The Final Conflict

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It was morning when everyone in Redwall abbey were taken prisoner by Cluny's army and were now scared of what's going to happen now. Warbeak was watching the whole thing and now knows that she needs to find Matthias and warn him as fast as she can. Back with Matthias, he along with Tommy and the shrews were on their way to Redwall, when Warbeak came to the scene. Warbeak: "Mouse worm!, Toon Fox worm!, Redwall fell!, Redwall fell!" Tommy: "Slow down Warbeak, we can't understand you, what happened?" Warbeak: "Evil rat worms have taken over Redwall!" Matthias: "What?!" Log-A-Log: "We're too late!" Tommy: "Not yet, we can still take the abbey back, hurry!" called out Tommy, as he, Matthias and the shrews and Warbeak went off to get back to the abbey. Once they got to a back door, they knocked out a guard and Warbeak managed to open the door for them. It wasn't long before they found Mattimeo and the other kids, who managed to hide themselves from the enemy and were now in a secret room inside one of the trees. Mattimeo: "Father... I'm so happy you're back... and you got the sword." Matthias: "Yes, thanks to Tommy and our new friends." Log-A-Log: "Greetings little one, I'm Log-A-Log, leader of these brave shrew warriors here." Mattimeo: "Nice to meet you, I'm Mattimeo." Tess: "I'm Tess." Sam: "I'm Sam." Peter: "I'm Peter, these are Flopsy, Mopsy and Cottontail, my sisters." Flopsy: "Hello." Mopsy: "Hi." Cottontail: "Greetings." Fluff: "My name is Fluff." Gidget: "And I'm Gidget." Jokey: "I'm Jokey." Jokeo: "And I'm Jokeo, we're twins." Log-A-Log: "Well it's certainly nice to meet you all." Tommy: "What happened here?" Mattimeo: "It was Vitch's fault!" Matthias: "Mattimeo!, what have I told you about..." Peter: "He's telling the truth, that rat was working for Slagar all along, I remembered him with Slagar." Matthias: "What?" Gidget: "Peter, his sisters and Fluff got their memory back, and Vitch was one of Slagar's slavers as a spy." Jokey: "He took the mask of MegaTrog and gave it to the enemy." Jokeo: "And somehow those three Demon dragon guys turned into the evil MegaTrog." Tommy: "I knew it!, I knew he was a rotten little rat!" Matthias: "Oh kids... I'm so sorry... I should have listened..." Sam: "It wasn't your fault... Vitch had us all fooled." Tess: "But now he's gonna pay." Gidget: "Yeah!" Log-A-Log: "Indeed." Matthias: "Now then... it's time to take Redwall back..." Gidget: "Not without some armor." said Gidget, which made Matthias confused at first before the kids told him about Martin's armor that they found not too long ago. Back with the others, who were at the lawns, surrounded by evil rats, ferrets and weasels, they were about to face Cluny, Slagar, and MegaTrog themselves. Cluny: "Where is the abbot?" asked Cluny, before the rats brought Boney 10 to the leaders. Boney 10: "What do you want from me?" Cluny: "Nothing much, just bow down to me." Boney 10: "I'm not the type who would kneel to evil." MegaTrog: "You have no choice, as you can't stop me this time." Boney 10: "We shall see about that..." Constance: "Yeah!, free me and we'll see who kneels!" shouted Constance as she was in a net. Basil: "You filthy coward!, you rotten rat!" shouted Basil as he on a stockade. Cluny: "You insults won't do a thing on me no more rabbit, you will all die!, and the girl mouse I'm pointing will be the first!" said Cluny, before some rats grabbed Cornflower, ready to execute her. Matthias: "Cluny the Scourge!... I have come to settle a score with you..." said Matthias, as he came to the scene in Martin's armor, carrying Martin's shield and sword. MegaTrog: "That's impossible... Martin the Warrior...?" Cluny: "No... it can't be... who are you?!" Matthias: "I-am that is..." Cluny: "Go back to my dreams!, ghost!" Matthias: "I... have come for you... Cluny..." Cornflower: "... Matthias..." Cluny: "Seize him!, kill him!, ah!" shouted Cluny in fear as he tried to run away from Matthias, before one of the rats tried to attack the mouse warrior, only for the warrior to point his sword at him. Matthias: "I will slay any invader who moves!" shouted Matthias, before the Sparrows and shrews came to the scene and went to battle, along with the kids as well. Log-A-Log: "We've come to get you vermin out of our friend's home!" Warbeak: "Yes, rat worms pay for taking Sparrows' home!" Tommy: "Charge!" Matthias: "REDWALL~!" called out Matthias, as he and the others freed their friends and families, who soon joined the battle against the rats. Slagar was about to attack Matthias, but Mattimeo, who was swinging some chains, swatted the spear away from the fox. Mattimeo: "Hey half face!, I have a score to settle with you too!" Slagar: "Oh really?, you think you have what it takes to take me down?" Mattimeo: "I don't think... I know... for I am Mattimeo, son of Matthias the Warrior of Redwall!" shouted Mattimeo, before he continues to swing around the chains and hits Slagar with them. MegaTrog was about to attack Boney 10, when Tommy stretched his arm and swings it towards MegaTrog to punch the devil in the face, which was not only painful, but caught his attention. Tommy: "You want our abbot, you'll have