Chapter 2: You have kids?...

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POV Sun Wukong:

I was just chilling on my cloud, eating peach chips on top of my hut/cabin.

Mk and I just finished training, we talked for a while till he got to leave because he had a hang out session with Mei after this. He actually invited me to join them but I just turned him down nicely.

He begged me to come for a bit and that's the moment I realized he just wants to hang out with me more, which is hilarious.

He finally left and I summoned my sage cloud to lay back on and rest for a bit...

Everything was perfect here...

The sun was shining at my little hut/cabin, little monkeys were playing around and the atmosphere was just calm and perfect...

I actually let my guard down and was starting to take a nice nap...


Until 'he' shows up at least...

"Hey bud, you miss me?~"

It was Macaque. His annoying voice woke me up and I groaned in annoyance... He appeared infront of my hut/cabin using his shadow portal.

Looks like my perfect lazy day was going to be a nightmare...

I sat up on my sage cloud and flew to Macaque to be in front of him. I don't know why he's here but I wasn't expecting anything good.

I pinched my nose and sighs in annoyance. "What do you want Macaque, don't you have any other goth stuff to do?"

I noticed Macaque looked rather messy then usual. He was always a neat freak even before we parted ways...

Macaque just chuckled. "First of all, rude. Second of all, can't I just see my old buddy ol' pal?~"

I rolled my eyes. "We aren't 'buddies'" anymore, leave."

I didn't care how rude I sounded. I just want him to leave so I could just be lazy as usual. I could just tell he wants something from me, since he never really visits me without any 'reasons' other then annoying the hell out of me.

Macaque just chuckled and got closer to me. "Is that how you treat your old mate?~"

I just grabbed him by his scarf to make him look at me in the eyes. I could tell he was enjoying my annoyance.

"Just get straight to point, Macaque. What do you want?"

Macaque didn't look like he cared that I grabbed his scarf. He just looked smug as he always do.

I find myself sniffing the air and I instantly regretted it. I let go of Macaque's scarf and I made a barfing motion.

"How long have you not take a freaking bath?!"

I said and move my cloud a bit away from him so I couldn't smell that awful smell coming from Macaque. Macaque made an offended sound.

"I have you know I have been to busy to take a bath and don't look at me like that!! We both know you at least bath like 1 time a week"

Macaque said crossing his arms and rolling his eyes. I let out an offended sound myself.

"I have you know, I bath like 3 times a week!!"

I said and jump down my sage cloud to be in front of him. I was taller then him, so I was looking down at him with my expression clearly shows that I'm annoyed.

"And don't think I don't know what you're doing! I know exactly how you act when you want something from me"

Macaque just chuckled and smirked, looking up at me.

"Looks like you are really not that dumb as I though you are..."

"You though I was dumb?!"

I said sounding pissed off but he just ignored me and started to walk around my cave.

"I'll just get to the point then. I have an issue with my... 'stuff' that I need 'you' the monkey king, to take care of for me~"

I looked at him a bit confused, he wants 'me' to take care of something?... He knows we are in this whole rivalry, right?

"What kind of 'stuff' are you talking about?..."

Even though I don't trust Macaque, I was kinda curious on what kind of 'stuff' he was talking about.I need to know what I'm dealing with here.

It's Macaque, he could literally shadow portal... I don't know a demon here if he wanted and make me take care of the goddamn thing just to mess with me or something.

Maybe he needs me to take care of a weapon he had been keeping? But that wouldn't make sense because I'm literally the most untrustworthy person to take care of a weapon.

(Because of the whole Samadhi Fire in season 3 and shit)

Macaque then looks at me seriously, crossing his arms and took a deep breath...

"I need you to take care of my kids..."





"You have kids?..." I said in a surprised tone. I was not prepared for that answer.

Psycho's here.

They have this some kind of sexual attraction for one another but just ignores it completely...

And I'm a sucker for that.

(848 Words)

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