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Next morning

In kooks room

Junkook was sleeping on the floor his face is pale their is tear marks on his face but still his beauty is unbelievable he was looking so beautiful but his expression changing

In dream
Tae= kook will u really leave me
Kook= it's forbidden tae we can't be one.
Tae pulled him and hug him tightly
Kook= leave me tae
Tae tighten his grip
Kook= tae leave me otherwise I will kill my self
Tears were gathered on tae's eyes he leave kook they looked at each other eyes
Kook was already crying
Tae= it is ur final decision
Kook nodded while looking down tae make him looked at him
Tae= never put ur head down in front of me also and good bye
Kook Dont know from where tae got knife in his hand
Kook= tae stop it tae ur doing wrong
Tae= bye love
Out dream
Kook immediately get up while taking long breath
Kook= no this cant be happened no
That's when his room doors clicked opened and their is his appa with blank face without any emotions he can't see in his eyes he looked down

Jimin= get up and make urself look presentable
Kook immediately shot up his head and looked in his appas eye's
Kook= why
Jimin= don't ask any questions to me just do what I say
Kook= appa please
Jimin understand what kook want to say but he leave from their he can't see his son like this so he left while kook start to cry

With tae The room is still devastated his eyes is red he was lying on floor tears are still flowing from his eyes that's when his door was clicked opened their is his dad whose heart clenched by seeing his son's condition tae  didn't looked at him...

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With tae
The room is still devastated his eyes is red he was lying on floor tears are still flowing from his eyes that's when his door was clicked opened their is his dad whose heart clenched by seeing his son's condition tae  didn't looked at him but he can feel his dad is here
Tae= now what dad why u came
Joon= tae what had u done
Tae immediately get up and looked at his dad with hurt eye's his dad had a pity look
Tae= dad I loved him he is not with me
Joon= I know u love him but u know what is realation between u two
Tae understand what his dad want to say he look down
Joon sighed
Joon= son we all are elders we want ur best ,so listen me carefully and then react
Tae nodded
Joon= we decided to marry kook with our one of the trusted men
Tae eyes widen he looked at his dad like pleading him to don't do this
Tae= but dad kook had so many dreams
Joon= he is a good men help will understand
Tae= dad
Joon= son make urself understand this that kook is ur brother
Tae didn't want accept this but he knows his dad is stating the fact but his how  ,how can he give his kook to someone else his mind will accept but what about his heart he again lay down his dad sighed and left tae was just staring at sealing with blank expression

With tae The room is still devastated his eyes is red he was lying on floor tears are still flowing from his eyes that's when his door was clicked opened their is his dad whose heart clenched by seeing his son's condition tae  didn't looked at him...

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At evening
Everyone was settled on sofa their is a new person who was sitting he can feel the tension in family
Yoongi= HK we called u here because we want to discuss about ur marriage
Hk= what are u talking sir u know i had not been get my special one
Yoongi= yes inknow that's why I want u to marry my son jk
Hk= what
Suga= yes so what do u think
Hk= sir i don't had any problem but what about him
Jimin= he is ready
Hk= okay can I see him
Jin= yeah ,let me take him here .
Hk= okay

After few minutes.......

Jk and jin came downstairs jk was looking down all the time
Jk and jin sit on sofa that is when tae also came down with blank expression
Everyone looked at him but he ignore them and sit on the couch
Yeonjun= what happened to him
Taeyung= yeah he is looking pale
Beomgyu= Hyung are u okay
Soobin= Hyung do u had fever
Sobeom asked tae who smiled then assuringly and looked at kook while staring jk filled stares he looked up but immediately look down.
Tae= don't let ur head down
Tae said in deep voice making jk immediately look up .
HK can feel tension between taekook he nervously smiled and try to break the tensed atmosphere
HK= Hello junkook
Junkook looked at HK
Kook= Hii
Hk smiled
Hk= hii myself Hueing kai I am an orphan suga sir take care of me he is like my father what about u
Kook fake smiled because someone is staring him
Kook= u know my name I like to dance and painting I had so many dreams and i don't want to make my parents and uncle's disappoint again
Everyone understands what he wants to say except guys it's our poor Hk
They were talking that's when hk got a call
Hk= sir i think I need to go my brother wants me  and I am sorry but he needs me and jk I am sorry that I didn't introduce u my brother one day I will
Hk left but then someone knocked door jimin went their and open the door he immediately hug them
Jimin= mom dad we missed u
Mom= me also chim u left us just because of this two idiots
Jimin= mom come every one is their
They went inside everyone now to them but they can feel that something is off
Dad= is their any problem why everyone looking so tensed
Mom= tell the truth now
Everyone sighed because they know their mom
Everyone sir on the sofa
Dad= first u all tell we also had something to tell u all and kids u all also be here
Everyone nodded jimin started telling everything,kids are looking shocked taekook had tears namjin ,jackmark are looking sad while yoongi and jimin had blank expression while telling while grandparents had neutral expression.

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