⁰The Truth

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Hii guys how all u are I know u all are waiting for my stories but guys u all had to understand that I only had free times on Sundays ,ur authors passion is different and writing is my hobbies,I think I had talk enough about myself let's start the storieeeeee

Ahh my dramatic ass

In story

Everyone was sitting silent after jimin said things kids were shocked grandparents were thinking something deeply adults are hanging their heads low maybe think what will happen to their children,taekook were sobbing silently but this silent was broken by grandparents

Mr Min= jiwon I think we should tell them the truth
Jiwon= but .....
Seojoon= no but it is important and looked at our taekook they really love eachother
Jiwon looked at taekook and then suga then nodded
Suga= what is it about and how can it will be related to them
Seojoon = it's and most importantly it's related to you ur birth ur parents
Suga= what do u mean
everyone frowned but rm and jimin had wide their eye's jimin immediately looked at suga who was listening everything blankly
Jimin= THE GREAT MAFIA KING who died due to fire in his house
Seojoon smiled sadly
Seojoon= ur right jimin u know he is my closest friend we rule this country he ruled underworld but he also help me in business we always worked together he always stick to his rules and he was very cold and ride to others we are like brothers from another mother we don't had any feelings until we meet ur mom's that was the time I first time saw him smiling to someone else other then me and from that day yuni nunna become my sister in-law and by her I meet ur mom rm we were leaving happily rm was 1 year and u were 2 but soon our happiness were snatch from us that also none other by  bastards
Jiwon=  ,they are psycho our dad selected them for us but we loved them and when we told our dad he accepted us but that bastard killed our dad seojoon had them to police,Hyung was saying to kill them but he didn't listen due to which i lost my Hyung and nuna ,he took over Hyungs surname and started working his real surname is Kim .

Seojoon= just because of my one mistake I lost my best friend and nunna but we don't had time to think we immediately take u two and started to leave in Seoul but I can't catch that bastard till now but we got clue and they are none other then jimin and Jin's uncle's

Jimin and jin were shocked
Jimin= what choi uncle
Jin= Lee uncle
Seojoon modded
Seojoon didn't said further he want to say but he didn't which is noticed by suga and rm they frowned
Suga= is their anything ur hiding
Rm=yes dad
Seojoon looked at jiwon who nodded and he sighed
Seojoon= they are behind jimin and jin they want to sleep with them they tried but they can't do
Everyone gasped yoojoon,taekook, soobeom tight their fist jinmin feel disgusted because they never think the touch which taught as blessing are dirt

Yoongi= okay
Suga didn't said anything and left to his room
Jiwon and seojoon sighed namjin were concerned jimin is worried
Jiwon= jimin go bub he needs u
Jimin nodded and left

To ease the tension mark said
Mark= oh look at kook he is looking like cute bunny with red nose
Kook= no i am not (with pout).
Everyone chuckled
Mark= let's eat lunch
Everyone nodded
Tae= can me and kook be together grandpa.
Seojoon chuckled= yup bub i
Will help u
Tae looked at his dad mom who nodded with smile due to which smile and looked at kook who is smiling he immediately went towards him and hug him tightly in front of everyone making everyone to laugh and kook embarrassed

Otherside in yoongi's room
After yoongi jimin enter the room
Yoongi= jimin leave me alone
Jimin= I will not
Yoongi= jimin one time leave me alone i want to leave alone
(Cracked voice)
Jimin immediately went towards him and hug him
Jimin= cry if u want I am here for u
That's it he started to cry while hugging jimin tightly

Otherside in yoongi's room After yoongi jimin enter the room Yoongi= jimin leave me alone Jimin= I will not Yoongi= jimin one time leave me alone i want to leave alone (Cracked voice)Jimin immediately went towards him and hug him Jimin= cry if u w...

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Jimin= shh Hyung u will get sick
Suga= jimin it's hurting how can I can't cry jimin when I get to know that whom I consider as my mom dad are not really my mom dad I don't have anyone jimin I don't I make everything worst
Jimin= Hyung
Suga= it's all my fault I should not be alive i .

Suga was keep babbling so to stop him jimin kissed on his lips making his eye's goes wide

Soon he also give in after sometime they parted away Yoongi= what does it's mean Jimin smirked Jimin= u need find out and let's go downstairs and yes we are ready for taekook marriage Yoongi= yeah They also went to the dinning room where were othe...

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Soon he also give in after sometime they parted away
Yoongi= what does it's mean
Jimin smirked
Jimin= u need find out and let's go downstairs and yes we are ready for taekook marriage
Yoongi= yeah
They also went to the dinning room where were others
Hope u all will like it

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