Meeting Them All

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Harumi's eyes slowly opened before she winced. Her head hurt. She looked around, she was alone in the room. She sighed, getting up and off the bed. She walked over to the bathroom, taking a quick shower –which she wished she could stay in forever– and dried her hair. She quickly tied her hair up in a high ponytail, braided it and put that braid into a tight bun. It was so long, she didn't want it to get in the way. She then put her cloak on, quickly feeling her surroundings for any chakra traces of the others.

She felt them downstairs, and Itachi had taken everything of his from the room, so she did the same and went down. They were all eating normal people. She simply walked over, saying a simple 'good morning' before walking over to the buffet and taking some eggs. She walked back, sitting at the table with them.

She could feel eyes burning into the side of her head, so she turned to the source. It was Deidara. What? Was he still mad about what had happened with the room situation? She sighed, ignoring him as she ate her food. She noticed Sasori didn't even have a plate in front of him. Maybe he had finished eating. Kisame had sausages, toast and eggs on his plate, while Itachi had some salad and eggs. She slowly began eating her own food, but it was so awkward. So, she did what she did best. She got lost in her own thoughts. The night before, she remembered bits and pieces. One thing she couldn't forget even if she tried was when Itachi told her it was Akito who told them where she was.

Even thinking about it made her angry again. She held her fork tightly as she continued eating, wondering what she should do next. Maybe she could try and send Hido a message, letting him know she was okay. But at the same time...she knew he would try and track her down. And he didn't need to worry even more about it. She was sure he was already stressing enough. God, this was so hard! There was so much to do, to think about, and to plan. It was flooding her mind, all the sound around her slowly fading away.

She only snapped out of it when she felt someone tap her. She looked up to see Itachi. She furrowed her brows before she heard a screeching sound. She looked down to see her knife trying to cut into the plate. She hadn't even noticed that she finished her eggs. She then felt her fellow cult members staring at her, but she didn't say anything. She just sighed once more, getting up and getting a toast before walking back. When they were all done, they continued their move.

Harumi could feel their pace slowly picking up, meaning they were in a rush. Did some of them have a mission they needed to finish? If she were to be honest, she was very curious about meeting the other members. She kept trying to imagine what the rest of them would look like. Maybe there would be one without a head! Or, or maybe one with three eyes! What about if one of them looked like a dragon? That would be really cool. At the same time, it wasn't that far fetched if they all looked normal. For the most part, she did too.

Her eyes then fell on Deidara. He was about her age, wasn't he? Crazy how they thought so differently. He enjoyed bombing her, while she would have kept to herself if she were in his position. She almost wished she could've gotten to know him on better terms, because maybe they could have befriended each other. That being said, she was pretty sure he hated her so any friendship now was probably out the window. Still, she kept thinking back on their first interaction. He seemed like a cool guy. Over confident and a bit too proud, yes, but cool over all. She then moved a bit over to him, causing him to give her a side eye.

"You're Deidara, right?" Harumi asked, starting the conversation.

"Yeah, that's me. What of it?" he asked in response.

"How old are you?"

"Is there a point to this conversation?"


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