Day before marriage

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Everyone was arranging thinks for the marriage which will take place tomorrow.
Let's see what are they doing

Mark Jack
In bedroom

Jackson= baby what will u wear on wedding
Mark= i  am thinking to wear something sexy
Jackson= make sure no one can see what is mine
Mark = what will u do
Jackson smirk and goes near mark ,hold his waist and pulled him towards himself
Jackson= u know what can I do
Mark= yeah pervert leave
Jackson= what if I don't
Mark= yah
Jackson hold marks neck and attached their lips after few min they parted due to lack of oxygen
Mark= i ... idiot
Mark left blushing making Jackson laugh

With taebeom
Were sitting on their garden chairs
Beom= Taeyung what u think
Yung= about what
Beom= about papa and appa
Yung = bae it's their life and they are adult they will handle
Beom= ur not understanding,soobin is to much sad ,he want appa and papa be one I am lucky that dad and mom are now together what about them we had to leave each other
Yung= baby don't take stress and let's see what happened if they are destined then they will be together
Beom = hmm

Yeonbin in bins room
Soobin was crying and yeonjun is trying to calm him
Yeonjun= soobin stop crying
Soobin= yeonjun I want them together
Yeonjun= I know but things will not get right by crying u know that
Soobin,= Yeon they love each other but their ego was coming in between
Yeonjun= yeah I know but first stop crying
Soobin was not Stopping crying so yeonjun just attached their lips making soobin stop crying and widen his eyes
Soobin= Yeon what did u do
Yeon= I just kiss the person who is mine
Soobin blushed
Soobin= but why
Yeon= because u were not calming so i taught why not try this
Soobin= yah
Soobin blushed and hug yeonjun making him chuckle
Yeonjun= bin now listen to me carefully if they really love each other they will be together u don't worry
Soobin= hmmm

Jin= namjoon why are u following me every where
Joon= yeah jinnie I want to be with u
Jin= but I am working
Joon= let me help
Jin= no don't u dare u always break things not in my precious kitchen
Joon= but i want to help
Jin= no go seat their and tell me if u want to eat anything
Joon= what u eat in India I mean what is famous in India
Jin= in India their is different state which have their own unique and famous dish what u want
Joon= anything u like
Jin= okay seat their and don't udare to move
Joon= okay fine
Jin start making food while joon start admiring jin which make jin smiled internally

Tae= kook what happened why are u tense
Kook= nothing tae
Tae= kook u know na i don't like when u lie to me
Kook= it's nothing just i a worried for our relationship what if dad ,appa not agree. What will we do ,what if mom and papa not agree
Tae= yeah don't think to much
Kook= how tae u know we are forbidden
Tae= kook
Kook= if I am wrong then say me I am wrong  we are forbidden
Kook started crying tae immediately attached his lips with him both started kissing passionately after few min they parted
Kook= tae
Tae= let me show u whom u belong
Tae closed the doors and push kook on the bed
Kook= tae what are u doing
Tae= I will show whom u belong and keep silent if u don't want to increase ur punishment
Kook just stare at tae's eyes which shows anger , sadness kook just close his eyes

Tae= don't u dare look at me
Kook open his eyes
Tae= u had keep ur eyes open ,u had to know that I only had the right to fuck ur holes I only had a right to bite u kiss u suck u .

Tae started giving hickey all over the neck of kook who is just moaning like mess
Junkook= ahhhhh
Tae remove kooks cloth and then his both our naked
Tae trailed his finger from kook shoulder to his thighs and then his dick and the his hole he started circling on it while sucking his nipples and biting
Kook= ahhh tae ahhhh
Without any warning tae insert his finger in hole and then other and then other
Kook= ahhh it's paining ahhhhhj
Tae= it should this pain is nothing which was given by u when u said our love is forbidden
Tae start trusting his finger fastly when he get to know that he is ready then without any warning he thrust his dick inside him making kook scream in pain ,after giving tie for adjusting he started thrusting in fast speed making kook moan
Tae= whose u are
Kook= ahhhh ahhhh u ahhhhh urs
Tae = whoam u belong
Kook= ahhhhhjhjjhjjjjnhhhhhhhhhhh u
After few thrust both come tae hug kook who is now sobbing
Tae= sorry love
Kook= I am sorry
They slept but they don't know that some one saw them.

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