Return Of The Tapestry

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At the battlements of Redwall, Constance, Jess and Basil were watching the woods, waiting for Cluny's next attack. It wasn't long Cornflower, Tess and Gidget came to the scene, with a tray that had some cups of drinks. Cornflower: "Still nothing, huh?" Constance: "Nothing..." Jess: "Not so much as a flea..." Tess: "You think they left?" Gidget: "I doubt it..." Basil: "I'm afraid the kitten's right, the woods are far too quiet... my best guess is that he's trying to cut us off from any food deliveries and making us wait in order to make us edgy." Jess: "You're sure that's what he's up to?" Basil: "Well it's just a guess, but it's a tactic that's very effective." Tess: "I suppose... not only that... I heard a rumor that the enemy has a spy that's giving them info." Cornflower: "Where did you hear that?" Tess: "From Vitch." Gidget: "And you believed that rat?" Cornflower: "Gidget, don't be rude." Gidget: "But he is a rat, I know one when I see one." Basil: "A spy eh... that might explain how Slagar knew where to find the remaining wood landers and such." Constance: "Hmm... maybe the spy could be with us right now, like a certain hare." said Constance, which made Basil spite out his drink in shock. Basil: "Are you questioning my loyalty?!" Cornflower: "Guys, don't argue, whoever the spy is, I doubt it's Basil." Tess: "Yeah, Basil is much too nice to be one." Gidget: "You know... I'll bet the spy would be Vitch." Cornflower: "Gidget!, I know you and the other kids don't like Vitch, but that's no reason to believe he's a spy." Gidget: "I know... but there's something about him that I just don't like, and not just because he insulted Tommy and the others." Tess: "Yeah... he's mean..." Cornflower: "Not you too, Tess..." meanwhile, at the abandoned church, Vitch came over to Slagar and Cluny, who were waiting for the young rat. Slagar: "What took ya so long?" Vitch: "Just needed to find the right time to sneak away... now here's the news, the plan is working, making everyone in the abbey to wait is making them edgy, some of them are even fighting with one another." Cluny: "Good, it's only a matter of time before they either starve to death or by fighting one another." Slagar: "Let's hope that not all of them get killed, after all, they wouldn't make good slaves if they're all dead." Vitch: "Now I better get back before they noticed that I'm gone." Slagar: "Yes, get back to spying." said the slaver fox, before Vitch runs off back to Redwall. Meanwhile, in the room where the Tapestry of Martin the Warrior used to be, Tommy and Mattimeo were walking back and forth, thinking of a plan on how to get the tapestry back. It wasn't long before Basil and Jess came to the scene, along with Matthias. Basil: "What are you two doing here?" Tommy: "Thinking." Matthias: "You know... you and Mattimeo were supposed to do the chores with Vitch." Tommy: "Well it's not like we want to disobey you, but we need to think of a way to get Martin back." Mattimeo: "Besides, Vitch wasn't in the storage room." Jess: "Really?" Tommy: "Yeah, for a guest, he's not being a good one." Matthias: "I know he's not easy to get along with, but he's still our guest and you and Mattimeo still need to learn on how to solve problems without violence." Mattimeo: "Try telling that to Cluny." Matthias: "Well he's evil, so talking to him about peace won't work on him." Basil: "But they are right about one thing, as long as Cluny has Martin, our spirits will be weakened..." Jess: "Then we need to get it back as soon as possible." Matthias: "But how do we do that?" Tommy: "Hmm... I got an idea..." said Tommy with a cheeky smile. Back with the rats, they were getting edgy themselves as they wanted to attack the abbey but they were forced to wait under Cluny's orders. It wasn't long before Cluny came to the flag pole that was flying Martin the Warrior, and then the Demon trio showed up. ScreamClaw: "Hey Cluny, where are you doing out of the tent?, I thought you were taking a nap?" Cluny: "I wanted to take the mouse picture with me for safe keeping." ThunderSmacker: "You don't have to do that, we can watch over it." Cluny: "Are you questioning me?" SpaceWarp: "N-n-no of course not." Cluny: "Then let me take the tapestry, you idiotic lizards." said Cluny, before ScreamClaw get's