Slagar The Slaver And The Feast

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Somewhere at the abandoned church, known as St Ninian's church, there were a group of ferrets and weasels that were slavers, lead by a masked fox named Slagar the Slaver (voiced by Tim Curry), who was planning to collect more slaves from a certain abbey. It wasn't long before someone wearing a hood over his head came to the scene, who was really Vitch, as he was working for Slagar as his spy. Slagar: "Took you long enough Vitch, when is the feast to begin?" Vitch: "Tonight of course, but I won't be there as I'm forced to do chore duty with Mattimeo." Slagar: "Who?" Vitch: "The son of the mouse who uh... caused your mother's death." Slagar: "Ah... I see... he's the one we'll take tonight..." said Slagar, before the sound of someone crying was heard, which came from one of the slaves that Slagar already captured. The slaves were all rabbits named Peter (voiced by Cam Clarke), Flopsy, Mopsy, Cottontail and Fluff (voiced by Debbie Dewberry), and they had chains on their wrists. Mopsy: "I'm scared... I wanna go home..." Flopsy: "We all do... but we can't... not since Slagar burnt it down... and mother with it..." Cottontail: "How could someone be so cruel?" Fluff: "I don't know... but I'm really thirsty..." Peter: "Please, we need water..." Vitch: "Water eh?, how about a taste of some claws?" said Vitch, as he was getting ready to attack with them with his claws, but Slagar stopped him. Slagar: "Vitch!, I told you before, I need slaves to sell, not dead meat, give them water." Vitch: "But Chief." Slagar: "Now!" Vitch: "Okay... I'll give them water... no need to yell... say... how are you gonna get into the abbey?" Slagar: "Simple... we need to make them think we're performers, like the ferrets while be jugglers while the weasels shall be clowns." Vitch: "What would you be doing?" Slagar: "I will be a magician of course... now then... get ready everyone, tonight, Redwall will discover the true meaning... of pain!" said Slagar, before the scene changes to show a feast going on with a big bonfire, and everyone was enjoying it. Matthias: "Boney, have you seen Tommy?" Boney 10: "No, last I saw him was in the food storage room, my guess is that he's still working there, along with some of the other kids." Matthias: "When I said he should work there, I didn't mean during the feast." Boney 10: "I'll go get him." Matthias: "That's okay, I'll go get him myself." Boney 10: "No it's alright, you go have fun with your wife and the others, I don't mind looking for them." said Boney 10, before he left the scene. It was that moment when Slagar and his men came by the gate, and begins knocking it and started to play some music in hopes to get the attention of the people inside the abbey. It wasn't long before Matthias and Constance opened up the doors to see the disguised slavers, along with Slagar, who told them that they came to entertain them, which they believed of course and let them in. while everyone was enjoying the disguised slavers clowning around, Slagar puts a sleeping potion into everyone's drinks, making whoever drinks them fall asleep, and once they did, Slagar and his men capture Mattimeo, Tess and Sam. It wasn't long before it started to rain, and Boney 10 and the kids with Devil fruit powers came, and they were shocked to what they saw. Tommy: "Oh my gosh!, dad!, mom!, are you alright?!, what happened?!" called out Tommy, who tries to wake up Matthias and Cornflower. Boney 10 went to look at a mug and sniffed it. Boney 10: "It seems that someone drugged them with a sleeping potion... and the same thing happened to the others." Gidget: "So they're not dead?, oh thank goodness..." Jokeo: "Hey, where's Sam and Tess?" Jokey: "And Mattimeo for that matter?" it wasn't long before Matthias, Cornflower and the others finally woke up, though still felt a little drowsy. Matthias: "Oh... my head..." Tommy: "Dad, what happened?" Matthias: "Oh... Tommy, I see you came..." Boney 10: "Matthias, can you tell us what happened?" Gidget: "Yeah, what happened here while were at the storage?" it wasn't long before Matthias told them about some performers came, lead by a fox with mask, and then Tommy took out a pencil and drew a picture of the fox. Tommy: "Did he look like this?" Matthias: "Uh... yeah... that's him... how did you managed to do that?" Tommy: "No idea..." said Tommy, before Boney 10 looks at the picture and gasped. Boney 10: "Oh no..." Cornflower: "What is it?" Boney 10: "That fox... I have heard stories about him... that was Slagar... a cruel slaver..." Matthias: "A slaver?!" Boney 10: "Yes... I do believe that he drugged ya so he can collect slaves from here... where are the other kids?" Cornflower: "We don't know... there's no sign of them..." Boney 10: "... Then I fear that Slagar has taken them." said Boney 10, which made everyone gasped in shock and sadness. Tommy: "How could he do that?!, nobody should be a slave!" Boney 10: "Some beasts believe that having slaves can make money and have no regard for the well being of others..." Cornflower: "Oh... our poor baby..." Matthias: "Don't worry Cornflower, we'll get him and the others back." said Matthias with determination in his voice.

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