Engagement 💍👬🤞

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Suga enter in mension only encounter everyone's eye's on him kids also came behind him
Jimin= kids go freshen up and had ur dinner
Jk= appa where did he got that much hurt
Jimin frown
Jimin= who
Soobin= dad
Now everyone get shocked soobin call suga his dad but most shocking part was their is worriedness
Jin= what are u saying bub
Beom= mom he is saying that how suga uncle got hurt
Tae= is dad is okay where is he
Tae said that that's when rm came downstairs but he got confused when he saw everyone was looking shooked while looking at kids
Rm= what happened here
Soobin= uncle where did dad got hurt ,his hands is bleeding
Rm looked at soobin in shocked
Beom= did u get anywhere hurt dada
Rm now looked at beom with so much emotions
Rm= no bub I am alright but can u again call me Dada
Beom smile
Beom= dada
Rm went on his knees he called his son who run and snuggle in him
Everyone had tears while looking at this scene but three people had blank face who is none other then jack,jin,jimin
Jin and jimin were internally smiling but Jackson was getting jealous
Rm= bub thank u very much and dada is sorry to leave u to not found u at time
Beom= it's okay dad
Soobin come towards his dad and held his hands ,jk also went and held his hand and take suga towards the sofa other follow them , everyone settle on the sofa and looked at suga who was not daring to his husband eyes because he was feeling guilty to hit him
Jk= look at me dad
Suga gulped and looked at jk
Soobin= good now tell me where u get hurt
Suga= ahh this it is nothing it's normal
Jk= beom bring first aid
Suga gulped
Suga= why it will heal by its own
Soobin= but if u don't treat it ,it will got infected
Suga= bub nothing will happen
Jk= we didn't ask u
Jimin is just glaring at suga because he knows the reason behind his wound .beom came their with kid,rm was internally laughing because his Hyung don't like stinging pain and he is also afraid of syringe which he surely is going to given him ,suga gulped and looked at his brother for help but no use ,but suga again get hope when he listen his other brother wife
Jhope= WHAT happening here
Suga= yeah hobi tell them that their is no need to treat my wound
Kai= wound how when
Mark= I will tell u
Jin and jimin already told about the mall incident to mark ,jhope looked at rm who assured him to tell afterwards
but he smirk while looking at his older brother who was looking at him pleading eye's
Jhope= Hyung u need to be treated
Suga was going to say something but Jimin interrupted
Jimin= listen u cat face idiot apply medicine don't show drama
Suga= but it's will be okay
Jimin= that we will decide kook ,bin continue
Jk= tae held his hand I had feeling he is afraid of syringe
Suga= what ,no i am not afraid of anything ,I am mafia king and what u think I am afraid of this syringe
Tae= then why u are moving stay still and kai uncle please inject him
Kai= okay bub
Suga= kai their is no need
Kai = their is need Hyung
Kai inject the syringe suga tight his hold on tae's hand who shout with him
Taegi= ahhhhhjhjjhjjjjnhhhhhhhhhhh
Everyone close their ears
Jimin= kook someone is telling i am not afraid of anything
Jk= yes appa and some one can't tolerate minor pain
By saying this everyone laughed while taegi hung their head low in embarassment
Jack = okay fine tomorrow is engagement so u should be ready
By listening about engagement yoonjoon immediately stand up and left while other smirk kids looked at adults confusingly but shrugged

Next day

Everyone was getting ready for the engagement two people are said , it's not like that, everyone was happy but not sad also and afterall it's a part of plan for Min brothers

With bottoms
Kai= guys are u sure about ur engagement
Jin= yes we are
Jimin= and trust kai if they didn't confessed then we will kick their balls so they had remember our wedding day
Kai= but ur last plan is wedding
Jin= don't worry kai ,look ur looking gorgeous hobi Hyung is going to be faint
Kai= yah don't make me blush,two are looking great
Jimin,jin= thanks
Mark= guy's ready
Jimin= always
Tops were attending guests but lights gone off and a spotlight fell on tops I mean Eunwoo,jhope and inyeop and then to bottoms jimin,jin and kai everyone was looking with amazed eye's but two pairs of eyes looking at them with so much love ,bottoms came downstairs, yoonjoon were looking at them with heart eyes which is noticed by bottoms they smile internally but they pass through yoonjoon towards inyeop making yoonjoon to come back in reality
Jimin= babe let's go .
Jin= let's go soon to be hubby
Eunwoo= sure love
Inyeop= symure beutiful
Yoonjoon was feeling jealous sad and many more emotions
After their ring ceremony
Tae= mom ,appa please dance with uncles
Kook= yes appa but tae now they are soon to be dad of us
Tae= sorry kook
Everyone smiled but 2 heart didn't like when their son call others dad and two hearts were paining
Soobin= mom go dance
Beom= yes dad
JIMIN= okay fine
Jin= this kids
Eunwoo= let's go beautiful
Jimin= sure handsome
Jin= are u not going to dance with me
Inyeop= yeah how can I reject this beutiful offer of my wifey
Rm= soon to be
Inyeop= whatever
They goes to the stage

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