The Return Of The Dragon Devil

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After slaying Asmodeus the snake, Matthias, Tommy and Log-A-Log were now looking for a way out the snake's lair. Tommy: "Which way is the exit?" Log-A-Log: "No idea... Asmodeus must have created a whole lot of tunnels down here to make his prey lost..." Matthias: "Hmm... maybe we can make a choice with the sword." Tommy: "How?" Matthias: "If I spin it on the ground and wait for it to stop, we take the direction it's pointing." said Matthias, before he places the sword on the ground, and spins it around and wait for it to stop, and when it did, they went to the tunnel on the right. Meanwhile, back in Redwall abbey in the morning, Cornflower, Gidget, Jokey, Jokeo and Sam Squirrel were still searching for Tommy, but so far no luck. Jokey: "Little buddy, are you here?" Jokeo: "Tommy?" Gidget: "Please Tommy... stop hiding." Cornflower: "Where could he be?" Sam: "Hey guys, I found a door." said Sam, before he opens it, and see what looked like a knight inside, much to the group's surprise. Gidget takes a closer look and see that was just a suit of armor. Gidget: "It's a suit of armor..." Cornflower: "Not just any armor... this is Martin the warrior's armor... it must have been hung up here after he retired from his warrior days..." Sam: "Wow... it's quite a sight..." Jokeo: "Yeah, it looks really tough..." Jokey: "I wonder if one of us could fit in it...?" Cornflower: "Sorry kids, but I don't think it would, it's for a mouse like Martin." Gidget: "Like you?" Cornflower: "What?, me?, oh no, I'm not fit to wear it." Jokeo: "Why not?, you said it's for a mouse like Martin, and you're a mouse yourself." Cornflower: "Maybe... but I'm no warrior like Martin." Sam: "Nor was Matthias, yet he's showing what it takes to be one." Jokey: "Hey... where is he?" Jokeo: "Don't you remember?, he went off to find Martin's sword." Gidget: "You know... Tommy said he wanted to help him on finding it..." Sam: "You don't think..." Cornflower: "He wouldn't... would he?" Gidget: "I think he would... and he did... he went off to follow Mr Matthias to find the sword!" Cornflower: "But that would mean... he's gonna face the snake!" Sam: "Oh no..." meanwhile, back in the snake's lair, Matthias, Tommy and Log-A-Log were still looking for the exit, before Tommy found something on the ground that looked like a flat stone that was perfectly round and had a symbol that looked like a demon dragon on it. Tommy: "Hmm... this is one cool rock... may I keep it?" Matthias: "Well... I don't know... if we find a way out of here, sure." Log-A-Log: "Hmm... never seen a rock like it before..." Tommy: "Yeah, maybe I can have it as a souvenir." Log-A-Log: "I'm more interested on seeing the exit out of here." Matthias: "Don't worry, we'll find one." said Matthias, before and the other two found a dead end. But Tommy noticed something in the rocks. Tommy: "Hey... there's some tree toots here..." Matthias: "That could mean the outside is on the other side of these rocks." Log-A-Log: "But how are we gonna through?" Matthias: "Leave that to me." said Matthias, before he used the swords to stab the rocks a couple of times before the rocks gave out and fell apart, revealing the quarry outside. Tommy: "Alright!, we're free!" Log-A-Log: "Now we just need to get back to this Redwall place." Matthias: "That's second, first we need to find Captain Snow and show him the sword." Log-A-Log: "Oh... I was afraid you were gonna say that..." Tommy: "Look on the bright side, once we show him the sword, he won't hunt another mouse or shrew again." Log-A-Log: "Yeah... fair enough..." said Log-A-Log, before he and the others went off to find the other shrews and then to the abandoned barn. Meanwhile, back at Redwall, Cornflower and the her group showed everyone the suit of armor they found. Basil: "My goodness, so that's Martin the Warrior's armor, eh?" Constance: "I never thought I would see it myself..." Cornflower: "What I wished to really find now is Tommy." Mattimeo: "Don't worry, I'm sure we'll find him." Cornflower: "Well... the thing is... I might have gotten an idea where he is... I think he went off to help Matthias find the sword." Tess: "But that would mean... he's going to face... Asmodeus!" Fluff: "Oh no!" Flopsy: "Are you sure?" Mopsy: "He wouldn't!" Cottontail: "Would he?" Peter: "I think he would..." Mattimeo: "Yeah... Tommy would do anything to help father..." Jokey: "Daddy's boy huh?" said Jokey, before Gidget stomps her foot on Jokey's foot, which was painful for the hyena. Jokeo: "Next time, think before you speak." Jokey: "But thinking's hard." Gidget: "Can't be as hard as the war we're going through." Tess: "No kidding... we're almost completely out of food, I don't know how much longer we can last." Constance: "And Cluny will never stop until he's dead... or we are..." Peter: "I hope Mr Matthias