Chapter 7: Macaque's Party

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Somehow Sandy got dragged into this.

I told Mei that Macaque hosted a party today and I told her I was gonna go. I asked her if she wanted to come and she immediately said yes.

We tried to invite a few people before going to the party. We tried calling Red Son but he ignores us.

We went back to Pigsy's Noodle Shop to invite Tang and Pigsy, but Pigsy just kicked us out again because he was still annoyed that we played VR in the noodle shop.

Tang, as usual was deaf as ever because he ignored us to when we tried to invite him.

I really wanted to invite Monkey King but I remembered Macaque telling me Monkey King doesn't like parties in the call so I reluctantly didn't.

Mei called up Sandy and invited him to come and he actually did.

So all of us three are standing in front of Macaque's dojo right now.

Sandy brought dumplings for the party, even though Mei and I told him that... "a party" has free food for the guest... not the other way around.

Sandy just shrugged it off and didn't mind.

Typical Sandy, always being nice to people, even to people that have almost squeeze him to death...


*Coughs, coughs*

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*Coughs, coughs*

*Coughs, coughs, coughs*

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*Coughs, coughs, coughs*

*Coughs, coughs, coughs*

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You get the point...

Mei knocked on the door of Macaque's dojo. She was excited for the party, so I joined her to knock on the door too.

After a lot of knocks and yells from Mei and me for Macaque to open the door, Macaque finally opened the door looking annoyed.

"For Buddha's sake, stop knocking on my fucking door!"

Macaque said annoyed and he was practically gripping his ears from the loud knocks and yells from us.

"Doesn't matter! The party boi is here!!"

I said shoving Macaque to the side of the doorway and went inside expecting many people because I thought Macaque has many friends for some reason.

There's literally no one in the dojo except a bunch of Macaque's shadow clones cleaning around.

The dojo is a mess... I was fairly surprised because Monkey King once told me himself that Macaque was somewhat a clean freak...

Mei and Sandy was equally confused when they went inside with me...

"Where's the other guests? Where's the decoration? Where's the food and drinks?" I said confused looking around.

"Most importantly... Where's the party?!" Mei said annoyed and all of us turn to look at the so called party host, Macaque...

Macaque just walks past us dusting himself of after I pushed him away. "This IS the party."

He said it simply and snapped his fingers and the shadow clones disappear.

He then threw some brooms at us. Sandy and Mei caught it but I clumsily caught it and the broom almost fell from my hands.

"It's a cleaning party, yay!" Macaque said it so sarcastically with his hands waving around.



The three of us were just staring at him. We all are speechless... We just got invited to a fake party...

"You fucking invited us... To a party that doesn't exist... To just clean your house?!"

Mei said in anger and threw away the broom Macaque tossed to the ground. She was excited for the party so much, so It was understandable that she's angry.

It's understandable for anyone to be angry for getting invited to a fake party really.

"Sandy brought dumplings for you!!" I said with the same anger as Mei.

"Dumpling!!" Mei said pointing a finger to Macaque. Sandy was trying to find positivity in this situation.

Macaque just looked at us unamused and walked towards Sandy and grabbing the packed dumplings in Sandy's hands.

"Thanks for the dumpling." Macaque said simply, he then set the packed dumplings on a table and ate one.

Mei was even more annoyed at Macaque being a total jerk. "You see this?! This attitude you are being right now to us?! This is why you don't have any friends!!"

Sandy and I gasped in surprised... She did not just said that...

We could hear Macaque chuckle and turn to face her with a pissed off smirk. "What did you say... Dragon girl?"

"I said you don't have any friends, got a problem with it?" Mei said moving closer to Macaque. By now both of them are glowing from their anger and power.

Macaque was glowing purple with his eyes glowing a bit and Mei was glowing green with her eyes glowing too...

Sandy tried to stop them from starting a fight but I just pulled him away with me to a safe distant.

"Mk told me you are a neat freak, but really you're just a fucking slob!! What kind of neat freak are you for being this messy?!" Mei said annoyed clutching her fist.

Macaque scoffed. "What kind of girl are you being this stupid not expected to be lied to me of all people?!" Macaque said back to her.

"Maybe it's because I trust you enough because Mk actually likes and trusts you!!"

"Well you're stupid for thinking I would host a fucking party!"

"We were excited for this stupid party!! You're just stupid for being this messy and expecting someone else to clean it!!"

"Did you think I want this mess?! I didn't trash my own house Savage and Rumble did!!"

"Who the hell are Savage and Rumble?! Your imaginary friends?!"

"They are my kids, dammit!! I'm just an exhausted father that just wanted some rest!!"



There were silence and all of us were shock hearing Macaque said that.

After a moment of silence the three of us instantly bombarded Macaque with questions that he was not excited to hear.

"When did you have kids?!" I asked. "Who's the lucky gal?!" Mei eyes with her eyes filled with stars of excitement. Seems like she's not angry anymore. "I'm so happy for you, Mr Maquack!" Sandy asked. Seems like he's the only calm person in the room.

Macaque groans in annoyance. Seems like he didn't meant to slip up that piece of information. Well, too bad!! Because I want answers, and I want it now!!

Author's here

I can imagine some of you are pissed off that I haven't published a chapter about Wukong's babysitting shenanigans with the twins. If it makes you feel better the next chapter will be just that.

(1073 Words)

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