The Search For Captain Snow

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After getting Martin back at last, Matthias and the others were watching Cornflower and the other girls sewing the picture back into place. Basil: "Well it's nice to see that Martin has returned to where he belongs." Mattimeo: "Yeah, now we just need Martin's sword back." Basil: "Right, and we now know who has it..." Matthias: "Yes... Asmodeus... too bad we don't know where he's keeping it." Basil: "Too bad I don't know that much about him other than what he is or what he eats... but I do know someone who might know more about the snake." Matthias: "Who?" Basil: "An old friend of mine... Captain Snow... the Snow Owl." Jokeo: "Hey, I heard about him... he's known to be a mouse eater." Jokey: "Oh yeah, I heard that about him too." Mattimeo: "Are you sure?" Gidget: "I'm afraid so, he's certainly big enough to eat one..." Tess: "Oh dear..." Tommy: "But how can he help us if he'll try to eat us?" Basil: "Well it's not a 100% guarantee... but this medal should help." said Basil, before he gives Matthias a silver medal with an owl on it. Matthias: "What is this?" Basil: "It's something Captain Snow gave me long ago, as a reward for saving his life once." Matthias: "You saved his life?" Basil: "Yes, show it to him to let him know you're a friend of mine, it should save you... assuming if he doesn't eat you first..." said Basil, which made Matthias gulp in fear, before he went to his room and begins packing. It wasn't long before Cornflower came to him. Cornflower: "Matthias... are you sure you're up to this?" Matthias: "No... but I don't have a choice, I have to get Martin's sword... or Redwall will fall..." Cornflower: "Then promise me to be careful." Matthias: "I'll do what I can." said Matthias, before Cornflower kisses him on the cheek, and left. Meanwhile, at the abandoned church, Cluny was ordering his rats to practice a battering ram, while some other rats were practicing on digging. ScreamClaw: "Very cleaver Cluny, using the battering ram as a diversion while the real attack is digging underground to make a tunnel to the insides of the abbey." Cluny: "Yes, now we must wait for tonight, for that the time to set up the attack." SpaceWarp: "But uh... w-w-what about the fox with devil fruit p-p-powers?" Cluny: "We'll worry about that later, after I claim Redwall as my own..." said Cluny with an evil chuckle as he looks at Redwall from a distance. Soon, Matthias was ready, and leaves the abbey to begin his search for Captain Snow, unaware that he was being followed. When Matthias got further into the woods, he meets a group of Shrews that were lead by a shrew named Log-A-Log (voiced by Bruce Dow), who had Matthias surrounded by his fellow shrews. Log-A-Log: "Who are you?, and what are you doing in our woods?" Matthias: "Uh... Matthias from Redwall abbey, I'm looking for Captain Snow." said Matthias, which made the shrews gasped in fear before trying to hide in the bushes. Log-A-Log: "You must be mad to look for Captain Snow!, he eats mice and shrews on a daily basis!" Matthias: "But I need to find him so I can find Asmodeus." Log-A-Log: "You're kidding... you want to find not only Captain Snow... but Asmodeus as well?!, what do you hope to gain from finding them?" Matthias: "The sword of Martin the Warrior, in hopes to help the people of Redwall on defeating Cluny the Scourge." Log-A-Log: "You mean your home is at war?" Matthias: "I'm afraid so... and in order to find the sword, I must know where the snake is keeping it, and to know where, I need to find Captain Snow." Log-A-Log: "Well... I know where he is, but let me warn you... he won't stop from eating you..." Matthias: "I need to know and quick, the fate of Redwall depends on it." Log-A-Log: "Okay... but don't say I didn't warn ya." said Log-A-Log, before he and his fellow shrews lead Matthias the way to where Captain Snow lives. Meanwhile, back at Redwall abbey, Cluny's plan was beginning, and the people of Redwall were doing their best to fight back. Cottontail, Mopsy and Flopsy were helping those who got hurt, when Jokey came with a swollen tongue. Flopsy: "Jokey?, what happened?" Jokey: "Blah, mah, blah, mah, blah..." Flopsy: "What?" Mopsy: "What did he say?" Cottontail: "No idea..." said Cottontail as she shrugged her shoulders, when Jokeo came to the scene. Jokeo: "He got stung by a hornet on the tongue." Flopsy: "Oh you poor thing..." Mopsy: "There have been a lot of hornet sightings here lately..." said Mopsy, before Peter, Fluff, Mattimeo and Tess came to the scene. Mattimeo: "Hey guys, have any of you seen Tommy?" Tess: "We looked everywhere and there was no sign of him." Fluff: "I hope he's okay." Peter: "Yeah... and what happened to