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Hii everyone how u all are, ne happy guy's the life is small u should live ur life

Everyone came today for shopping for Jin and jimin's wedding yoonjoon were also present

Eunwoo= babe what u want first
Suga looked at eunwoo with death glare who gulped internally
Inyeop= jinu babe let's decide our wedding dress first
Namjoon= yeah let's go
While greeting his teeth which is noticed by everyone
Bottoms smirked
Jimin came close to eunwoo and cross his hands on his neck,jin came close to the inyeop in which inwoo gulped because someone was staring them like he can pearce his soul ,
Jimin= babe let's try our costumes in same changing room
Jin= nice idea
Yoonjoon= NO
Jimin= excuse me
Jin= what the hell
Yoongi= see we know that they are going to be ur so called husband so keep some shame
Joon= yes atleast wait till marriage
Jimin= what do u meant
Jin= we are shameless
Joon= no jin i will never say that it's suga Hyung
Yoongi look at rm in betrayed look
Yoongi= are u insane,no i didn't meant let us just respect our culture
Jimin= whatever
Yoongi, Eunwoo, inyeop,joon ,jin,jimin went to clothes section others went to jwellery and makeup section
Jimin= so u 4 sit here we are going to try clothes u all had to choose
Jin= okay so wait here
They left
With tops
4 were silent inyeop and eunwoo were just gulping air while yoonjoon are looking at them intensely so eunwoo decide to break the silence
Eunwoo= guys why u two are looking us like u two can kill us
Joon= can we
Inyeop= listen why u want to kill us
Yoon= isn't it's obvious
Eunwoo= listen guys they choose us
Inyeop= we didn't
Joon= ur not that worthy to choose them
Yoon= And I don't why they choose u two they deserve strong,mature and brave person for husband
Eunwoo= and we had that quality,u known one day jimin was fall on ground i picked him in bridal style because he got hurt and went to his room due to which he kiss me
Inyeop= i even help jin in cook because he had cut his hand ,jin reward me to cuddle with him
Yoonjoon eye's gone darken,inwoo smirked
Yoonjoon stand up and grabbed their collars
Yoongi= listen stay away from him u don't know what I can do I just need to do one phone call
Joon = never ever touch what is mine
Eunwoo= I don't care because I can't and don't forget who am I .
Inyeop= and u two don't forget they are our soon to be
husband's we can do anything
Yoonjoon were going to punch but stop when they heard a melodious voice with confusion
Jimin= what happening here and u cat face Dracula leave my husband
Yoongi= tell ur so called husbands to be in ur limits
Jimin= I know my husband very much he never beat or hit anyone unnecessary
Yoongi= whatever just tell him to stay away from me
Jimin= why will he cling with a Dracula like cat when he had hot sexy and beautiful wife
Yoongi= I can't see any  hot sexy and beautiful here
Jimin= u wait
Jimin called a person who was looking at him continuously with lust and asked him
Jimin= sir do u think I am ugly
Men= not at all ,u are just a meal whoam everyone want to taste
Jimin came close to him and cupped his face
Jimin= then taste me
Yoongi= do u listen ur mind and u stay away from him u don't know whom ur touching
Jimin rolled his eyes and again looked at the men seductively who is looking at him lustly
Jimin= leave him
The men grabbed jimin and pull him closer and that's the biggest fault of the men he touched Min Yoongi's property,suga immediately went towards them and pull Jimin towards him and punched that men who immediately fell in floor
everyone get shocked only namjoon didn't react like he knows the person is going to hell because he touched real ⁶world satan belonging
Jimin started to wiggle in suga's grip who tight his grip on his waist and looked at him darkly making him shiver  and stop
Yoongi = guards
Three men came their
Yoongi= take them to my fav basement in my farm house
Guards nodded everyone shivered because they know what will happen to that men ,suga is famous for his cruelty for his enemies ,suga looked at jimin and leave him
Suga= u really got so much guts to go to other men in front of me
Jimin= why do u care if my fiance doesn't said anything then why did u
