Chapter 4: Breaking Peter Parker

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"Demonic Speaking"

*Sound Effects*

(Author Notes)


"You left and I cried tears of blood. My sorrow grows. It's not just that You left. But when You left my eyes went with You. Now, how will I cry?" - Rumi


Peter Parker looked at his handcuffed hands against the table, of course, they were Vibranium and Adamantium cuffs. He would have tried to break free of them and perhaps eventually he would have broken free but he had decided against it. Peter looked towards the window where he knew his old friends and those he thought he could count on were behind it.

Peter sighed and closed his eyes. Fearing everything that could happen. And that will happen.


Steve Rogers opened the door to the interrogation room and looked towards the wounded Peter Parker. It had only been a couple of hours since he was brought here. Peter didn't even look up to see Steve, then again all he had been doing was looking at the cuffs that kept him imprisoned and one glance at the window like he knew that Steve and the rest of the Avengers were there.

Steve sighed and stepped towards the interrogation table in the middle of the room. He had volunteered to do this. The rest of them had decided not to.


Steve stared through the glass as Peter spared a glance in their direction. Steve sighed listening to his fellow Avengers discussing everything behind him.

"The trial is tomorrow... we should be helping Peter" She-Hulk, Jennifer Walters, says calmly, "He deserves that much"

"No, he doesn't Jennifer" Iron-Man said immediately, "While Peter was unconscious in his hospital bed, I ran every possible test I could. He did all of it, every action he chose to do, he willingly did it"

"Guys... this is Spider-Man we're talking about" Jessica added softly, "The hero who always helped out the little man, who tried his best to help us, who sacrificed a lot, and now... we're just going to leave him to the sharks? He doesn't deserve that, he-"

"Jessica, he does deserve it!" Hawkeye added immediately, "Ever since he became this 'Superior Spider-Man' he's been nothing but trouble!"

"Like you haven't done the same in the past" Wolverine added snarky, causing a glare from Hawkeye, "Bub wouldn't change overnight, he's the best of us, even the Mutants looked up to him"

"It won't matter tomorrow, the evidence is stacked against him, most of the activities of his time as the 'Superior Spider-Man' have been documented and will be used tomorrow," Black Widow said,

"A witness testimony could help his case" She-Hulk added, "But even then, it wouldn't do much, and... isn't one of the Telepathic mutants going to arrive and see what they can find"

Wolverine was about to say something only to be interrupted by Tony Stark.

"I don't see the point. I've already said I used everything I had to scan his mind, memories, and whatever else I could do, even compared his brain patterns to when he wore the Iron Spider suit, this is Peter Parker. Peter Parker attacked New York" Iron Man said front and center.

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