Meeting two

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they immediately stand up.from their seat making Jackson and other confuse except yoonmin,Namjin,Hopekai and taekook
Jimin= what happened Mr yoongi, Namjoon and jhope
Jin= why are u shouting like we said something unbelievable
Kai= I think we are that big to had a boyfriend their is nothing to be shocked
Tae= why u three our shouting like this
Kook= yes is their any problem with their bfs
Namjoon= yes tae don't u remember me
Jhope= leave their hands now !
Everyone flinched because hobi is very scary when he get angry but the bottoms are so stubborn they held bogum,eunwoo and inyeop hands tightly making them gulped because three pairs of eyes are looking at them like they will kill them
Soobin= mom do u know them
Beomgyu= who are they
Jimin,jin ,kai look at each other same goes to taekook
Kook= they are our new partner and they will leave with us for few months
Suga's heart ached by his son's coldness
Jimin= let's go eat our dinner
They all eat and left to their room

With jin at midnight
Jin get up from bed to drink water but their is not water so he decided to go downstairs
Jin= oh my i will kill tae one day
He went to kitchen but to his their is also Rm so he decided to left from their but got stopped by rm calling him
Rm= jin
Jin= yes Mr Namjoon
Rm feel pain when he heard Jin's cold and dry words for him .
Rm= can ......can u please forgive me .
Jin looked at rm blankly and left from their rm sighed he drink water and take some water for jin ,when he reached on Jin's room he was going to knock but stop when he heard giggles of jin and other men
Jin= yeah ur such idiot
Inyeop= what can I do when u were looking like this then how will I control
Jin= yeah leave me
Inyeop= not today
The jar which was in rm's hand got broken by force of rms hand on which sounds jin and inyeop came out of the room to check but jin got panic when saw blood in rm's hand
Jin= what the hell Mr namjoon how u get cut in ur hand
Rm= u don't need to care
Rm left not before glaring at inyeop who gulped jin sighed at get inside his roomhe come out with first aid box and left to rm's room on which inyeop smiled
Inyeop= jin u still love him but u are denying it
Inyeop sighed and went inside Jin's room for sleep

In rm's room
Rm enter in his room and throw all the things after sometime jin entered when he see the condition of room ,and his eyes went on rm who was looking outside the window inhaling cigrette jin move towards him but a piece of glass enter in his foot making him close his eyes in pain he moved towards rm without caring his wound,when rm feel Jin's present he internally smile but he maintained his cold frame
Rm= u can go jin
Jin= Mr Namjoon u had a cut on ur hand first let me treat it
Namjoon= no need
Jin= listen Mr RM sit their I will treat u
Jin dragged rm and make him seat on bed and started dressing it while rm is just looking at Jin after dressing rm jin started to walk out the room  ,rm didn't said anything he looked towards Jin's leg but to his shocked their blood footprint was leave by jin when he is moving
Rm= jin
Jin= yes
Rm= what happened to ur legs let me see
Jin= No need Mr RM I can do my work my own and it's nothing in front the pain which i suffer in past
Rm loong at Jin with guilty eyes who left from their with blank face
Rm in mind
Really love did i  break u at that extent that u don't even want to take my help ,ur right I make u suffer so much u had
All rights to punish me as u want but atleast talk to me it's hurting so badly please
With jin
Jin came to his room he closed the door and sit on his bed and tear start falling down from his eyes, that's when he heard knock on his door when he opened it he found tae is their at this time
Tae= eomma did u cried what happened did dad do anything
Jin= no baby it's just I got hurt on my feet
Tae panicked he pick his mom in bridal style and make him sit on his bed
Tae= let me see mom
Jin= tae baby it's okay
Tae= mom
Jin sighed and let tae see
Tae= eomma u had this much cut and ur saying ur okay ,be careful mom ,u know me and kook , soobeom love u two the most
Jin= okay sir I will take care of myself now please don't scold me
Jin make puppy eyes making tae chuckled
Tae= sometimes I think I am ur kid or ur my
Jin= shut brat and why are u awake till now don't say me u both were playing video games
Tae= eomma please low if appa listen then I am sure he will beat both of us
Jin= brat
Tae= mom can I sleep here
Jin= yes baby come
Jin in mind
Baby I am sorry I am keeping ur dad away from u but I don't know why u two didn't complain why u two didn't argue baby I don't want u to hate ur dad because I still love him please don't hate him he love u and he will love beomgyu also if he get to know he is his son i love u two so much if u want ur dad I will let u go .
A tear dropped from his eyes which he immediately wipe so tae can't see but he don't know tae know his every pain
Tae in mind
Mom u suffer so much for me and beomgyu I will Never let u feel down in front of dad I will always support u and if u forgive dad I will also but i will
Do test for him

