Chapter 8: Familiar Clothing

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(Author: I don't know what image to put in this chapter. So have a meme that resembled me in a way. Yay. Now enjoy the chapter)

POV Wukong:

"It's just Macaque's kids. It's fine, how hard could they be? I have taken care of my flower fruit monkeys a thousand times already. I got this."

I said giving myself a pep talk and mentally prepared myself.

I don't know how Macaque's kids act or behave. I gotta admit, I'm a bit nervous because I noticed Macaque looked exhausted when he came to me and make this stupid bet.

I'm just going to assume that he was exhausted taking care of the twins...

"Wukong, can we do something else? Your game is boring!"

I snapped out of my deep thoughts when Savage called me. I chuckled a bit when Savage called me by my real name.

"Didn't your dad taught you some manners kid?" I said playfully as I was bringing Savage and Rumble's stuff in my hut/cabin.

The twins are currently playing the VR game I made myself.

They complimented the game for a bit which I appreciated. I mean Rumble complimented it while Savage just complained because he loss a level or didn't understand the toturial.

"He did but I didn't listen... Most of the time." Savage said while playing the game with Rumble.

I couldn't help but chuckle a bit at Savage respond.

Savage reminded me of myself when I was younger. More impulsive, boastful and energetic.

I think Rumble got more of Macaque's personality. He's a bit quiet, he behaves more then his twin brother and acts like the oldest even though he's the youngest.

According to Savage at least.

They haven't done anything bad yet so I was still keeping my guard up and keeping my eyes on them every 2 minutes.

I put down the last box of Savage and Rumbles stuff on the ground.

"Does this twins really needs this many stuff or Macaque spoiled them rotten?" I mumbled to myself.

I swear I wasn't joking, there were really a lot of stuff. I was just babysitting the twins for 3 days, but with all these stuff it seems like they were moving in with me.

I looked at the twins that was playing my VR game thing.

"Don't you guys want to play with the toys your dad brought for you?" I asked them and they stopped playing the game to look at me.

"In a second!" Rumble said. "We're fighting this pig guy just give us a minute!" Savage said to continue from Rumble's words.

I sighed and rolled my eyes playfully. "The 'pig guy's' name is Zhu Bajie" I said correcting them.

"Don't care!" Savage said. Seems like they are to focus on the game.

I decided to just rearrange their stuff for a bit just to make some space. My hut/cabin isn't that big so I wanted to make as much room as possible.

After a while of rearranging the twins toys and necessities the room in my hut/cabin seems a bit smaller but it didn't bother me that much.

The only thing that's not done rearranging yet is the twins clothes. I collected all their clothes and made them in a one big pile.

Gotta admit something, I don't know how to fold my clothes. I usually just toss my clothes in a small cabinet in my hut/cabin.

I don't have that much clothes. Sometimes I just walk around naked if no one else is around or no one was visiting me. I don't do that much often nowadays since Macaque would sometimes visits me out of nowhere to bother me and Mk would come by to hang out.

Anyways, while I was figuring out how to fold the twins clothes a rather large black with red sleeves hoodie caught my eye in the pile of the twins clothes that I made.

I reached out for the hoodie and inspected it.

The hoodie was rather large for Savage and Rumble's size. I came to a realization that it was actually Macaque's hoodie seeing it was Macaque's size.

Seems like Macaque accidentally put his hoodie with the twins clothes...

I just found myself staring and feeling the hoodie's soft cotton with my fingers. I smiled a bit looking at the hoodie... didn't know why just felt like it...

I didn't know when or where the thought of wearing Macaque's hoodie came from but I did just that.

I undressed my own upper wear and wore the hoodie. Not surprised it was comfortable... Macaque always had good taste in clothing. Wait did I just say that?...

I couldn't really help myself from smelling the hoodie. It smelt like mangoes... Macaque's favourite fruit...

I sat at my spot for a while just feeling comfortable wearing Macaque's hoodie... Feeling vulnerable...

I mentally slapped myself after realizing what I was doing. Get yourself together Wukong, he's your fucking rival. You are acting like some shit head bimbo from high school or some shit.

I didn't know how long I had been acting like a creep. I could've done this for an hour and not even realizing it! What the fuck was I thinking?!

"Savage, Rumble, I think you should stop playing now." I said but there was no response.

"Savage, Rumble? Didn't you hear what I just said?" I said standing up to see the twins but to my shock they were not at the tv playing the VR game.

They were gone...

Psycho's here.

Wonder where Savage and Rumble had run off to ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

If you have an idea what kind of shenanigans Savage and Rumble could pull to make Wukong's life harder then feel free to leave a comment here.

I'm not asking for ideas and I don't expect any of you to comment honestly, I just wanted to see what you guys can think off and maybe if I like your idea enough I'll put it in a chapter.

(1007 Words)

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