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Hi guys! I'm sorry for my long absence. Truth be told, I lost my passion for this book. But today I saw a blue butterfly and I don't know, it inspired me to write today's chapter. Sorry again for the long break! I'll try and update soon!


Harumi entered the hotel, yawning as she saw Kisame and Itachi eating breakfast in a corner. She walked up to them, sitting down as well. Kisame looked up at her, raising a brow.

"Where were you?" he asked.

"I went on a walk," Harumi said before mumbling, "maybe because I needed a break from your constant mistreatment."

Kisame heard her, grinning as he chuckled. She was a bit surprised by that, looking back at the table in front of her. She'd grown to feel less fearful of Kisame and Itachi after spending more time with them. Especially Itachi. After that conversation of theirs in the bar, the one she was sure he thought she didn't remember, she felt...closer to him. She felt that connection she was so sure she'd lost.

She got up, walking over to the front desk and getting her breakfast before walking back, sitting down as she bit down on her sandwich. They sat there, Kisame making some small talk with Itachi as Harumi mostly listened. There was something on her mind, something that was bothering her. Her next mission was probably another killing one. She had to be careful. Not to mention, she was thinking about what Pain had told her.

He said he was on the search for a partner for her, and that for now, she'd stick with Kisame and Itachi. Harumi didn't care all that much, hoping that Kisame or Itachi would kill their target before she stepped in. It would honestly be a lot easier. Still, she understood that there would be situations in which she would need to fight herself.

After they finished eating, it was time to continue on their journey, walking near the forest. "Where are we heading next?" Harumi asked.

"The Leaf village. We're going to retrieve the nine tails," Kisame stated, making her freeze.

What? The...the nine tails jinchuriki? Naruto Uzumaki? Her hands fisted. No, they couldn't do that. It wasn't fair. First with how the village treated him, and now this? To be hunted on top of everything else that had happened to him? Fate was truly a cruel mistress. First with the way she toyed at the idea of another route, but always ended up connecting it to the original one. Harumi looked away, her nails digging into her palms as she took silent breaths, thinking of Hido to help keep herself calm.

Itachi noticed, staring at her hands before looking away. He figured she'd be angry. He remembered how she ranted about how awful the village treated Naruto and how the boy deserved better and that she didn't understand how adults had such small compassion for an orphaned child. Not to mention how they acted so pungent with a child so young, using their age and power to bully him, abuse him, and add on to the neglect he was going through. It was just one of those things that angered her beyond anything else. And now, they were going to abuse that same child using the same power Harumi so distasted.

Suddenly, Itachi felt his headband being ripped off his head. He quickly turned around, seeing a bird fly with it into the forest. His eyes narrowed as the bird disappeared into the trees within seconds. Kisame and Harumi turned to the direction in which the bird went, both watching in surprise. Harumi then sucked in her lips not to laugh at the fact that the great Itachi Uchiha lost his headband to a bird. He sighed, turning to her and Kisame.

"We need to go get it," he stated.

"We can split up," Kisame suggested, to which they both nodded. Then, they all went a different direction into the forest.


Harumi looked around and around, not finding anything. She then sensed something near her, quickly turning her body that way and pulling out a kunai, eyes sharp as she changed her body's position into one of attack just in case.

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