to get through me!" MegaTrog: "Very well... it would be a pleasure to take your soul and devil fruit with my bare hands!" shouted MegaTrog, before he goes to attack the little fox, who managed to dodge the attacks, before giving the demon a big wedgie. Tommy: "I don't know how I did it... but I like it!" said Tommy, before MegaTrog gives the boy a wedgie as well. MegaTrog: "So do I..." Tommy: "Of course you realize that this means war!" said Tommy, before he puts his thumb and blows on it, which gets really big and punches the demon in the face once again. As for the rats that were too scared to fight back, they tried to escape, only to come face to face with Captain Snow himself. Captain Snow: "I might not be able to hunt another mouse or shrew... but I can still hunt rats and other vermin..." said Captain Snow, before he goes to attack the rats. Flopsy and the other girls were about to be harmed by some of the rats, before Peter, the hyena twins and Gidget went to fight back and Jokey managed to used himself as shield to protect Flopsy from being harmed by a spear. Flopsy: "Jokey!, are you okay?!" Jokey: "Yeah... though it'll be a while before I can sit down again... ow!" Jokeo: "He's fine, it's lucky for him that his mammoth form has a lot of fat to protect him." Jokey: "Hey!, it's not fat, it's think skin and hair... at least I think it is..." Tess: "Where's Mattimeo?" Sam: "Over there!" said Sam, pointing at Mattimeo fighting Slagar still. Mattimeo: "This is for trying to make a slave out of me and my friends!, and helping Cluny on stealing the abbey from us!" shouted Mattimeo, as he continues to swat Slagar with the chains. As for Matthias, he was still fighting Cluny, until Cornflower tries to help and she ended up getting captured by the rat, who takes her to the bell tower of the abbey. Once inside, Matthias removes the helmet and cape in hopes to move faster, and begins walking up the stairs. As soon as Matthias went to the top floor, where the bell was located, Cluny came and tries to attack the mouse, only for Matthias to strike back and used his sword to cut the rat's tail in half. Matthias: "You're finished Cluny, surrender!" Cluny: "Never!" said Cluny, as she tries to climb up more stairs that leads him to the beam where the bell was hanging on and Matthias had him cornered. Or so he thought, as Cluny used the bell's ringing rope to come down and caught Cornflower again. Matthias: "Cornflower!" shouted Matthias, before Slagar and Mattimeo came to the scene, and the little mouse tried to attack again, only for the evil fox to grab the chains and grabbed the little mouse. Slagar: "Surrender Matthias!, or these mice will never squeak again!" Cluny: "Better listen mouse, he's not the type who bluffs." Matthias: "Let them go Cluny and Slagar, then I'll come down." Cluny: "You promised?" Cluny: "Yes, in my honor as a warrior." said Matthias, before Cornflower and Mattimeo freed themselves. Cluny: "Alright then, come down and bring your honor with you!" Slagar: "Wait... where is he?" Cluny: "Up above the bell." Slagar: "And he's got a sword?" Cluny: "Yes... what's your point?" Slagar: "That!" said Slagar, before Matthias uses the sword to cut the ropes that hangs the bell, which begins to fall towards the evil rat and fox. Cluny and Slagar: "NO~~~!!!" shouted Cluny and Slagar, before the bells crashes on top of them, and the force broke the floor, sending them falling to the bottom of the tower. Once the bell was at the bottom, Matthias, Cornflower and Mattimeo came down, looking at where the villains have landed, and see that there was no movement at all. Matthias: "As I promised... I came down..." Mattimeo: "Whoa... that was pretty cool... too bad for the bell though..." said Mattimeo, as the bell was now broken. Cornflower: "Don't worry... we can always get another bell." Matthias: "Now let's go help the others." said Matthias, as he and the other mice left the tower. Back with Tommy, his fight against MegaTrog continues until the devil caught a hold of the little fox. But then Boney 10 tried to hit the demon with his cane, only for MegaTrog to slash him with his tail, which was like Cluny's, and the old friendly demon dragon was down. Tommy: "No!" MegaTrog: "You're finished boy... your soul is mine..." Tommy: "I'm not done yet!" shouted Tommy, before something started to glow in his pocket, and the boy took it out to see that it was the rock he found in the snake's lair, and the sight of it made MegaTrog gasp and forced him to let go of Tommy. MegaTrog: "Impossible!, the Seal of the Ancients?!, the very thing that has the power to control me?!... how... how could you have it?!" Tommy: "Is that what this is...?, cool!... alright then, I order you to leave Redwall, go back to where you came from and never return!, that's an order!" MegaTrog: "I must... obey!... curse you Toon Fox!" shouted MegaTrog in anger, before he forced himself to make a portal that pulls the demon into and once he was on the other side, which was the underworld, the portal closed up. Tommy: "Whoa... I did it... I beat the Devil... awesome!" said Tommy, as he jumped in joy, knowing that he just saved the day.

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