Chapter 10: The Source

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"Demonic Speaking"

*Sound Effects*

(Author Notes)


"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." - Eleanor Roosevelt.


Peter coughed out all the blood, all the poison caused by the Blood Starved Beast as The Doll patted his back softly helping him do so, while Gehrman sat in his wheelchair, watching the scene, and sighed.

"The poison should have worn out by now..." Gehrman wondered tapping his cane and watching the new Hunter.

"You... you try... having this... fucking poison..." Peter said as he coughed up more blood, "Running... through you..."

Gehrman rolled his eyes and looked at the Doll.

"Slap him hard on his back will you?" Gehrman asked the Doll.

"Gehrman... Peter is slowly recovering, perhaps we should give him-" The Doll said.

"Hit him" Gehrman ordered.

The Doll sighed.

"I'm sorry Peter" The Doll said and slammed her hand down on Peter's back making him vomit more blood. Peter coughed out a little bit more before raising his body and glaring at Gehrman.

"Now, how do you feel?" Gehrman asked,

"Like I want to kick your ass" Peter responded standing up,

Gehrman smiled, "Good, I assume you got the key from the Blood Starved Beast?"

Peter nodded and showed the key, as Gehrman smiled.

"Excellent, now, you must ascend Oedon Chapel, and enter the Healing Church's Workshop, expect some... opposition to your ascension, once there you will find some equipment, you may want to have" Gehrman advised Peter,

"Should I assume either Hunters or the Yharnamites?" Peter asked,

"Both most likely... and there may be a way for you to access a deeper part of the Cathedral Ward, and maybe... an answer to why you're here," Gehrman said.

Peter nodded and walked away from Gehrman as he approached the tombstone, only for the Doll to stop him.

"Peter... please... be safe," The Doll said, "I know... what the Ashen Blood can do, especially the hallucinations, I don't know what you saw, but please, be safe"

Peter smiled.

"I will" Peter reassured.

The Doll smiled and bowed before Peter, and then allowed Peter to touch the tombstone as he found himself back in the Oedon Chapel. He looked around the room and saw the Dweller sleeping, and the sounds of chatter coming from behind likely where Estelle and Charlotte were at. He heard the sound of a door opening and saw the door to the right that was previously closed, opening up. Peter smiled and walked forward, going through the new passageway, and saw a single circular platform with a pressure plate on it. Peter walked forward and stepped onto the pressure plate as he began going up. 

The elevator stopped and Peter exited out of it as he saw a room filled with weapons, all of them attached to ropes as they hung from the ceiling. Saw Cleavers, Saw Spears, Hunter Axes, Threaded Canes, swords that transformed into Hammers, an extendable scythe, and more. Peter let out a low whistle saw the way forward, and walked out as he saw a tower in front of him with two snipers aiming their rifles at him and began firing at him.

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