Chapter 6: No One Will Save You (Part 1)

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"Demonic Speaking"

*Sound Effects*

(Author Notes)


"Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people." - Carl Jung


Peter opened his eyes quickly and looked around the room he was in, before getting off the surgical bed.

"Where... where am I?" Peter wondered looking around.

The room was dark, except for the small light that came from outside due to the sunset just outside. Peter walked around the room and noticed several vials around the room, placed upon shelves, and all of them were filled with... blood. All of them.

"Well... that's not a lovely sight," Peter said looking away in disgust, and then continued looking around the room until he came across a note that read.

'Seek Paleblood to transcend the Hunt'

"Paleblood?" Peter questioned looking at the note while raising an eyebrow.

Peter shook his head and moved around the room, towards an exit door, and pushed it open. Peter looked around and noticed a staircase leading straight down. Peter followed it down, and into a main room, until he heard strange noises. Peter quickly ducked to the side peered into the room, and saw...

 Peter quickly ducked to the side peered into the room, and saw

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A not so friendly site.

A man-sized black wolf was feasting on several corpses within the room, tearing apart the corpses it was feasting on. Peter gagged at the sight until he noticed one thing... the only way out was past the beast. Peter internally groaned.

"Okay... I can either run past the beast or just... give it a small punch" Peter said to himself as he remebered his super strength, .s he gazed at his arm only to notice that his other arm and his other eye were back, "I... I can see... I have my arm back! Yes!"

The beast stopped feasting and looked over his shoulder as Peter quickly ducked back to the side of the room where a shelf was blocking the view between the beast and Peter. The beast continued to look around not noticing Peter, before snorting and turning back to its meal.

"Okay... Let's do this" Peter said softly, and began to sneak around the shelf and then around the edge of the room, slowly around the beast. Peter continued to move quietly until the beast stopped and sniffed the air, before turning its head towards Peter, "Shit"

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