's wall. Constance: "Matthias!, Mattimeo!, Tommy!, get away from that rat!" Tommy: "But he's stealing Martian!" said Tommy, before he grabs the picture of Martin and tries to get it away from Shadow, who pulls it away from the fox, but lost balance and fell over the wall's battlements and crashed into the ground outside of the abbey, and the picture of Martin fell into Cluny's hands, who laughed in an evil way and ran off with the Demon trio. Mattimeo: "Oh no... Cluny's got Martin..." Matthias: "We were too late..." Tommy: "Oh man... is the rat..." Matthias: "I would be so surprised if he is dead... nobody could survive a drop like that..." later that night, everyone in the abbey was in a panic as their beloved warrior was stolen, while Boney 10 was doing his best to calm everyone down. Boney 10: "Everyone please settle down, I know it looks bad..." Constance: "Bad?, it's awful, Martin has been our symbol of Redwall since the day the abbey was built, how dare that rat had the nerve to steal him from us..." Boney 10: "Yes... but it was a mistake on Cluny's part as Martin's spirit lives on in it... and I have a feeling Cluny will not rest well for a long time from now on." Mattimeo: "What do you mean?" Boney 10: "Let's just say... Martin will be haunting Cluny in his dreams for a while." said Boney 10 with a cheeky smile on his face. When morning came Jokey and Jokeo were ringing the bell to warn everyone in Moss-flower to come to the safety of Redwall abbey as soon as possible, due to the danger of Cluny and his army. Fluff was helping out some wood landers when suddenly, a pair of hands snatched her away, which belonged to Slagar, who was taking her prisoner for Cluny. Slagar: "Here I present to you our first slave here." Cluny: "Only one?" Slagar: "Well it's not easy to get a lot of young slaves now, due to everyone retreating to the abbey, and since they know I am here." Cluny: "Well... no matter, I'm sure we'll get more slaves soon." said Cluny with an evil chuckle. Meanwhile, inside the abbey, Tommy was very sad as he failed to save the picture of Martian from Cluny, when Cornflower came to him. Cornflower: "You did what you could sweetie..." Tommy: "I should have done more... if only I was quicker..." said Tommy, before Matthias and Mattimeo came over to the scene. Matthias: "Don't blame yourself son, you did your best and that's what really matters." Mattimeo: "Yeah... and I'm sure we'll get Martian back sooner or later..." that was when Constance came to the scene, and she was worried. Constance: "Matthias, we have a problem, Fluff has gone missing." Matthias: "What?" asked Matthias, before Peter came to the scene and he was in a panic. Peter: "Guys!, Slagar has taken Fluff and gave her to Cluny!" Cornflower: "What?!" Mattimeo: "Slagar?... oh no!, we we left him alone in the abandoned church!" Tommy: "And he's teamed up with Cluny I'll bet." Peter: "Oh what do I do... Fluff is in trouble... I shouldn't have left her alone... if anything would have happened to her..." Matthias: "Don't worry, we'll get her back." said Matthias, before he runs off to who knows where, while Tommy decided to follow him. Matthias was in the woods, heading for the abandoned church, when a rat came and tried to attack him, only for the mouse to use a tree branch to swat the rat right into a tree, knocking the rat out cold. It wasn't long before Tommy came to the scene. Tommy: "Nice hit." Matthias: "Thanks... wait... Tommy what are you doing here?" Tommy: "Peter and I came to help." Matthias: "Wait... Peter's here too?" asked Matthias, before Peter came to the scene. Peter: "Yes, Fluff is my best friend, there's no way I won't help her." suddenly, a voice said 'Ha!, indeed not!', which caught the attention of the group. Matthias: "Who said that?, show yourself!" said Matthias, before an adult hare, named Basil Stag Hare (voiced by Richard Binsley) came to the scene. Basil: "That would be me, Basil Stag Hare at your service." Tommy: "Hi there, my name is Tommy D Fox, and this my adopted dad, Matthias, and my friend, Peter Rabbit." Basil: "Pleasure to meet you all, so what brings you all here?" Matthias: "We're trying to rescue a young rabbit girl named Fluff and the tapestry of Martin the warrior from Cluny the Scourge." Basil: "I see... well then what are we waiting for?" Matthias: "You're going to help?" Basil: "Certainly my boy, I won't let some vermin hold a little hostage, now would I?" Peter: "Thanks." meanwhile, back at Redwall, Cluny and the Demon trio were on top of a tree, setting up a plank that will be used to help them get to the wall's top. ScreamClaw: "All set..." Cluny: "Good... start the diversion!" called out Cluny, as an army of rats down before begin attacking the front gates of Redwall. Meanwhile, back at the abandoned church, Matthias, Tommy, Peter and Basil see Fluff in chains, next to a flag pole that had the picture of Martin the warrior. Basil: "Not many guards..." Tommy: "This could be our chance to get both Fluff and Martian..." Matthias: "So it seems... Peter, you go get Fluff, while I'll go get Martian: "Sure thing." Tommy: "Then I guess me and Basil here can be the distraction." Basil: "Jolly wagging idea... but what can you do?" Tommy: "Well... something funny." said