son's and dad's

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Days were passing suga and namjoon were doing all things to get forgiveness but they are confused why taekook are ignoring them kids are getting suspicious over yoonmin and namjoon,taekook don't know what they are feeling for each other yeonsoo,taebeom were also getting close,hopekai always fight on silly things this is happening from one month.
Bottoms were cooking food their is holiday of office so everyone was seated in living room except bottoms, Jackson,bogum, inyeop , eunwoo was talking with kids that's when yoonjoon and hobi came downstairs taekook divert their eyes which is noticed by everyone in living room.making other confused except six people u all know who (guys at chapter 3 I mentioned soobin ,eunwoo as bottoms friend so adjust it actually they are different to each other)
Yoongi= sorry if we disturb u
Kook= yes u did
Yoongi looked at his son with guilty eye's
Namjoon= kook don't talk to him like that
Tae= for u three we Taehyung and junkook
Jhope= Tae
Kook= didn't u listen what Hyung said
Soobeom , Taeyung, yeonjun and Jackson get shocked
Soobin= uncle if they are saying to tell them with names then u should
Suga= listen kid don't interfere ur just like ur dad
Beomgyu= listen uncle's we are respecting u so don't be disrespectful to us
Namjoon= is this is the way to give respect didn't ur dad teach u
Inyeop= we teach them to respect elders
EUNWOO= and also to talk the way person talk to them
Bogum= u three can't talk about their upbringing they are better then u three
Jhope= shut ur mouth Mr otherwise I known how to do
Jackson= kids is this the way ur mom's teach u say sorry to uncle's
Yeonjun= soobin ,kook ,tae,beomgyu say sorry to them
Beomgyu= but
Taeyung= beom say sorry
Soobeom taekook= sorry
Jackson= good,and guys they are kids and what is the problem with u six why u all get ready to fight
Eunwoo, Inyeop, bogum= tell them
Yoonjoonhobi= same
They sit on the couch while glaring at each other
Hearing the commotion bottoms came their.
Mark= baby what happened
Jackson = nothing love as usual like 1 month
Jimin= now what happened
Jimin glared at them who immediately diverted their eyes
Eunwoo= nothing babe
Suga = don't
Kook= why do u care
Soobin= and he is my dada
Jimin looked at them in disbelief
Inyeop= and it's this monsters fault babe
Namjoon= yes cockroach
Tae= u destruction king
Beom= don't call my dad cockroach
Jin just shook his head while Jackmark,yeontae were controlling their laughs
Jackson= guys ur behaving like ur their husbands and they are third wheel
Yoonjoonhobi= yes we are
Everyone was shocked soobeom looked at their mother's with tear eyes like asking is it true Jackson eyes got red with anger jimin didn't tell about his ex husband but he told him what he did
Jackson= jimin is he is that person jin is this true kai tell something
Ji-minkai nodded while hiding their tears
Jackson looked at them with angry face
Suga= we are really guilty we want forgiveness
Namjoon= and we can do anything for them
Jhope= trust us once
Jackson= trust u three did u know that soobeom is ur son's they were pregnant when they left did u even try to find them
Rm= we did
Tae= yes after fucking 1 years
Suga= yes we know we took long time to understand
Kook= yes U took 1 years to realise ur mistakes ,do u even think where appa and eomma gone where we were ,how will had been we leave for 1 year appa and eomma was pregnant jack uncle was not that wealthy they all had to sacrifice for their childrens appa and eomma were crying, hiding from us because they don't want to tell us the truth of that worst night.
Everyone had tears in their eye's yoonjoon bend on their knees in front of their children, bottoms where looking at his son's in shocked
Jimin= when did u two get to know
Tae= we known about that appa because we saw with our own eyes
Kook= they forced u we heard ur cries , insults
Bottoms close their eyes ,they don't want their kids to hate their dad's,tops were looking down with guilt and hurt eye's their heart is paining they can't asked for forgiveness now
Jackson= all of u in ur rooms except adults
Kids immediately left from their they know if Jackson get angry it's not good now all of them were seated on couch jimin,jin with Jackson and mark , inyeop eunwoo and bogum to left side yoonjoonhobi in front of them
Jackson= so what u three want now
Jhope= I want Kai I can't leave without him I only know how i leave this 15 years i regret to slap him i regret when I left him in anger because after that he left me this 15 years is like worst nightmare for me
Kai looked at Jackson who was looking at jhope intensely
Jackson= Kai what u think
Kai= Hyung I forgive him
Jackson looked in Kai's eyes which show confidence for hobi and in hobi's eyes their is only love and sincerity,Jackson sighed but nodded but his face again turned serious he looked at yoonjoon who not even looked at their partners who were looking at them with tear in their eye's
Jackson= what u two decided
Rm= i can't looked at his and my son's eye's i don't want to say anything it's their decision if they want me in their life or not .
Jackson looked at him and then jin who had blank expression
Jackson= Jin what u think
Jin= I will do what u were thinking Hyung
Jackson= Mr suga what u think
Suga= can I talk to him privately
Jimin= no
Jackson= u got ur answer now u had to say anything
Suga= i don't had, i only had one request please let me meet my children one time let me and rm meet them one time after that we will never show u all are face
Jimin,jin= Hyung I am ready for marriage
Yoonjoonhobi looked at them with shocked eunwoo and inyeop gulped
Yoonjoon= what do u mean by marrying ,with whom.
Jimin= with eunwoo and inyeop
Yoonjoon heart Pain when they heard it Jackson had confused face because when he asked them they completely rejected and he know they love their husbands,mark ,kai internally smirk they knows now what will going to happen
Rm and suga didn't said anything they just looking at bottoms with sad eyes which are looking them with blank face
Jackson= okay next week will be ur wedding
Jin,jimin= and u two (Rm, suga)had to prepare everything for our marriage
Now everyone was shocked.
Suga= we can't
Jimin= why u want forgiveness right.
Rm= yes but
Jin= no buts u will do , tommoro me my hubby
jimin=me and my daddy are going to shopping and u two will help us
Yoonjoon eyes darken when they heard jin and jimin saying hubby and daddy but they nodded with sad face they know now they can't be in their life ,eunwoo and inyeop gulped.

Guys what do u think this marriage will.happen or their is something fishy to know what is going to happen read chapter and like please

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