has gotten the sword and on his way back now..." Fluff: "Don't worry Peter, I'm sure he and Tommy are on their way back right now." Jokeo: "Let's hope so, cause if they don't, we're gonna be history along with Redwall..." Jokey: "We could put on this armor to fight back... like this mask I found in the same room we found the armor [looks at the pocket on his shirt and found a hole and no mask] um... or not..." Jokeo: "I told you to get that pocket fixed." Jokey: "Dang it..." that was when Boney 10 came to the scene, and overheard what the hyenas said and gasped. Boney 10: "Jokey, the truth, did it looked anything like this?!" asked Boney 10, showing the hyena a drawing of the mask. Jokey: "Uh... yeah it looked something like that." Boney 10: "Oh this is bad... we need to find that mask fast!, in the wrong hands, it can doom us all!" Mattimeo: "What are you talking about?" Boney 10: "That mask Jokey found is the Mask of MegaTrog... if it falls into the wrong hands... it could bring back an enemy that give Cluny victory over us in an instant!" Jokey: "Uh oh..." Constance: "If Boney 10 says so... then it must be true." Basil: "Then we better find it before some bad guy does." Cornflower: "But there aren't any bad people in here." Mattimeo: "Except for Vitch." Cornflower: "Mattimeo!, I know you don't like him, but that's no reason to say he's an enemy!" Mattimeo: "But there's something about him that's wrong... I just know it." Gidget: "Say... where is Vitch?" asked Gidget, who noticed that Vitch was nowhere to be found. Outside of Redwall abbey, Vitch came over to the rat camp, where Cluny, Slagar and the Demon trio were waiting for him. Cluny: "What kept ya, spy?" Vitch: "It wasn't easy to find the right time to sneak away one eye." Slagar: "Mind your manners spy, now tell us what you learned?" Vitch: "Well... they're almost completely out of food, and they just found a suit of armor that once belonged to Martin the warrior... and I just found out that the little fox and the mouse known as Matthias went off on a quest to find the sword of Martin the warrior as well." Cluny: "What?" Vitch: "And listen to this, the sword is currently in the coils of Asmodeus the snake." ThunderSmacker: "Ha!, they're crazy, that's the last we'll hear of them." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... what you said." Cluny: "Who?" ScreamClaw: "Um... Asmodeus is the big snake that slithers here." Cluny: "I know who he is you dummy!." Slagar: "As do I... as he was the one who made me look like this." said Slagar, pointing at the disfigurement of his face under his mask. Vitch: "And there's more... I managed to get a hold on this." said Vitch, before he shows them a certain mask that made the Demon Trio gasp in shock. ScreamClaw: "It can't be... the Mask of MegaTrog?!" SpaceWarp: "No w-w-way..." ThunderSmacker: "Where did you get that?!" Vitch: "I found it on the room where those other kids found the armor... and I heard it should give us victory." ScreamClaw: "Indeed it will... well done spy..." said ScreamClaw with an evil smile. Unaware to the bad guys, Mattimeo, who went outside to search for Vitch, heard everything and wanted to beat up the rat, but knows better to go back to Redwall and warn them of the upcoming danger. However, when Mattimeo tried to warn them, they didn't believed him and Cornflower forced him to go to bed without food as punishment for accusing Vitch, much to Mattimeo's dismay. Meanwhile, back with Matthias, he along with Tommy, Log-A-Log and his shrews arrived back to the abandoned barn, where they see Captain Snow again, who was about to attack the group. Matthias: "Wait Captain Snow!, I'm back and I got the sword!" Captain Snow: "What?!, you actually did it?!" Matthias: "That's right, now we're waiting Captain Snow." Tommy: "Yeah, remember your promise." Captain Snow: "Oh... alright... I promise to never again hunt another mouse or shrew as long as I live..." said Captain Snow, before the other shrews began to cheer for their freedom from not only Asmodeus but Captain Snow as well. Tommy: "Alright!, we did it." Matthias: "It's not over yet, for we still need to get back to Redwall abbey." meanwhile, as soon as the sun went down, the Demon Trio stood in front of the gates of Redwall, before ScreamClaw puts on the mask, and that was when the trio turned into energy and fused together into the mask, and then the energy turned into a large Demon Dragon that was MegaTrog (voiced by Tim Curry), The Dragon Devil himself. MegaTrog: "At long last... I have returned... and now I shall finish what I started many years ago..." said MegaTrog, before he aims his pitch fork at the abbey's gates, then fires a beam that breaks the spell that Boney 10 cast, and knocked down the gates, allowing him, Cluny, Slagar and their army to get in and take over the abbey at last.

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