Suga= because I fucking love u dammit , listen jimin i care of u ,u don't know how i leave 23 years without u u don't i fucking hate myself for doing this u don't know how happy I wan when I saw u ,u don't how I was hurt when I see hate in urs and my children's eyes u know what I was fool that i raped u ,i wan an idiot,u want to give me punishment then give but firvgod sake never disgrace urself just to torture me that fucking bastard was looking at u lustly please.
Suga had tears jimin had blank expression other's our looking sympatheticly except jin who also had blank expression
Jimin= oh u changed really fast listen i can do anything it's my life I will whore around because I am fucking s...
Slapped .......
Everyone got shocked because suga had slapped jimin ,he was shaking in anger ,guilt ,jimin out his hand on his cheeks he had tears but he internally smiled
Suga let his tears flow down and left from their rm also went behind him ,jimin smiled with tears
Eunwoo= jimin what happened to u why are u smiling
Inyeop= yes bro he slapped u with his that veiny hands not with rose
Eunwoo= I think his brain got disbalance babe
Inyeop = me too
Jin= shut up idiots,jimin
Jimin= jin Hyung he love me I feel his love , should I forgive him
Jin= I see that but decision should be urs
Jimin= Hyung did u forget rm Hyung
Jin= i already forgive him when he cried but my ego was telling me to make him regret
Eunwoo= don't worry for that we are here
Inyeop= let's go we will select dresses afterwards
Jin= and let me apply ointment to it will leave marks
Jimin= yeah he really slapped me very hard
Everyone smiled at jimin's pouty face
With suga
He went to directly in parking lot he went towards his car he punched on the glass of car angryly ,he started punching his hand on the pillar from which he salop his love ,he was punching continuously , that's when rm came and try to stop him
Rm= Hyung please stop look ur hand is bleeding
Suga is not listening to him so rm hold him suga tried to push rm but rm pinned him in wal by shoulder
Rm= Hyung come in ur sense ,look ur hand is bleeding
Suga= what should I do rm i slapped him with my this hand i hurt him ,he is saying himself wrong words which I had told him past rm i regret each and every word I said him in past but he is not ready forgive me
Suga didn't cry but he had tears which show his pain rm hug his Hyung he never saw his Hyung crying having tears for him his Hyung is strongest but seeing his tear make him feel numb he also cried ,suga realised that rm is crying so he calm himself and hug his younger brother to calm him down after 15 min rm calm down
Suga= i am going to farm house u take them to house
Rm nodded and left suga also left to his farm house
At farmhouse
Suga enter in and immediately went in the basement with dark expression
Men= why the hell u bring me here leave me bastards
Men= who are u
men gulped
Men= why am I here sir .
Suga smirked and went towards the men who was in fear

And finally suga shot him on the head after that he went to the park Mension

In Park Mension

Bottoms were cooking food are seated kids haven't come

When suga reach in the mension he was going inside but he got bumped into kids who were also going inside
Tae= can't u see
Suga looked at tae but didn't said anything ,jk,beom,Yeon,bin, Taeyung had noticed suga's hand jk and soobin become worried so jk said
Jk= what were doing
Suga looked at him in confusion
Soobin= dad how u got hurt
Suga looked at soobin he had tears
Suga= what did u said
Soobin= dad
Suga immediately hug him
Suga= i sorry bub I can't find u ,ur brother and mom I ashamed of myself i am sorry
Soobin also start sobbing which clenched Yeon,suga , Taeyung ,tae,beom, jk heart Soobin is younger to all of them.
Soobin= dad i missed u i always want to meet u ask u why u leave us whenever I got hurt i always remember u but I never saw u i always taught that my dad hate me
Suga= how can a dad hate his own blood but bub promise me u will call me dad only if we are alone okay maybe ur mom not like
Jk {= from where did u get hurt
Suga looked at his hand
Suga= ab it's nothing
Suga left from them immediately because jk is making scary face which is just like jimin

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