The Lair Of Asmodeus

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After getting the info they needed from Captain Snow, Matthias and Tommy, along with the shrews lead by Log-A-Log, were on the way to the lair of Asmodeus the snake. Log-A-Log: "I still can't believe you two are crazy enough to search for the snake just for some sword." Matthias: "That sword means a lot to Redwall, for it once belonged to one of it's founders... Martin the Warrior... he was the reason Moss-Flower has been so peaceful after many years until now... which is why we need it back in order to free it from Cluny the Scourge and his army." Tommy: "Not to mention Slagar the Slaver as well, he's with Cluny at the moment." Log-A-Log: "A slaver you say?, that's not good..." Tommy: 'Yeah... my brother and some of my friends nearly became slaves by that rotten fox..." Log-A-Log: "I'm more concern for the fact that we're heading for the lair of Asmodeus... how do you plan on killing that snake?" Tommy: "Wait... killing?, who said about... killing anyone..." Matthias: "I'm sorry son, but there are times when I warrior needs to kill the enemy to restore peace." Tommy: "But killing... nobody told me that..." Matthias: "Don't worry son, you won't have to kill anyone, for slaying Asmodeus will be my part." Tommy: "Still... killing someone... even if they are bad guys..." Log-A-Log: "What do you expect?, it's either the snake's life, or ours..." said Log-A-Log, while Tommy felt a little uneasy for the thought of killing, and Matthias placed his hand on his shoulder to put him at ease. Meanwhile, back at Redwall abbey, the rats were still trying to break down the gates with the battering ram, while the people inside were unaware of the real attack underground. Foremole was placing his paw on the ground, sensing something wrong with it, which was when Gidget, Mattimeo and the other kids and Cornflower came to the scene. Cornflower: "Foremole?, what's wrong?" Foremole: "Can you feel the ground... I sensing that someone's digging." said Foremole, before Gidget uses Clairvoyance to look into the ground and see the tunnel below. Gidget: "Oh no!, the battering ram's a diversion!, they're trying to dig a tunnel into the abbey!" Fluff: "What?!" Flopsy: "Oh no!" Mopsy: "That's not good!" Cottontail: "Not good at all." Peter: "Oh man..." Tess: "What now?" Mattimeo: "Mother, what's for breakfast?" Cornflower: "Mattimeo, it's the middle of the night, this is no time for breakfast." Mattimeo: "Mother please." Cornflower: "Alright... porridge." Mattimeo: "Hot porridge by any chance?" Jokeo: "Ooh... I think I know where this is going..." Jokey: "Mah, mah?" asked Jokey as his tongue was still swollen from the hornet sting. Mattimeo: "Let's just say... we'll give them a hot welcome." said Mattimeo with a wink. Meanwhile, back in the woods, Log-A-Log gives Tommy and Matthias a ride on a ride on a log to travel the river in order to get to the abandoned quarry. Soon, the group arrived to the quarry, and the sight of it looked like it was used by the snake a lot due to the snake trails Asmodeus has left behind. Matthias: "I see the quarry..." Log-A-Log: "It would take a long time to find Asmodeus in the tunnels in there." Tommy: "To be honest... I don't really want to meet him... at least not without some armor to protect myself..." said Tommy, before he sits on a rock that fell into a large hole with him, much to the pair's shock. Matthias: "Tommy!" shouted Matthias, before he jumps into the hole and Log-A-Log was forced to follow him. Soon the pair went found themselves in some cave, created by Asmodeus. Log-A-Log: "Oh... what a fall..." Matthias: "Tommy?, where are you?, Log-A-Log, where is he?" Log-A-Log: "I don't know..." said the shrew leader, as he and Matthias begin searching for Tommy, but so far no luck. However, they did managed to find Asmodeus (voiced by David Hemblen), sleeping at the moment, with the sword on top of a rock. Matthias: "The sword... there it is..." said Matthias quietly, before he slowly and quietly tiptoed around the snake and got the sword. Log-A-Log: "You did it!" shouted Log-a-Log, who covered his mouth when he realized he shouted. But it was too late, the shout has woken up the snake, who was now starring down at the shrew. Luckily for the shrew leader though, Matthias uses the sword to stab the snake, which was painful to the reptile and went after the mouse instead. Meanwhile, back at Redwall, the rats in the underground tunnel dug a hole on the surface, only to see that not only the beasts of Redwall were ready for them, but they dumped a pot full of hot porridge on them, forcing them to retreat back to the other end of the tunnel. Cluny: "What are you all doing?!, get back in and invade Redwall!" Slagar: "Look down." said Slagar, as he sees the hot porridge in the now ruined tunnel. Cluny: "Porridge... they defeated me with... PORRIDGE?!" ScreamClaw: "Hot porridge by the looks of it." ThunderSmacker: "How humiliating..." SpaceWarp: "Well... at least we won't g-g-go hungry..." Cluny: "Heads will roll for this!" shouted Cluny in anger, arranged by this recent humiliation. Meanwhile, back in the tunnels, Asmodeus had both Matthias and Log-A-Log cornered to a dead end. Asmodeus: "S-s-surrender my s-s-sword mouse." Matthias: "Try and take it poison teeth!" Asmodeus: "Look into my eyes-s-s, mouse... gaze into my eyes-s-s..." Log-A-Log: "Matthias!, whatever you do, don't look into his eyes!, they have hypnotic powers!" shouted Log-A-Log, but it was too late, Matthias looked like the snake's eyes and was now in a hypnotic trance. Before the snake could attack however, Tommy came to the scene and bites Asmodeus by the tail. Tommy: "Leave my dad alone!" shouted Tommy, before Matthias finally came back to his senses. Matthias: "Oh... my head... Tommy?" Log-A-Log: "Matthias!, now's your chance!, hurry and slay the snake!" called out Log-A-Log, before Matthias jumps up into the air, ready to attack the snake with the sword. Tommy looked away as the sound of the sword slashing was heard, and the snake was slayed. When Tommy opened up his eyes, he sees that the snake was dead, while Matthias and Log-A-Log came over to him. Matthias: "Tommy, are you alright?" Tommy: "Yeah... I'm okay... just got a little lost down here... I see you got the sword... is that it?" Matthias: "Yeah, it sure is... now we just need to get back to Redwall." Tommy: "But we need to show it to Captain Snow." Matthias: "Yes, there's that." Log-A-Log: "And we need to find a way out of here too." Matthias: "Yes, there's that too, I just hope we'll be able to get back before it's too late..." said Matthias, as he looks at Martin's sword.

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