Warbeak Sparra and General Iron Beak

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After leaving the tomb, the group were now at one of the walls of Redwall abbey, where they find a little depression in one of the battlements, that was shaped like the shield. Constance: "I've known about this since I was a child, but I never knew what it was..." Boney 10: "Matthias... place the shield on the hole and watch as the moon's light shines on it." said Boney 10, as Matthias did just that, and the light of the moon shines on the shield, which bounces the light right to the weather vane. Matthias: "That's it, the sword must be there!" Tommy: "But how are we gonna get it from there?" Boney 10: "We'll worry about that in the morning, right now it's time we get some sleep." said Boney 10, before he and everyone else went to bed. When the sun came, everyone was watching Jess Squirrel (voiced by Susan Roman), Sam's mother, was climbing to the weather vane. Tommy: "Hey dad, how come you're not getting the sword?" Matthias: "Well I would... but your mother would have scolded me, and you know it's never a good idea to get on her bad side." Tommy: "Very true." Cornflower: "Yes, and besides, this is a job best for squirrels." Sam: "And my mom is the best climber we have." said Sam proudly, as he watches his mom heading for the weather vane. Suddenly, a group of sparrows came and attack Jess. Mattimeo: "Oh no!" Jokey: "Where did those birds come from?!" Boney 10: "They came from the attic!, we need to stop them, but we need to do it without harming them as they're a part of Redwall." said Boney 10, before Matthias and Basil took out some bows and arrows, which had their sharp tips removed, and fired at the Sparrows in hopes to scare them away. But then one of the arrows hit one of the Sparrows, which started to fall until Matthias caught her just in time. As for Jess, she lost her balance and starts falling too, but Tommy then inflates into a big ball, and used his belly to catch the squirrel, who just bounced a bit before making a perfect landing. Sam: "Mom!" shouted Sam, before he runs to Jess and gave her a big hug. Jess: "There, there Sam, I'm okay... thanks to Tommy of course." said Jess, before Tommy blows some air out and went back to normal. As for the Sparrow, she was still alive, and tried to attack, but Cornflower used a large basket to trap the bird in. Matthias: "Did you at least found the found the sword?" Jess: "I'm afraid that the sword wasn't there, it probably was there once, but no more... I'm sorry, I tried my best." Sam: "Don't worry mom, we know you did." Matthias: "But if the sword's not there... where could it be?" that was when the Sparrow under the basket, named Warbeak (voiced by Tracy Moore) spoke up. Warbeak: "You mouse worm will pay!, when General Iron Beak uses big sword on ya!" Matthias: "Wait... what sword?" Warbeak: "Big sword that General Iron Beak found on Weather Vane long ago, he uses it to slay mouse worms." Mattimeo: "That's it!, the sword must be with the Sparrows!" Boney 10: "Ah yes... the Sparra kingdom in the abbey's attic..." Matthias: "Then I must go there and get it back..." Boney 10: "Be careful Matthias, the Sparrows are known to be fierce little birds, you of course witnessed that when they attacked Jess here." Matthias: "I know..." Gidget: "Not to mention this General Iron Beak character that the Sparrow mentioned, I doubt he'll just give you the sword." Jokeo: "Yeah... you need to give him a good reason to make him give it back." Jokey: "I know!, you could make trade for it with a bag of magic beans!" Tommy: "Wrong story." Jokey: "Oh... sorry..." Matthias: "Never mind, I think this Sparrow should help." said Matthias, looking at the sparrow under the basket. Cornflower: "Are you sure you can trust her?" Matthias: "No... but she's the only lead we have on getting the sword back." said Matthias, before he and Cornflower went to work on fixing Warbeak's wing. Sometime later, Warbeak was out of the basket, and had a leash on her so Matthias can follow her. Soon the pair went to the attic, only for the both of them to be captured by the other Sparrows, who took them both to a large raven known as General Iron Beak (voiced by Wayne Best), who is the ruler of the Sparra kingdom in the attic. General Iron Beak: "So... an earth crawler has the nerve to intrude my kingdom... and a sparrow who had the nerve to bring him here." Warbeak: "Mouse worm forced Warbeak!" Matthias: "It's true, it wasn't her fault, I just needed someone to guide me to you." General Iron Beak: "Oh... you wanted to see me?, whatever for?" Matthias: "I was told you had a sword that was once hanged on the Weather Vane... is that true?" General Iron Beak: "Yes... I had it once... until I lost it in a battle against that snake crawler." Warbeak: "Poison Teeth Worm killed Warbeak's mother and father..." Matthias: "Wait... you mean Asmodeus the snake has the sword?!" Warbeak: "Yes... General Iron Beak sent father and mother to