With jimin
Jimin was going upstairs so he can get fresh air or to cry alone but when he reached terrace he found suga he immediately turned to go out but suga was fast enough to grab him from his wrist
Jimin= leave me Mr yoongi
Yoongi= jimin listen to me
Jimin= their is nothing to talk other then business between us and for u it's Mr Park am i clear
Jimin remove his hand from suga's hand suga looked at jimin with pain eyes
Suga= jimin atleast give me a chance
Jimin= oh Mr suga who am I to u afterall I am just a slut who just want to Fuck by others
Suga's eyes darken he was in pain and anger
Suga= jimin don't u dare
Jimin= what Mr suga u know what it's ur problem u always want things in ur way and if it's not then u destroy it or make it urs ,and about what chance ur talking about I was nothing to u and now I had a boyfriend
Suga look at jimin with angry eyes and blank face he grabbed jimin waist and pulled him towards himself
Suga= remember one think ur mine ur only this mafia's king's queen no one can have u other then me
Jimin immediately pushed suga and kicked him
Jimin= don't underestimate me Min yoongi I am not a thing u can have as u wish or throw

Jimin immediately left with fuming in anger suga looked at him with guilty and hurt eyes

Suga in mind
Jimin I am sorry I am really sorry ur like oxygen to me please don't leave I want u i love u I want u to make mine and I will try each and everything for ur forgiveness

A drop of tears fell from him eyes he get up and let to his room with heavy steps

With jimin
When jimin entered he got shocked when he see kook their he calm himself and put smile on his face kook didn't notice as he was busy in reading book
Jimin= baby
Kook looked up and smile cutely with bunny smile
Kook= appa where were u today I want to be with u that's why I am here
Jimin chuckled and went to his first bunny
Jimin= u don't need to explain bub and u can sleep with me
They hug each other
Jimin in mind
Now ur claiming me that I am urs no Min yoongi I will make u regret ur each and every steps u take towards me and my son's i don't want them to be like u ,I am sorry look because of me u can't go near ur dad but bub why u two didn't said anything when we decided to leave hope it's not what I think otherwise u will hate ur dad which I don't want

In kook mind
Appa i know ur doubting that we know thing's about that worst night but we will Never let u know about it  and I will be  always with u

With kai
Kai was reading a book but when he heard knock on door he looked at clock and frown
Kai= who is their at midnight
He moves towards door and opened it only to get angry he was going to shut door but jhope stop him by entering in
The room
Kai= what the hell Mr .......
Without thinking anything jhope immediately kiss kai who wide his eyes and pushed him
Kai= what is ur problem Mr jhope I had a boyfriend
Jhope pinned kai to wall and said in deep voice which make shiver kai
Jhope= what did u said ?
Kai= I said I had boyfriend
Jhope= that idiot can't be ur boyfriend
Kai= what is ur problem did u forgot we broke up
Jhope= i never said anything about breaking up u are the one who break up and let me clear one thing ur mind and stay away from that idiot otherwise I will kiss u until u can't breathe
Kai= i challenge u
Jhope= accepted
Jhope goes towards Kai's bed and layed down on which kai get angry
Kai= leave my room
Jhope= no i will not
Jhope pulled kai towards him and hugged him tightly
Kai= what ...
Jhope= now sleep
He hugged kai tightly like he will gone

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