Jokey?" Flopsy: "From what Jokeo told me, a hornet stung him there." Fluff: "Poor thing... that must hurt..." that was when Gidget came to the scene. Gidget: "Hey guys, look up there!" said Gidget, pointing at what looked like a hornets nest on a tree, which had hornets swarming around it. Mattimeo: "Hmm... hey... I got an idea... is there any barrels full of honey?" Jokeo: "Yeah, why?" Mattimeo: "Well let's say... the rats are about to have a sticky and stinging situation." said Mattimeo, before Gidget used her psychic powers to create a pink psychic bubble to trap the hornets nest, while Jokey and Jokeo bring a barrel of honey, which was where Gidget puts the nest into, while Peter puts the lid on. Peter: "Oh this should be interesting. Tess: "Will it work?" Mattimeo: "We won't know until we try." said Mattimeo, before he and the other kids went to battlements and were aiming for the battering ram. Peter: "Okay... ready... aim..." Mattimeo: "Bombs away!" called out Mattimeo, before he and the other kids dropped the barrel, which broke apart once it hit the ground, releasing the angry hornets that starts attacking the evil vermin. Back with Matthias, he with with Log-A-Log and his fellow shrews when they arrived to the abandoned barn, which was the home of Captain Snow himself. Log-A-Log: "This is as far as we will go... good luck." said Log-A-Log, before Matthias went off into the barn and began his search. Matthias: "Hello?, Captain Snow?, I wished to speak with you." said Matthias, before a large white owl, who was in fact Captain Snow (voiced by Richard Denison) himself, came to the scene and was ready to attack Matthias, who shows him the medal. Captain Snow: "Who are you?, and where did you get that?" Matthias: "I am Matthias from Redwall abbey, I'm a friend of Basil Stag Hare, I wished to speak with you." Captain Snow: "What could you want to ask me about?" Matthias: "I'm looking for a certain sword that once belonged to Martin the Warrior, which was taken by Asmodeus." Captain Snow: "Ah yes, he does have it, I saw him steal it from General Iron Beak many years ago, but what do you want with it?" Matthias: "I need the sword to free Redwall from the war against Cluny the Scourge, and I need to find where Asmodeus lives in order to find the sword." Captain Snow: "Even if I tell you, there's no way he'll give it to you." Matthias: "I'll take it by force if I have to... even slaying the snake!" Captain Snow: "Whoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo!, slay Asmodeus?, that's something to laugh about, I'll bet you'll never do it." Matthias: "Really?, how about this, if I managed to slay Asmodeus and get the sword back, you'll have to promise to never hunt another mouse... or shrew as long as you live." Captain Snow: "But what if you fail?" Matthias: "Then you can keep on hunting mice and shrews." Captain Snow: "Alright... it's a deal... by the way... I still find it funny that you're a father for a fox, whoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo." Matthias: "Wait... how do you know that?" Captain Snow: "Ask the fox over." said Captain Snow, before Matthias turns around to see Tommy waving his hand while making a nervous chuckle. Matthias: "Tommy?!, what are you doing here?!" Tommy: "What?, I wanted to help, and Basil didn't say Captain Snow hunts foxes." Matthias: "Maybe... but you shouldn't have come, your mother and the others will be worried." Tommy: "Oh... I didn't think of that... but still... I can't let you do this alone... I just don't want to lose you like how I lost my birth parents..." said Tommy sadly, before Matthias hugged the little fox for comfort. Matthias: "Don't worry, I'll be fine... and I guess it's too late to turn back now... but please try to be careful, understand son?" Tommy: "Yes dad..." said Tommy, before Matthias patted the little fox's head. Matthias: "Anyway... where can we find Asmodeus?" Captain Snow: "His lair is located inside the abandoned stone quarry across the river, though I doubt you'll be able to take the sword still... but it should be interesting." Tommy: "Just you wait and see, my dad will take down that snake and get the sword before you could say hoot!" said Tommy, before he and Matthias went off from the barn and back the shrews. Log-A-Log: "Matthias... you're back... and you have a little fox with you..." Matthias: "Yes, this is Tommy, my adopted son." Tommy: "Hi." Log-A-Log: "A mouse that adopted a fox?, now I've seen just about everything..." Tommy: "You ain't seen nothing yet, wait till you see what I can do with my devil fruit powers." Log-A-Log: "Devil fruit?" Matthias: "It's a long story." said Matthias, as he and Tommy went off with the shrews.

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