an angry tic mark on his forehead and grabbed Cluny by the neck. ScreamClaw: "Cluny... dear Cluny... you of all rodents should know better than to call us a lizard... for that's like a death sentence... for we are not... LIZARDS!" shouted ScreamClaw, before throwing Cluny into a wall. Suddenly, another Cluny came out of the nearby tent, and the sight of him surprised the trio. ThunderSmacker: "What the?!" SpaceWarp: "T-t-two Cluny(s)?!" ScreamClaw: "How?!" Cluny: "What are you talking about?, and what's all the... eh?!" gasped Cluny, before seeing the other Cluny before him. ScreamClaw: "I don't recall Cluny having a twin..." ThunderSmacker: "He doesn't... which means..." SpaceWarp: "One of t-t-them is a fake!" said the trio, before Cluny grabs the fake Cluny by the head and pulls the head off, which revealed to be a mask and the fake Cluny turned out to be Tommy in disguise. Tommy: "Uh oh..." Cluny: "I must admit, your disguise of me is impressive, but your acting skills need work." Tommy: "Yeah... well it was nice acting here but I best be going now..." ThunderSmacker: "You're not going anywhere boy." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... what he said." ScreamClaw: "I can't believe you were stupid enough to try outsmarting us like that." Tommy: "Who said I was outsmarting you... I'm just the distraction." Cluny: "For what?" Basil: "For us, ya ugly brute!" said Basil, as he came to the scene and kicked Cluny in the face, before doing the same on the trio. It wasn't long before Jess and Matthias came to the scene and managed to get a hold on Martin and took it off the flag pole. Matthias: "Good thinking Tommy, though I could have gone with it without you getting in danger." Tommy: "Well it worked, didn't it?" Jess: "Now let's get out of here before the rest of Cluny's gang show up." Basil: "I think it's a little late for that..." said Basil, before pointing at the rats that were ready to attack. Suddenly, Gidget came to the scene, and then she made her eyes turned into hypnotic swirls while looking at the rats, who began to have their eyes turned into swirls and then fell to sleep. Tommy: "Whoa... what just happened?" Gidget: "Hi Tommy, don't mind us, we just came to help in case you needed it." Matthias: "Thanks Gidget but... wait... us?" asked Matthias, before Jokey and Jokeo, who were in their mammoth and giraffe forms, came over to the scene and knocked over some remaining rats. Jokey: "Hey little buddy, did we missed anything?" Jokeo: "Hey you got Martin back!" Tommy: "Yeah, we sure did, now let's get out of here before something else happens." said Tommy, before he and the others make a run for it. By the time Cluny and the Demon trio woke up, they see that not only were the other vermin were asleep, the Tapestry of Martin the Warrior was gone. Cluny: "The mouse warrior!, that pesky fox will pay for this!" ScreamClaw: "Along with that rabbit!" SpaceWarp: "Actually... I think t-t-that was a Hare..." ThunderSmacker: "Rabbit, Hare, what's the difference?!" that was when Slagar came to the scene. Slagar: "Ah... I'm guessing you had a run in with the fox with the powers of a devil fruit." Cluny: "Hmm... so that was the fox you talked about?" Slagar: "Yes, and I do believe he'll be a big problem for us... unless we have sea water... for devil fruit users are weak to it." Cluny: "Really?, hmm... does fresh water work too?" Slagar: "I believe so... if you have enough of it." Cluny: "Then let's collect as much water as we can, and in the mean time, it's time we set up the plan for the next attack." said Cluny with an evil chuckle. Meanwhile, back in Redwall, Cornflower and the other girls were busy sewing Martin back to place. Tommy: "Hey Gidget, what was that trick you used on the rats earlier?" Gidget: "Hypnosis, a trick I learned yesterday, and it works better on people with simple minds like the hyenas." Jokeo: "You mean ya used it on us?" Jokey: "I don't remember that happening, do ya?" Jokeo:"No... though my mind felt blurry at the moment we saw her eyes..." Matthias: "Well whatever it was, it managed to help us get Martin back." Cornflower: "Yes, and hopefully this time for good." said Cornflower, before Tommy noticed that the picture of Martin winked at the group, much to his surprise, before rubbing his eyes a little.

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