Moms supurity

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🗞️= Min's stock prize are increasing day by day their is chance to be them qualifying for world best company,let's see what will happen
??= I am happy that ur doing best son I am proud of u
??= Yes dad everything is going fine
??= This is a dinning room where we eat so don't u dare to open business topic here Seojeon
Seojeon= sorry ji-won
Ji-won= okay ,where is jin and others ,Joon
Rm= Mom he is getting ready for his shoot while tae is playing their
Jiwon= it's time for breakfast and they are not here
Rm= Mom I am going to call them
Jiwon= u had 10 min I want all of them here
Rm= okay
Rm immediately left to call jin afterall he knows his mom is very strict and don't like to listen No,He first knock on his younger brother door who opened it
Rm= hobi come fast mom will get angry u know na
Hobi= oh sorry Hyung I came late at night because of operation that's why
Rm= okay fine come fast
Hobi= hmm
Then he knock on his elder brother room which is opened by jimin
Jimin= what happened Hyung
Rm= what u two are doing mom is calling all of us for breakfast she is angry on us
Jimin= okay Hyung
Rm left to his room he opened his door only get bumped by his little joy
Tae= aww dad u hurt taetae
Rm pick tae
Rm= sorry bub where do u get hurt.
Tae= here
Rm= aww ur strong boy this nothing
Tae= yes I am strung boy
Rm= now go Grandma is calling u for breakfast
Tae= okay dada
Tae left from their namjoon changed his expression in cold way
Namjoon= come fast mom called
Jin= I will not eat today
Namjoon= WHY
Jin= I had early shoot so I am going now
Namjoon= no u will eat and then go i don't want to listen anything
Namjoon left from their,jin looked at him in disbelief and grab his purse move out from room to dining area because he don't want to argue with anyone
Everyone was present except yoonmin jiwon is waiting for them to eat breakfast together
After 5 min yoongi came down
Yoongi= can we start
Jiwon= where is jimin
Kook= grandma mom said he will not eat today
Jiwon look at suga like asking him why didn't he said anything
Suga= i don't know about it
That's when jimin enter in dinning room to kiss his kook
Ji-won= son first eat and then go
Jimin= but mom i am getting late
Ji-won= son u should wake early if u had early hearing now come eat u know their is only one rule in this house breakfast and dinner should be together
Jimin= okay mom
Ji-won= good
They started having their breakfast with little chit-chat
Ji-won= boys how is ur all life going.
Tops= fine mom
Ji-won= what about u two
Ji-won asked jin and jimin who adverted their gaze they can't tell the lie in front of their mom ,tops frown , Seojeon also make serious face ji-won was looking at them with intimate gaze
Ji- won= what happened is their any problem
Jin= N...o..... Mom
Jimin= y everything is alright
They gulp their food nervously because everyone looking at them tae and jk are left with maid because they know their grandma don't like children in elders matter until they reach specific age
Ji-won= son is their any problem
Seojeon= son we are like ur dad and mom please told us what is the problem
suga and namjoon just looking at their husbands making them nervous
they gulp they looked at their mom with innocent eyes
Which make ji-won calm little.
Ji-won= babies u know i love u two more then my son's so please tell me .
Jin= actually mom when I was shooting yesterday one director was touching me badly i ignored him so he try to force me in washroom, somehow I save myself from him I just want to avoid him
Namjoon eyes gone darken,where as other clenched their fist jimin immediately stand up and goes towards Jin who had tears in his eyes
Jimin= Hyung tell me the name I will destroy his career
Jin= Mr Choi
Jimin = okay Hyung u don't go today I will make sure he will be in jails .
Ji-won and Seojeon had smile because their son in law's love each other more then their husband but they don't like because namjoon didn't said anything
Ji-won= joon u should give him support he needs ur support more then his brother
Namjoon= jin u go u can't able to see his face today u can go freely
