Meet 🧑‍🤝‍🧑👬🧑‍🤝‍🧑

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Hii guy's are u all liking this story ,if yess then please like it or give hearts to it ,so without wasting time let's start the stories

At Min mansion
Everyone was in dinning room eating their breakfast peacefully by sound not by heart they all had blank expression everyone was eating their food together but not like before but this silent got interrupted by Mr Min
Seojeon= suga,Rm ,jhope listen u three had to go India for project
Jhope= but dad why me
(Immediately stand up )
Jiwon= didn't u listen what he said
Seojeon= do u two had any problems
Yoonjoon= no dad we don't had  any problem
Jiwon= go and pack ur thing's u all had to leave korea now
Yoon= but mom isn't it too early
Jiwon= no it's not
Joon= dad but meeting was on Sunday and Today is Friday we can go tomorrow
Seojeon= u all will go today and that's final and jhope come to me we need to talk
Jhope= yes dad
Then yoonjoon left to their room for packing and jiwon to hobi's room for packing he knows that their will be a long talk between son and dad
In Seojeon office
Jhope= dad why u know he is their
Seojeon= so don't u want to be with him
Jhope= dad u know what he said to me
Seojeon= I know but he is right,his point of view is not wrong
Jhope= dad he didn't trust me just because of my brothers deeds and he even told my brother's some bad words how can I tolerate
Seojeon= he just said what did u brother do to his friends
Jhope goes silent he don't want to speak he was speechless after sometime he said
Jhope=dad I know they did so many wrong things but they get to know their mistakes I saw them crying in their room skipping meals
Seojeon= that is why we send them to India so they can make their mistakes right
Jhope= as u say dad
Seojeon= but u also had to say kai sorry
Jhope= okay fine
Seojeon= good ,now come down stairs ur mom had already pack ur thing's
Jhope= dad did they know that they are coming
Seojeon just smile and said
Seojeon= don't underestimate ur brother in law's son
They know everything about here
Jhope= how
Seojeon= ur mom
Jhope= what
Seojeon= yes never underestimate power of bottoms they can make u beg for them and even kill u by their words and that's what going to happen with u three so be prepared
Jhope just looked at his dad with amaze eyes and Seojeon just chuckle then they both went to their hall where everyone was waiting
Jiwon= oh u make him understand
Seojeon= yes love afterall it's ur order how can I disagree
Jiwon= oh just shut up u idiot
Seojeon= what did I do
Jiwon= I will tell u later
Jhope= ur gone dad
Seojeon= I am also thinking that
Yoongi and namjoon had smile atleast they are happy but soon faded when three of them notice them and make serious face
Seojeon= oh u two are here u all can go now
Jiwon= take care of urself jhope and also others
Yoonjoon smiled sadly that their mom was indirectly saying them to take care of them
Jhope= okay mom ,let's go
They all left to the airport
In their jet

At Min mansionEveryone was in dinning room eating their breakfast peacefully by sound not by heart they all had blank expression everyone was eating their food together but not like before but this silent got interrupted by Mr MinSeojeon= suga,Rm ...

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Yoongi= jhope
Jhope= yes
Yoongi not liking the way jhope always talk to him ,jhope stop saying him Hyung from that day which make him sad he sadly smiled and said
Yoongi= why did dad choose this company
Joon= even I want to know why this only and why india only
Jhope= isn't I told u early because this company is giving competition to foreign and our country so why not let's began friend of them
Yoongi= but
Jhope= i want to rest
Jhope goes to the bed which was few steps away from where they are seated
Yoonjoon just sigh and they also sleep in their seat
After 8 hours and 19 min
They went out of the jet they saw some people were waiting for them yoonjoon frown which hobi notice so he explained
Jhope= they are employee of JSBT company they came to receive us as per their boss order and we are going to leave with them actually their all partners leave with them like family that's why they arranged things for us
Yoonjoon just nodded
After 30 min
Yoonjoon was just looking at the mension with wide eyes
Jhope internally smile at his brothers reaction but doesn't show so he just make coughing sound to get their attention which he immediately get
Jhope= let's go they are waiting inside
They went inside only to get again mesmerized by beauty of the mension

Their were seated some people who immediately stand up when they saw the new person arrival yoonjoonhobi went near them ,they all were looking at them confusely so yoongi introduce themselvesYoongi= hello everyone my name is Min Yoongi Ceo of Min ...

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Their were seated some people who immediately stand up when they saw the new person arrival yoonjoonhobi went near them ,they all were looking at them confusely so yoongi introduce themselves
Yoongi= hello everyone my name is Min Yoongi Ceo of Min corporation and They are my brother's Min Namjoon Main Ceo of Min corporation and Min Hoseok One of the best doctor in Seoul and also finance manager in our company
Everyone smiled when they introduced themselves so they also introduced
??= Hello i Jackson Wang from china the director of the company and He is My better half  Mark Wang My son yeonjun Wang and Taeyung Wang ,the head and CEO of company and Manager with their children had been coming till then u all can freshen up , actually after work they went to take their children from school and college it's their daily routine
Jhope= oh it's very nice
Jackson= Yeonjun, Taeyung show them their rooms
Yeonjun Taeyung= okay dad
They also left to their rooms,after showing yoonjoonhobi room taeyeon also left to their room
At dinner table
Jimin ,jin ,kai, taekook,soobeom, taeyeon jackmark were seated on their places that is when yoongi , namjoon and jhope entered but to their shocked they found their love they are in disbelief except jhope he knows about kai is here  they all were freez on their spot but got their sense when taekook told coldly
Taekook= Mr Mins come and had dinner
Yoonjoon become sad but they come and had their dinner after sometime
Jimin= soobin ,beomgyu babies where is ur dada
Yoonjoon become shocked they looked at them with hopefull eyes like asking is it true which they got reply with blank reaction
Jin= let me call them
???= No need love
Jimin= oh u both are here come had dinner baby and u also Hyung
??= Baby but who are they atleast introduced them to us
Kai= Hyung first tell me where is bogum
Bogum= oh baby I am here we just met
Kai= but i can't stay without you for a second
Yoongi, jhope, namjoon had angry and jealousy reaction which is noticed by bottoms who smirked at their expression
Jimin= oh yes so Mr Min Yoongi , Namjoon, jhope, meet our bf Eunwoo, Inyeop and  Bogum.........,..............

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