May be lit bit right

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Hii I know it's a looooong time but it's fine so without wasting let's start the story guys

Everyone was sitting on living room after sometime jimin came their,hyo immediately ask him about yoongi
Won = bub how is he
Jimin= he is fine he was just little with sad
Joon= can I meet Hyung
Jimin= yes joon u don't need to ask he is still ur Hyung
Joon nodded they were talking that is when suga came their with his usual expression
Mr Min= son
Suga looked at his dad ,Mr Min stand up and hug him making suga closed his eyes and let his tears role down
Suga= ur still my dad right ?
Seo closed his eyes and said
Seo = u were my first son and always be

Joon, yoongi,jiwon, seojoon did group hug making other smile widely , they broke their hug suga goes towards taekook who immediately looked down not wanting to meet his eyes,suga said calmly
So they immediately looked at him
Suga = tae I am giving u my pride don't let him cry in any situation always be on his side otherwise u know me
Tae immediately nodded with teary eyes suga hugged both of them everyone smiled widely finally the Strom came down
Jimin= now ur wedding will be held with all of us
Everyone cheered suga sadly smiled he knows he don't deserve jimin ,he went to jimin to congratulate him
Suga= congratulations jimin I am happy for u

Jimin glared at him while other make done face towards suga they are understanding what suga wants to say.

Jimin in mind
Oh my god who the hell I loved this cat face Dracula,he is most dumb person i ever seen who the hell make him mafia i really want to punch him

Jimin= thank u Mr Min,but i didn't taught ur dumb
Suga= what do u mean
Jimin= nothing, others make this Dracula to understand
Jimin dangerously glared at him who gulped and left to his room while shuting his door loudly

Suga looked at everyone they are looking at him with disbelief

Suga = what did I do
Joon= Hyung how can u
He shook his head and leave
Jin= i didn't taught mafia's are so dumb
He also left while shooking his head
Kids= unbelievable
Seowon= are u really our son
Jackmark= idiot
Kai= stupid
Hobi= ur not my brother if ur like this
Suga looked at them like what did I do to listen this things only eunwoo,bogum and inyeop left their they were going to saying  something but stop because suga was glaring them
Eunwoo= don't glare us can't u see he accepted u
By say this they also left
Suga was processing everything when he realised what they meant he immediately run towards jimin room room door was open so he get in and locked it but gulp when he saw jimin was sitting on his bed and glaring him
Jimin= why are u here
Suga= i ..i ..
Jimin= did cat caught ur tounge
Suga= did u forgive me
Jimin= what do u think
Suga= I think u didn't
Jimin= that I why ur an idiot if I didn't forgive u they why I had kissed u
Suga= means
Suga started coming close to jimins bed Making jimin nervous
Jimin= w....why are u coming near me
Suga= why can't I
Suga was coming while smirking but his face frowned when he see jimin smirked and step out of bed and start coming towards him now it was suga's turn to be nervous jimin pinned suga on door
Suga= jimin w..what are u doing
Jimin smirked wider
Jimin= why do u think
He seductively move his finger from his face to his chest make him hitched his breath but suddenly he fall and jimin closed his door while laughing and him groaning in pain
Jimin= Mr Mafia I am very angry on u so it's better u stay away from me for ur on good
Suga get up from floor and said
Suga= now i know u forgive be ready for marriage because u belongs to Min Yoongi love
Suga leave from their while jimin blush

It's the time for dinner everyone was seated on dining table
Jin= so guys what should we do , should we do pre wedding functions
Kook= yes mom
Mark= okay then we can do ring ceremony, wedding and reception
Joon= okay nice
Soobin= mom ,appa,dad,papa when will my marriage will happen

Everyone chocked on their food

Yoongi = no i will not marry u will be always with me
Joon = same goes to beom
Taeyeon= NO
Yoonjoon glared at them making them gulp and other to make done face jin hit RM on shoulder
Rm= jin why
Jin= shut up idiot it's his life he can  marry if he want but bub u should complete ur studies make ur carrier then u can marry
Beom= thanks mom
Soobin= appa explain dad like mom explained papa
Jimin= don't worry bub I will my self set ur marriage but first make ur carrier and I will handle him
Mark= oh jimin how will u handle
Mark smirked jimin understand what he means not only him everyone jimin blush and glared at him while others are controlling their laugh
They started eating while talking but suddenly joon chocked and looked at jin
But he again jumped and looked jin and said while whispering
Joon= jin we can wait till we go to the room
Jin frowned
Jin= what do u mean
Joon been shocked
Joon= look down what ur doing
Jin looked down and looked at suga who was looking at with smirk  jimin while jimin was concentrating on food ,jin control his laugh and whisper joon
Jin= it's not me joon it's ur Hyung who was disturbing u by thinking jimin joon looked at jin in disbelief who is controlling his laugh and then his Hyung with done face
He looked at yoongi and said
Joon= Hyung
Suga stop his actions and looked at him making joon sighed in relief while jin laughing silently
Suga= yes joon
Joon= it's not jimin it's me
Suga chocked on his food jin started laughing and joon smirked while looking at suga who is embarrassed making everyone confused
Mark= what happened Hyung
Jackson= why are u laughing jin
Jin started laughing his ass of jimin looked at him jin bend towards him and whispered what was happening making him laugh while looking at suga that is how adults gets to know why are they laughing kids were confused but ignore it while suga was already red with embarrassement he immediately left from their while everyone was laughing at him .

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