Chapter 10: Hidden Diary

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(Thank you @Brolowlow444 for the shit tons of suggestions

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(Thank you @Brolowlow444 for the shit tons of suggestions. I'll change the idea for a bit though, but I promise It'll be as entertaining)


Me, Mei and Sandy spent like 2 hours cleaning Macaque's dojo with him. He agreed to answer our questions about his kids if only we helped him clean the dojo.

When Mei asked where they are so she could see them for herself, Macaque said that they were being babysit by Monkey King.

Oh! So that's why Macaque didn't want me to invite Monkey King! Because Monkey King was busy taking care of Savage and Rumble.

Macaque also told us about the bet he made with Monkey King.

Mei and I immediately bicker about who'll win. I think that Monkey King would win since he's obviously the best.

Seriously though, I've seen The Flower Fruit Mountain monkeys practically clinging to him. He would definitely win this bet for sure!

But not gonna lie, Macaque does know his kids well. If Macaque said that the twins were a handful, Monkey King would definitely have a hard time.

Mei on the other hand didn't care who would win or lose. She just want one of them wear a maid dress or something for losing the bet.

One thing for sure, me and Mei practically agreed that Macaque had a better chance of winning.

I mean the bet is just for Monkey King to take care of Savage and Rumble while Macaque just have a day off. It's all up to Monkey King mostly at this point.

Anyways, after a lot of cleaning Macaque fell asleep on the couch. He trusted us to clean the rest of the house and we are not planning on failing him!

After 10 minutes or so me and Mei were cleaning and maybe playing for a bit, Sandy told us that he'll cook up something for us in Macaque's kitchen.

Me and Mei nodded and Sandy went to get started on the cooking.

While Sandy was cooking something in the kitchen we kinda were just slacking off just waiting for the food. Mei played with her phone for a bit and I pretended the broom I was holding is my staff.

I swing and twirled my broom around and being very careful on not to wake up Macaque from his slumber.

While twirling my staff I accidentally tripped on something and fell face flat on a door to a room. The door opened from the impact and I landed face first on the floor.

"Ow..." I said sounding muffled. I pushed myself back up and looked at Macaque that was still sleeping on the couch.

Thank the gods that I didn't wake him from the sound.

Mei went to check on me making sure I was okay and she noticed my gaze on the sleeping Macaque.

"Didn't you say that guy has 6 ears or something? Why didn't hear that?" Mei said looking at me confuse. I just shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know, Monkey King said he does but I never really seen him. Must me a heavy sleeper, I guess..." I said while looking at the room that I accidentally opened.

The room seemed simple. Simple decorations and furniture.

A single bed on the middle of the room, a bookshelf just besides the door, a closet besides the bookself and a single night stand besides the bed. There is also a window above the bed.

Mei walked past me and just went into the room feeling curious.

"I wonder who's room is this..." I said and also went inside the room. Mei shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm guessing it's Macaque's." She said simply.

"How would you know that?" I looked at her confused. She just walked up the closet, opening it to reveal several 'Hot Topic' theme clothes.

"Yup, it's Macaque's room." I said nodding in agreement.

Mei chuckled and just looked inside Macaque's closet for a while until she founded something interesting.

"Ooh~ What do we have here?" She smirked and she took the thing she founded interesting. It was a black notebook.

I blinked twice. "It's just a black notebook." I said not finding the book that interesting.

She chuckled and wrapped her arm around my neck, showing the notebook to me.

"Ah~ But that's the thing! You don't put a random book inside a closet, you'll put it with the other books in the bookshelf. Unless..."

She waited me to get the situation and I gasped finally realizing what she ment.

"Unless this book is different from the others!!" I said and Mei chuckled.

"So, I think this is a diary!!" Mei said excitedly and was about to open the notebook to read through it but I stop her.

"Wait! Mei, even if this is Macaque's notebook, we are invading his privacy... I think we should leave it and just pretend this never happened..." I said smiling a bit to her and lowered the notebook in her hands.

Mei was having none of it and she sighed. "We can find out if Macaque like Monkey King or not~"

I paused hearing her said that. I grabbed the diary that was in Mei's hand and practically slip through the pages eagerly.

Mei smirked and read through the diary with me.

Me and Mei had been practically shipping Macaque and Monkey King. I know they're exes but Mei and I couldn't help but feel that they still cared for each other.

In other words, we made a bet a while back on who'll find proof that they still cared for each other.

I wasn't gonna lose to Mei! It's on!

Psycho's here,

I haven't been online on Wattpad that much since I have a life to live.

I was fucking baffled when I checked to update this book and got fucking 3.6K reads and 107 Votes. So I wanted to say thank you.

I never would've thought many people like this book honestly.

(1021 Words)

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