Chapter 6

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"WAKE UP! WAKE UP! YOU ARE GETTING A PUPPY TODAY! WAKE UP!" I woke up to some idiot screaming and jumping on my bed.

"Um please. A girl needs some beauty sleep. God I swear next time this happens I'm killing him," I said, realizing I said my thoughts out loud. "Sorry I thought I was just saying that in my head." I continued sitting up. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god.

"OH MY GOD. AM I DREAMING?!" I exclaimed pinching myself, nope that hurt. Stop it Ally stop it. Like the famous disney princess, conceal don't feel don't let them know. Ok well now they're gonna know. Wait did I just somewhat quote frozen. I really am losing it.

"Wait what. Did I do something. HARRY I THINK SHE'S HAVING A PANIC ATTACK," he screamed. Harry came running up the stairs and started laughing.

"Harry. What is Luke Hemmings doing in this house. Please tell me this is a dream," I said slowly.

"Wait what. I thought you liked 5SOS I'm so confused. I thought you'd be happy. I'm soooo confused," he said whining.

"I do but not when I look like this," I whisper yelled at him.

"I think you look beautiful, if I have any say in this," Luke freaking Hemmings said. Luke. Hemmings. Called. Me. Beautiful. OMG. Total Twitter moment! Wait I don't even have a Twitter.

"Luke, we'll meet you guys downstairs. Let Ally get ready," Luke left.

"I'm just going to change now," I said into my closet. I locked the door and once again stood in awe at this big walk-in closet. Now filled with a bunch of clothes I'll never wear. I slip on a t shirt that said "I <3 Paris" on it, pairing it with Jean shorts and a pair of converse. I looked at my reflection and put my hair in a high ponytail. I grabbed my phone and walked out of my closet. And Harry was still there. Please can't a girl have some privacy.

"Um. What are you doing here?" I asked timidly, wondering when I'd ever get beat. I really just want to get it over with, but maybe I've finally found a fake family that won't treat me like crap. There's only one way to know, I just have to wait.

"I live here," Harry said sassing me.

"Not in this room you don't," I said pushing him out. I've decided I'm not gonna be shy. I'm just gonna do what I wanna do.

"I pay for this house!!!" He said pushing himself back into my room.

"I WANT COOKIES!" I heard someone scream from downstairs. Harry and I ran downstairs to see Calum Hood THE Calum Hood begging for cookies in our kitchen! I also realized Ashton and Michael were there.

"Aye! It's the legendary Ally we've been hearing about!" Ashton said, making all four of them pull me into a bone crushing hug. I was so close to crying. This is the best moment of my life.

"I...I don't know what to say," I said choking back the tears that were so close to spilling.

"How about WHERES THE GODDAMN COOKIES," Calum screamed, raiding our cupboards. Wow. That guy loves his cookies.

"We don't have cookies bud..." Liam said giving him a pat on the back. Calum grumbled something under his breath and angrily stomped into the next room.

"What house doesn't have cookies!" Michael exclaimed outrageously. tHe Michael Clifford. He has a valid point though, I'll have to bake some cookies for the good of this house.

"OMG really guys. Can we go already!" Niall said pouting like a little boy. Wait he is a little boy.

"Ya! We're getting a puppy!" Luke said sprinting out the door into the car. Everyone followed him into the car, well cars. I got put in a car with Luke, Michael, Harry, and Louis, sitting between Muke. Harry and Louis were arguing about the radio station, well so was Michael but he was in the back so he couldn't reach the stereo. Poor thing. Michael crossed his arms and pouted, claiming life was unfair.

Over all the commotion i hardly heard Harry ask "So Ally where do you want to go!" I thought it over for a few minutes, unsure.

"The shelter," i finally decided on, I'd really like a rescue dog. And maybe a little part of me hoped one of my older 2 dogs or 2 cats would be there, that would be awesome. Harry drove to the shelter and Luke, once again, squealed like a little girl. We piled out of the car. I was just happy to finally breathe fresh air. We first went to the dog area, i would've rather saw the cats first. We separated and walked around when i stopped dead in my tracks, nearly sobbing my eyes out. Right in front of me were my two former dogs, Rosy and Bea. Rosy was a mutt, she had gorgeous brown eyes and a long tannish coat. Bea was a purebred brindle boxer, with a little white on her chest and face. My dogs turned around, and they actually recognized me. They went insane, howling and barking. I ran up to the cage and started petting them through the bars that divided us. I felt safer, happier touching their familiar coats. They were my only living memory of my past life.

"Ally we found a ton of puppies over here! They're so small! It's better than getting a grown dog," Michael yelled from around the corner. Then i realized something. If my dogs were here, were my cats too. I promised my dogs I'd be back for them and ran to the cat room. Nearly screaming when i saw some bitch holding my cat.

"Excuse me ma'am. You don't want that cat. Why not get a kitten?" i said pointing to the kittens next to her.

"And why don't i won't this cute little boy?" she asked.

"Well he's mean and he scratches. Plus you'd get a better bond with a kitten. " Her challenging eyes stared into mine, but i won and she left with a kitten. I stared at Knight, an all black short haired cat, and Bandy, a grey and tan longhair cat, both boys.

"Oh. I thought you wanted a dog, Ally." Harry said from behind me.

"Well i um. I do. But. Well. Um. Well you see. Both of these cats were once mine, but there's also two dogs out there that were also mine," I said as quickly as possible. He thought it over in his head then walked out. Oh great. I can't choose between them. This is going to tear me apart. My cats and i stared at each other, they occasionally let out a complaining meow. Which made me happy and sad all at once.

"Well. The boys and I have come to an agreement. If you can take after all of them, you can have them all!" Harry said trying to mask his excitement with a serious voice. My eyes lit up brighter than New York City. I hugged him, repeatedly muttering thank you.


Author's Note

Hey guys! I'm back. I'll try my hardest to update but i can't make promises. The next chapter is probably going to take place in a few months so their relationships will have evolved.

Leave your feedback! Suggestion are welcome! Thanks for reading


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