Jiwon had smile on his face,but he frown when he saw jimin is hiding his face so he can safe himself making her chuckle internally
Jiwon= jimin now it's ur turn
Jimin= mom i promise I didn't do anything
Jiwon= I know  u can do anything
Jimin= mom i punched  one mafia in court room
Suga had blank expression
Jiwon= can I ask why
Jimin= he was talking with me dirty and was going to touch me I lost my temper and then u know what had happened to him ,but now their men's are behind ne that's why I changing my routine
Jiwon looked at him in disbelief whereas jin and Seojeon just chuckle at his son in law's and brother from another mother explanation while suga and namjoon had blank face ,jimin had a cute pout
Jiwon= u always make me speechless it's good that u can protect urself but u should think before doing anything
Jimin= mom I got angry i can't control myself
Jiwon=what if he had shoot u
Jimin= mom I don't care about that and  I am not afraid of this Dracula then how can I afraid of him and I know u all will not let nothing to happen me
Suga was silently looking at jimin but when he listens jimin's words he became angry and in  cold voice he asked
Suga= do u think is it some kind of joke why don't U think before doing anything atleast remember about kook
Jimin= listen in my field it is normal u don't need to overreact and I can protect myself
Suga= talking to u is waste of time
Jimin= same pinch
They both left from the dinning table angrily living everyone dumbfounded
Jiwon sighed.
Jiwon= they are adult but fight like kids atleast our namjin is mature
Seojeon= yeah u know they remind me of us
Jiwon= shut up idiot,thank God I ask them when they almost had their breakfast
Namjoon= mom I am going
Jiwon= hmm
Jin= mom I am also
Jin came near jiwon and kiss on his cheeks in which jiwon kiss on his head
Jiwon= joon take him with u
Jin= no need mom soobin is coming to take me
By hearing soobins name namjoon don't know why he felt urgue to stop jin
Namjoon= tell him no need ur going with me .
Jin= but
Namjoon= I told u
Jin sighed and told soobin to not come soon they also left
Jiwon again sighed but frowned in anger when he don't find jhope in dinning table she forgot because he was curious about jin and jimin it's not like that she don't love him he love him more then his two sons but he is a pure brat who only behave maturely in front of his friend and in hospital
She take deep breath and shout out of his lungs
Seojeon cover his ear and left while praying for his son
With Hoseok
He was sleeping peacefully but got panick due to which he immediately fall from the bed making him groan in pain he realised who shout like this making him scared
Hobi= ur gone now hobi u know ur mom then also
Before he could locked his door someone open the door harshly making him fliched and scared at same time
Hobi= mom I am sorry
Jiwon= u idiot how many times I had to tell u to eat with us u wait
Jiwon start beating hobi with his slippers
Jhope= mom ahhhh sorry please I will not do anything like this again
Jiwon was beating him but she stop when she heard giggles and smiles
Jiwon= aww my babies,did u had ur breakfast
Tae= yes grandma
Kook= grandma we also try to wake up gobi but he didn't wake up
Hobi= yeah brat I am ur uncle and its hobi not Gobi
Kook just laughed making jiwon to coo and jhope in disbelief
Tae= grandma beat him more
Kook= yes beat him more
Hobi= aww really wait let suga Hyung come I will told him that his pants which he was going to wear is cut by u kook and u tae u use jin Hyung makeup I had photo of u two and about u kook u know ur mama he can make u say truth
Kook and tae gulp and looked at hobi innocently and turns towards jiwon who is controlling his laugh
Kook= grandma Gobi was tired
Tae= yes grandma he is a good boy don't beat him
Now jiwon and jhope both started to laugh confusing of the kids
Hobi = my nephew's are so cute
Taekook= we are not cute we are handsome
Jiwon= yeah my babies are handsome

Jin= but Namjoon= I told u Jin sighed and told soobin to not come soon they also left Jiwon again sighed but frowned in anger when he don't find jhope in dinning table she forgot because he was curious about jin and jimin it's not like that she do...

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