Chapter 3: Accepting The Bet

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POV Sun Wukong:

I was surprised, jaw dropped... even shock maybe, from hearing Macaque's answer. Macaque actually have kids?! I have so many questions...

Who did Macaque had kids with? Who are his kids? When did he have kids? Does everyone else knew about this except me? And why the heck do I feel jealous about it?!

I tried to stay calmed and try to act like I didn't care that he have kids with... someone he actually loves...

Macaque chuckled and just rubbed his neck, finding my reaction hilarious.

"Kinda forgot to tell you that. But yeah, I have kids. Two of them actually, I named them Savage and Rumble."

He smiled a bit... a genuine smile at that. I can tell he loves them the moment I saw that smile... He deserves to be happy... after everything we went through...

"You want 'me' to take care of your kids?..."

I don't know if I can handle that to be honest. It would be kind of awkward for me. I mean me and Macaque used to be mates and I don't really know how I will react seeing the kids Macaque made with someone else...

"Yup, just for a couple of days at least. I need to get myself back in shape and relax a bit, you know?"

I took a look at him while he walked around my cave. I then sighed a bit and asked my own question.

"Who did you made the kids with?"

Hearing this, Macaque blushed and it was very much noticeable.

"God no! I didn't make the kids with anyone, Wukong!"

He said embarrassed, I could see his tail puffed up a bit from the embarrassment. I won't admit it him or myself... but he looked kinda cute being so flustered. But his answer just made me even more confuse.

"Then how did you get them? Adoption and shit?"

Macaque sighs and pinched his nose, trying to calm down from being flustered.

"No, I got them when I was just trying to explore my shadow powers more and try to get stronger. But when I was trying to make the perfect shadow clones that wouldn't just disappear for an amount of time... I created Savage and Rumble..."

He looked at the ground and shrugged his shoulders.

"I didn't know what happened, there were many things happening at the time and after I opened my eyes I just see two red and black colored monkeys in front of me, looking absolutely adorable.

He chuckled a bit then continued...

"I achieved my goal of making clones that wouldn't disappear for an amount of time but they are fairly little, I don't want to get the two of them hurt... So I made a decision of taking care of them.

So that's how he got the kids, they were created from Macaque's powers not with some bimbo...

Seems like he's happy having his kids... I'm happy for him but I wouldn't say to him. I think for a while then I gave him my answer to his request.

"Nah, I'll past. It's already an ass for me to deal with you and I don't want to know how I will deal with two little versions of you."

I said with an uncaring tone. The truth is I just wanted to be lazy and I don't want any disturbance today. I wouldn't mind if Macaque stays for a bit but I don't want to deal with his kids.

Macaque stopped walking around my cave and chuckled. He then looked at me and smirked... He seemed like he expected me to decline his request.

He walked closer to me but his annoying smirk didn't left his face.

"Is the great sage turning down a challenge?~"

He said teasingly, I could feel myself clenching my fist tightly after hearing his teasing words at me.

"I just don't want to deal with your little shits." I said rudely and he just chuckled.

"Oh, I though the great sage would not turn down 'any' challenge he faces"

"In combat, yes. In babysitting? I'll past. Call me a coward if you want but I don't want to waste my time dealing with your problem. Hell, I don't even get anything in return if I do this..."

Macaque looked at me slightly surprised by my refusal. I think he expected me agreeing to his challenge like I used to do at every challenge I get in the past... I was dumb back then. Now, I can think first before agreeing to something that's possibly dumb to agree at.

"How about you do get something from this? Like a bet of some sort~"

With those words from Macaque, it got my attention... a bet huh? I'm not really doing anything other then be lazy, taking care of the my monkeys and just laying back at my cloud. This bet sounds fun...

"I'm listening..."

Macaque chuckled, putting his hands in his pockets.

"I knew you would~"

He said and continued talking.

"I bet, you can't take care of Savage and Rumble for 72 hours without calling for one of your 'friends' for help. I guess, your monkeys could help you but you cannot ask for help from Mk, Mei, Red Son, Nezha, DBK and the list continues."

He got closer to me.

"If you lose this bet, you have to say 'yes' to everything I ordered you to do for a week~"

He said smirking putting his index finger on my chest. I chuckled at the action.

This definitely pecked my interest, this would probably be a vey bad thing if I lose the bet... but if I win, I could use Macaque as my own personal... 'entertainment' if you call it. How hard could it be to take care of Macaque's kids anyways?

Without warning, I just grabbed his wrist with my hand and brought him even closer to me. We were very close to each other now.

He was surprised by my sudden move but he just smirked even more.

"And If I win the bet, you have to 'yes' to everything I ordered you to do for a week~"

We stared at each other for a while, both of didn't say anything or move away from each other. Macaque then chuckled and finally answered...

"Alright, Wukong~"




"How long is 72 hours again?"

I suddenly asked because I genuinely didn't know how long is that. He just face palmed and said with a tone that he is clearly done with my shit.

"For fuck sake, Wukong..."

The writer's here, their name is Psycho :D

Yes, I'm having fun writing about their sexual feelings for one another.

(1063 Words)

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