Chapter 6: Party Invitation

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"Mei don't let go of me!!" I yelled as I was practically holding her arms for dear life to not fall to my death in a pool of hot lava beneath me. We were on a cliff as Mei was holding my hands tightly to not let me fall.

Remember that I told Monkey King that I had hang out session with Mei? (You can find it on chapter 2) Yeah, this is it. Just two friends having fun, dangling over a lava lake full of hot lava.

Mei was really struggling to pull me up. "Mk!! I can't pull you up!! You're heavy!"

"Hey! Don't call me fat!" I said a bit annoyed.

"I didn't call you fat!! I just said you are heavy!" Mei said and was making very little progress of pulling me up.

"It's the same thing!" I said putting my hands above my head. Realization suddenly hit me when I remembered gravity exist and was now falling to my death.

"MK, No!!!" Mei said she was practically yelling.

I could feel the time slowed down as I fell...

This was it... the end of my chapter...

Mk the Monkie Kid died from falling over a pool of lava... would be kinda cool if someone wrote that on my gravestone...

Man... I couldn't even say goodbye to Pigsy... Mr. Tang, Sandy, Macaque...

Monkey King...



I hope Mei would finally get together with Red Son...

I hope Pigsy wouldn't be so lonely at the noddle shop, Mr. Tang will probably keep him some company...

I hope Mr. Tang would visit my grave and read the book 'Journey To The West' there...

I hope Sandy would decorate my grave with beautiful flowers... I like flowers, the smell of flowers always brought a smile on my face...

I hope Macaque would finally get on good terms with Monkey King...

and I hope Monkey King wouldn't replace me with another successor that easily... The thought of him doing that just gave me nightmares...

"Goodbye everyone..." I said as a tear left my eye and I slowly closed my eyes. I was so close to the surface of the lava pool...





"Kid! Quiet playing games here! I have some customers that I need to serve!" Pigsy said angrily.

My head hit the noodle shop floor hard. I groaned as I took off the VR headset that I was wearing.

I rubbed my head in pain from the floor. "Aw, come one Pigsy! I was just gonna get my cool slow death scene!! You know, like in does heroes movies were the protagonist is slowly dying and having flashbacks! You know like that!"

I said annoyed as Pigsy interrupted my and Mei's hang sesh. We were testing these new VR headsets that Mei's dad bought  for her. By testing, I mean playing with it.

Suddenly, Mei jumped on my stomach and I yelp in pain.

"Don't worry Mk!! I'll save you- wait... where are you? I can't see you. Is this thing broken?" Mei said as she knocks on her headset.

I whined in pain as I remove the headset from Mei's head. "Oh, here you are Mk!" Mei said happily as I smiled weakly at her.

"Why don't you two play someplace else? Other then screwing around here and making a mess?!" Pigsy said while he was serving some customers in the shop. Mr. Tang was as usual, eating his noodles ignoring everything that's happening around him.

Mei got off me and I started to get up from the floor. "Alright, alright grumpy old Pigsy. We'll play someplace else." Mei said as she put back her VR headset back in its box. 

Pigsy just scoffed and continued making the noodles in the kitchen.

I gave Mei my VR headset that I was wearing. "Cool of your dad for buying these headsets." I said smiling.

"Yup, he's super cool." Mei said, closing the box and putting it in her bag.

As me and Mei was about to leave the noodle shop so we could play with the VR headset someplace else, I got a phone call from someone.

I pulled out my phone and answered the call expecting a customer wanted a noddle delivery or something. "Pigsy's noodles, what can I do for you?"

"Hey kid, you free today?" I was surprised when I heard Macaque's voice.

"Macaque? Why are you calling me? If you're asking for free noodles again, the answer is no. I kinda have a thing that I'm doing with Mei right now." I said talking to him on the phone. 

This wasn't the first time he called me. Sometimes he just called me randomly out of nowhere just to ask for a free bowl of noodles. Sometimes I deliver it to him, sometimes I don't. Just depends on my mood I guess.

I can hear Macaque let out a quiet chuckle through the phone "I'm not calling for the noodles today..."

"Then what do you want?" I said a bit confused, what does he wants this time?

"I'm hosting this little... 'party' at my dojo today. Can't have a party without guests, so I'm inviting you. Bring as many of your friends you want. I don't mind."

My eyes lit up hearing Macaque hosting a party. I would love to come!! 

"A party! I would love to come! I'll invite Monkey King, Mei, Pigsy, Sandy, Mr. Tang, Red Son-"

Before I could finish listing all my friends, Macaque cuts me off. "I wouldn't recommend bringing your buddy Wukong to the party. He has his own stuff to do, besides he's not that much of a party guy. Trust me kid, I known him for so long now."

Macaque said and I kinda agree with him. "Fine, I won't invite him. I'll come in an hour or so." I said sounding a bit more excited then I should.

"Great." Macaque said and just hangs up on the call. 

Weird of him to invite me of all people. Weird of him to host a party at all...

Author's here :)

Have any of you seen the season 5 trailer of lmk? I've seen it and I can't say that I'm happy with the animation of the trailer that much. I think the trailer is fake to be honest but if you want to see the trailer just type in 'lmk season 5' on YouTube and you'll fine it.

Leave some of your comments here about the trailer if you want, I'll read them to see what are your thoughts about it.

(1051 Words)

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