Tommy, before his legs turned into springs and bounced around, which caught the attention of the rats that remained, who tried to catch either Tommy or Basil, but they were too quick and slippery. Peter begins working on freeing Fluff while Matthias took the flag pole, when suddenly, Slagar made an appearance and caught both Fluff and Peter. Slagar: "Not so fast you little rabbits." Fluff: "Help!" Matthias: "Let them go!" Slagar: "If you want them back, hand over the tapestry, or these two will meet their end, and I'm not bluffing." said Slagar, before Matthias sighs in defeat and gives the flag pole to the evil fox, who hands over both Peter and Fluff. Matthias: "Are you alright?" Peter: "We're fine..." Fluff: "I'm sorry Mr Matthias... if only I didn't let myself get caught then..." Matthias: "Don't blame yourself, all that matters is that you're safe." Slagar: "But not for long." said Slagar, as some rats started to come, only for Basil and Tommy to bounce on top of most of them, allowing Matthias and the little rabbits to escape. While on the way back to Redwall abbey, Tommy noticed a trail that looked odd. Tommy: "Hey... what could have made this trail...?" Basil: "Oh no... Asmodeus!" Peter: "What's that?" Matthias: "This is the first time I've heard of it..." Basil: "No time to explain, just move quickly now!" said Basil, as he and the others run for Redwall abbey, which they see was being under attack by Cluny's army. Back at the battlements, Cornflower and Mattimeo were doing their best to avoid the arrows, when they noticed a plank on the wall, and took a look to see Cluny on the other side. Mattimeo: "The attack's a diversion!" Cornflower: "We need to warn the others!" said Cornflower, before Gidget and the hyena twins came to the scene and see Matthias and his group outside the abbey. Gidget: "There's Tommy and the others!" Jokey: "Yeah!" Jokeo: "We gotta get them in!" Gidget: "Hurry!" called out Gidget, as she and the twins run down to the door, while Cornflower and Mattimeo were warning Constance about Cluny. It wasn't long before the gates opened, and the rats tried to attack, only to be taken down by Gidget's psychic powers, or the might of Jokeo's giraffe form and Jokey's mammoth form as well. Basil: "My goodness, never seen beasts like those before." Tommy: "That's Jokey and Jokeo, they got Devil fruit powers." Basil: "Oh, I heard stories about them, but I never seen anyone with those powers before until now." Peter: "Come on everyone, let's get in before more rats show up." Fluff: "Right!" said the rabbits, before they and the others went inside the abbey with Gidget and the hyena twins and closed the gates behind them. It wasn't long before Constance came to the plank with Cornflower and Mattimeo, before Matthias' group came. Basil: "Looks like the battle back there was a diversion." Constance: "Who's this?" Matthias: "He's a friend, and a good one." Basil: "Greetings, Basil Stag Hare at your service ma'am." Tommy: "Look!, it's Cluny!" shouted Tommy, as he sees the rat on the plank. SpaceWarp: "Uh oh... we've been s-s-spotted!" Cluny: "No matter, get ready to get into Redwall!" Scream: "We can't!, Boney 10 cast a spell on the abbey to keep us demons from getting in!" Cluny: "What?!" shouted Cluny, before Constance picks up the plank and flips it over, causing Cluny to fall down and crashed into the bushes. Jokey: "Oh... that's gotta hurt..." Jokeo: "Is he dead?" Gidget: "Hard to tell from here..." Fluff: "Oh my..." Peter: "If Cluny did get killed from the fall... then maybe the other rats will have to leave... right?" Basil: "I wouldn't be surprised if they did... but I doubt it would be that easy..." that was when Boney 10 came to the scene. Boney 10: "Everyone okay?" Mattimeo: "I think so, there are some who got hurt, but nothing too serious." Cornflower: "We better treat the wounded pretty quick." Boney 10: "Yes, I wish you luck on that." said Boney 10, as he left the scene, before Cornflower came over to her husband. Cornflower: "I see you got Fluff back." Matthias: "Yes... but we failed to get Martin..." Tommy: "Sorry mom..." Cornflower: "Don't worry, we'll get him back." Basil: "So you're the Mrs Matthias eh, he must be really lucky." Cornflower: "Thanks." Matthias: "Hey Basil... earlier you mentioned Asmodeus... who's that?" Basil: "Ah yes... Asmodeus... is a fearful giant Adder snake, commonly known as old 'Poison Teeth', predator that eats mice, rats, birds, even foxes, in fact anything he could put into his mouth." hearing this made everyone have a quiet gasp of shock and fear, as the thought of a creature like that would scare the heck out of anyone. Jokey: "Speaking of eating... I'm a bit hungry myself." Jokeo: "Me too..." Cornflower: "Don't worry boys, let me make you something after I treat the injured." Gidget: "Mind if we help out?" Cornflower: "Not at all." said Cornflower, as she and the others left the scene, while Matthias and Tommy remained at the wall and looked down to see Cluny's eye blinking and moving his tail to wrap around ScreamClaw's neck in anger. Matthias: "Oh no..." Tommy: "Cluny is still alive!" gasped Tommy in shock, knowing now that the war against Cluny was far from over.

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