get sword... but Poison Teeth worm got them..." Matthias: "I'm so sorry..." General Iron Beak: "If only I had the sword still... I would have used it to rule all of Redwall." Matthias: "What?!, you can't!, it doesn't belong to you!" General Iron Beak: "I am the ruler of the north lands, I shall take whatever I want, and this abbey has been my dream castle for many years, and I would have taken it over by now if I didn't lose my sword to that snake." Matthias: "That sword belonged to Martin the Warrior, to Redwall Abbey, it's not something that should be used for evil!" General Iron Beak: "Don't tell me what is not mine earth crawler!, now Sparrows, take him and Warbeak away to the cage, where they'll be waiting to be executed by tomorrow morning!" ordered General Iron Beak, before the Sparrows take Matthias and Warbeak to a cage, waiting to be executed in the morning. Warbeak: "Mouse worm... why you want sword so much?" Matthias: "Well... Redwall is at war now against an evil rat named Cluny the Scourge... and I hope that with the sword of Martin, we could beat him... but now I'm not sure... I mean it's now in the coils of Asmodeus..." Warbeak: "Yes... getting sword from Poison Teeth is hard... Warbeak's mother and father learned the hard way..." Matthias: "I'm sorry... I know what it's like to have no parents... I lost them when I was little..." Warbeak: "Oh... Warbeak sorry..." Matthias: "That's okay... I managed to get a new family now, like Cornflower, Mattimeo and Tommy, not to mention everyone in the abbey." Warbeak: "Hmm... Warbeak wished that Warbeak had family..." Matthias: "What do you mean?, don't you have any friends or family out of the other Sparrows?" Warbeak: "Not really... other Sparra are scared to disobey General Iron Beak, who treats all Sparra like earth worms..." Matthias: "I'm sorry to hear that... tell you what, if I can somehow get Martin's sword and free Redwall from Cluny, I'll try to free you and the other Sparrows from General Iron Beak." Warbeak: "Mouse Worm mean it?" Matthias: "Yes..." suddenly, General Iron Beak came to the scene. General Iron Beak: "It's time now." Matthias: "What are you talking about?, you ordered us to be executed tomorrow." General Iron Beak: "Who said anything about executing you dad?" Warbeak: "Huh?" Matthias: "What did you call me?" General Iron Beak: "Oops, I forgot I still have this disguise on." Warbeak: "Disguise?" asked Warbeak, before Iron Beak pulls his head off, which revealed to be a mask, and Iron Beak was really Tommy in disguise. Tommy: "Hey dad." Matthias: "Tommy?!, how did..." Tommy: "Just a trick I learned, pretty cool, huh?" Matthias: "Yes, very good son, you sure had me fooled, but what are you doing here?" Tommy: "I might have followed ya here and saw that mean Iron Beak guy taken you prisoner, and I might have tricked the raven to think that the snake that Basil calls Asmodeus was dead and now was his chance to get the sword... but we better get out of here before he comes back." Matthias: "Good idea." said Mathias, before Tommy turns his finger into a key to unlock the cage, freeing both Matthias and Warbeak at last. Soon, the trio went out of the Sparra kingdom and were now on the roof. It wasn't long before Cornflower and the others see Matthias and Tommy with Warbeak. Cornflower: "Matthias!, Tommy!, get down!, look out behind you!" called out Cornflower, as General Iron Beak came to the scene and attacks the mouse and little fox. General Iron Beak: "You shall pay for tricking me like that!, prepare to die earth crawlers!" shouted Iron Beak, as he grabs both Tommy and Matthias, while Warbeak had enough of the raven and went to battle him. Suddenly, the raven looked sick and fell to the pond, with Tommy and Matthias as well. Gidget: "Oh my gosh!, Tommy!" Jokey and Jokeo: "Little buddy!" Mattimeo: "Father!, brother!" Constance: "Hurry everyone!" called Constance, she called out some otters to find and rescue Tommy and Matthias just in time. By the time they woke up, Matthias and Tommy see they were surrounded by their friends and loved ones. Warbeak: "Mouse worm?, Toon Fox worm, you okay?" Matthias: "Yeah... I think so." Tommy: "What did you call me?" Warbeak: "Pink cat worm mentioned you have powers of a toon, so you be Toon Fox worm." Tommy: "Hmm... I don't know about the worm part... but the Toon Fox has a rather nice ring to it..." Mattimeo: "Hey uh... did you managed to get the sword?" Matthias: "No... but I know where it is... Asmodeus the snake has it..." Gidget: "Oh dear..." Tommy: "And Iron Beak?" Warbeak: "Dead... Warbeak found body, and Poison Teeth marks on leg." Cornflower: "He must have got bitten while trying to get the sword." Jokey: "So that snake is poisonous?" Jokeo: "That seems to be the case." Mattimeo: "How are we gonna get it now?" Cornflower: "I'm sure we'll find a way." Matthias: "Yeah, you're always right, we'll find a way." said Matthias with determination in his voice.

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