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hii everyone how are u all  i know u all will fine ,so without wasting any time lets start the story



everyone was eating their food peace fully only to disturb by min brothers

yoongi = mom i want to say that their is a mafia party we all are invited tommorrow 

Mrs MIN =why didn't tell us earlier, we all had to do preparation

Rm= about that mom don't worry we arranged everything 

MR Min = kids will be at home call kai he will take care of them

jhope= why him dad i can be take care of them 

Mrs Min= didn't u listen we all will go and kai also ,afterall he is like son to me 

Mr MIN =i don't had any problem i was just suggesting 


RM,Yoongi,JHOPE POV in mind

we know dad that ur wife is hitler and boss of our house and u are scare of him

jhope= when we have to go

rm=tommoro evening 7 o'clock

Mrs MIN = okay ,jimin ,jin why are u two so quite

jimin= it's nothing mom

jin=yes mom we had are dinner,we are going 

Mrs MIN=but u two didn't eaten ur whole food 

jin=mom actually my director said me to diet that's why i am eating less

jimim=about me i don't has appeit 

jiwon just looked at them and nodded they left taking taekook,to their room tops had blank expression ,jiwon and seojeon just look at their son and left ,they know how was their son married life they know how jimin and jin got pregnant  and they are really worried for their son ,yoonjoon one wrong move will make their life worst, after having dinner they also left to their room by thinking 

namjoon pov 

what happen to him now and why had that director tell him to diet i dont believe at his excuse i am damn sure that he had eaten something from outside with that soobin

by thinking this rm got angry and move towards his room roughly,he enter in his room only to see jin sleeping in their bed peacefully he come towards him pulled him roughly by his hairs making him wakeup and painful shout loudly
Jin= Rm......w.what happened why are u doing this
Rm= why u didn't eat food
Jin= i told u the reason
Rm make him stand up and slap him
Rm= do u think I am idiot tell me the truth
Jin is just looking at him with pain, sorrowful eyes while rm had clear anger and disgust in his eyes
Jin= what do u think
Rm= what do u think I don't know ur with soobin and had dinner with him
Jin widen his eyes ,yes he go with soobin but he didn't eat anything,but he was in pain because his husband is not trusting him
Jin= i didn't eat if u want to believe them believe
Rm was now more in anger he  hold jin tightly and throw him on bed,jin had fear in his eyes
Rm come near him and hovered over him and start kissing and biting his neck roughly living purple marks
Jin= rm .... .... please
Rm= no u get guts to argue with me right then take ur punishment nicely
Jin= Rm it's paining,rm Stop ahhhhhhhhhhh please stop rm ...

With yoongi
Yoongi pov in mind
What had happened to him he never leave his dinner,he always eat like he was having his last meal what happened now ahhh this boy will make me crazy
Yoongi entered in his room only to find jimin working on his laptop he didn't said anything and went to his study table to do his works
After 2 hours both had finished their work they looked at each other their eyes get locked but they immediately removed it
Jimin= i will not come in party
Suga frowned
Suga= why
Jimin= their is not any reason
Suga greeted his teeth and come towards jimin ,now they are very close to each other both are looking daring
Suga= see don't make me angry u don't know what I will do with u
Jimin= u can do anything to me now because I don't love myself anymore I lost my dignity to u
Suga= listen that was just a mistake we did so don't ever blame me because ur ready
Jimin= i was fucking drunk ,u could had control urself ,and what if I do same with other that u did with me
Suga was now hella angry due to which he raised his hand to slap jimin but he can't he stop himself
Jimin= oh now ur going to hurt me like ur fucking brother who force his own husband,u both are selfish
Suga= JIMIN!!!!! Shut ur fucking mouth u know what it's a waste to talk with u and I don't want any mistakes in party u will come with me
Jimin= u know i don't like mafia's so why I had to go
Suga= do as much I said don't make me angry ( deep voice)
Jimin get shivered from suga's tone he didn't said anything and just ignored him ,he was going towards his bad but suga grabbed him and pinned him to the wall and get closer to him
Suga= didn't i told u never ignored me
Jimin= leave me
Suga= oh really what will u do
Jimin= i said leave me MIN YOONGI
Suga grabbed his chin and hold it tightly giving jimin tears in his eyes
Suga= don't u talk to much stich ur this mouth in front of me
Jimin= leave me
Suga smirked and  leaning towards jimin's lip but got stopped by knock on his door,suga leave jimin who immediately run towards door to open he smiled seeing the person outside his room
Jimin= kookie,bear what happened why u two are here
By hearing this suga also came behind jimin on which taekook got scared jimin just glare at suga who make his expression normal
Kook= mom....can we sleep with u
Tae= chim please mom is not opening door and dada also mom was crying
Taekook had tears on their eyes jimin closed his eyes to calm himself,suga had listen everything but he didn't react
Jimin= babies let's go today chim will tell u a story of a two beautiful boys who get trapped with monsters
Suga looked at jimin blankly
And jimin left with taekook

Taekook  room
Tae= chim tell us
Junkook= yes mom tell
Jimin= so it's  a story of two prince and monster one prince is calm and kind he love everyone he take care of everyone but who knows it will be his biggest mistake he meet one on the monster who is dominating, ruthless he got attracted to prince when monster and prince parents get to know about this they arranged a marriage with them after their marriage prince fall in love with monster but the monster always beat him and do mank things after some years they got a little prince , little was naughty and mischievous but he is gone on his mother
Kook= so mom what happened to second prince and monster
Jimin= the second prince was fearless,he love to leave his life in his way but his parents never supported him so they arranged his marriage with the monster,prince don't want this marriage he tried to run but he got married with that ruthless monster u known what second monster was so dangerous more then first one but our second prince never let him to take his advantage but one day that happened that should not be happen and due to which their came a little prince in prince world,prince was happy he want his little to leave happily and little was gone on monster but he love the prince more
Taekook= then
Jimin = that we will see in further story now all of us sleep
Taekook= okay
They drifted to sleep

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