Chapter 1: Exhausted Dad

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POV Macaque:

I need a break...

I am sitting at the sofa in the living room inside my messy and half destroyed dojo.

What the hell happened you ask? Easy, Savage and Rumble. They had been playing, fighting and just being energetic as ever over this past few weeks, and I just had to deal with their shenanigans all alone...

I just can't deal with their shits anymore.

I looked like a mess...

I literally haven't bathe because the shower broke from Savage and Rumble playing with the water in the bathroom for way too long.

Savage and Rumble was still playing but right now they're playing in the kitchen after destroying the living room.

They are probably destroying the kitchen right now, but I just didn't have the energy anymore to stop them...

I let out a long sighs and I tried to think of a way to get out of this situation... Maybe I could hire a babysitter for Savage and Rumble?... That's a fairly good idea...

I could ask for Mk for help but I can tell he has never had experience of taking care of kids. I doubt he could be a good babysitter since he's sometimes acts like a child himself.

I don't think Mei suits to being a babysitter. I just think she would just use Savage and Rumble for followers on her little live streams or something...

Pigsy could be a potential since he did took care of Mk like his own son... But I doubt he will help since he doesn't trust me that much because of the whole "LBD stuff" and I think he won't be free cause he had a noddle shop to run.

Sandy?... Could ask him to help, but the problem is his cats. The man has many cats, too many. I think Savage and Rumble would absolutely pick a fight on the cats.

Tang... He's just useless and lazy.

I could ask the demon bull family to help take care of Savage and Rumble... But I just trust PIF to take care of Savage and Rumble. DBK and Red Son? They won't stand a chance of taking care of energetic little shadow monkeys.

Their place is also a bit dangerous for my liking. They have traps, lava and other things that could hurt or possibly kill Savage and Rumble.

The only person that has potential right now is PIF and possibly...



I mean I'd seen him taking care of the monkeys on flower fruit mountain back when we were friends. He literally treated them like they are his children. He was fairly good at it.

He played with them, collect food for them and even bathe them once in a while like a good king... Or dad

Also, Flower Fruit Mountain was a massive place. Savage and Rumble would be happy because of the large space and area they could play with.

They also could make friends with the other monkeys on the mountain...


But I doubt Wukong would help since he hates me and I hate him... We kinda have this some sort of rivalry between us after...

"that accident"...


Or maybe...

I could make him so he would absolutely help me without even thinking... And I could have fun doing it...

I smirk thinking of a plan to relax and also mess with that ginger idiot at the same time.

This is going to be entertaining~

Writer's here.

This story takes place after the whole "LBD almost destroying the whole world" thing, if you're wondering.

Basically after season 3.

Also I think in this strory Savage and Rumble age is... 12 or 13?

They're starting puberty, good for them :)

(617 Words)

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