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After the great battle has finally came to an end, there was no living member of Cluny's army left, noun that is except for Vitch, who survived and was now trying to make a run for it, only for Matthias pointing his sword at the little rat, stopping him in his tracks. It wasn't long before everyone of Redwall abbey came and had the rat surrounded, glaring at him. Vitch: "Uh... it was Cluny and Slagar!, they made me do it!, honest!" Mattimeo: "You can't fool us this time Vitch, we know the truth now!" Tess: "I always knew you were a rat from the start!" Jokey and Jokeo: "A dirty little rat!" Cornflower: "I can't believe you Vitch, we treated you as a guest and yet you attempted to harm us from the start." said Cornflower, before Matthias pointed his sword closer to the rat, who was now more scared than ever. Matthias: "I should slay you here and now... but I'm not a murderer like Cluny or Slagar... so your life will be spared... however, that doesn't mean you'll go unpunished... we hereby banish you from Redwall and Moss-Flower, never to return as long as you live... understand?" Vitch: "Y-yes..." Matthias: "Then go." said Matthias, before Vitch makes a run to the gates and left the abbey, never to return. Mattimeo: "Hmm... he was a really bad guest anyway..." Matthias: "Yes... maybe it's a rat's nature to be... well rats..." Cornflower: "Mattimeo... I owe you an apology... you tried to warn me and everyone about Vitch being a spy and yet we didn't believe you and punished you... can you ever forgive us... especially me?" Mattimeo: "Of course mother... I'm sorry too... I shouldn't have yelled... I was just..." said Mattimeo, before Cornflower went to hug him. Cornflower: "I know... I'm just so happy to know you're safe... along with everyone else from Cluny at last." Constance: "That reminds me... Cluny?" Matthias: "Dead... along with Slagar." Constance: "Well done warrior." Tommy: "And don't worry about MegaTrog either, for I ordered him to banish himself to where he came from and never come back." Peter: "How did you do it?" Tommy: "This stone of course." said Tommy, as he showed everyone the Seal of the Ancients. Flopsy: "Wow... that's a cool looking rock." Mopsy: "I'll say..." Cottontail: "Ditto." Fluff: "Where did you get it?" Tommy: "From the lair of Asmodeus, who has been slayed by dad of course." Matthias: "Yes, with the help of Tommy of course." Gidget: "Wow Tommy, you must have been really brave." Tommy: "Yeah... I guess I was..." Gidget: "I think you deserve a little reward." Tommy: "What's that?" Gidget: "This." said Gidget, before she kissed him on the cheek, which made him blush a little, before Flopsy gives a kiss on Jokey's cheek, and Tess did the same on Mattimeo. Jokey: "Uh..." Mattimeo: "What was that for?" Tess: "For your bravery of course." Flopsy: "That's right." said Flopsy and Tess, which made both Jokey and Mattimeo blush a little bit. That was when Basil came to the scene. Basil: "Hurry everyone... it's Boney 10... he's badly hurt..." said Basil, before everyone ran over to where Boney 10 was, laying on the ground, feeling weak. Tommy: "Oh my gosh!, Boney 10!, are you okay?!, say something!" Boney 10: "Oh... Tommy... you're alive... or are you dead?" Tommy: "No Boney 10, I didn't die, I defeated MegaTrog." Matthias: "He's telling the truth, we're all still alive." Boney 10: "I see... and I also see that you brought the sword of Martin the Warrior..." Matthias: "Yes I did... Cluny the Scourge is dead... along with Slagar the Slaver, I've done my task." Boney 10: "We have all... done our tasks... Matthias... can you see the late rose?" Matthias: "Yes I do... it's in full bloom now." Mattimeo: "Uh huh..." Boney 10: "The sparrows and Shrews are welcome to live here among us if they choose... but you Matthias must not become a brother a Redwall, for it needs you for a greater purpose... I name you Matthias... warrior mouse, defender of Redwall... along with Tommy... the Toon Fox warrior... and Mattimeo, the son of the new warrior... this is the most beautiful day of my life... Redwall is in peace again... thank you... Matthias... and Tommy... everyone... thank you..." said Boney 10, before he closed his eyes and laid down, while everyone began to cry. Tommy: "No... Boney 10... no, no, no!, don't die Boney 10!, please!" Boney 10: "I'm not dying you idiot!, ah... I mean Toon Fox warrior... I'm simply... at peace... finally..." Tommy: "Oh..." Constance: "He is immortal after all..." Basil: "Well that's a relief." Tommy: "So... we should... stop talking?" Boney 10: "... If you can..." said Boney 10, before everyone went to lay down on the grass, relaxing themselves under the beautiful sun, and everyone tried their best to stay quiet, until Jokey broke the silence. Jokey: "Wanna get something to eat?" Boney 10: "[sigh]... yeah." Tommy: "Then let's have a victory feast!" said Tommy, which made everyone laugh as they get up and began to prepare a big victory feast, as something to celebrate their victory over Cluny and saving Redwall and all of Moss-Flower on the last day of the summer.


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