Chapter 9: Missing Twins

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POV Wukong:




Where could they possibly go?! I literally looked away for like... Okay I don't actually know how much time I was being a creep over Macaque's dumb jacket.

But that's not the point! Savage and Rumble are not in my cabin/hut! Where would they possibly go?!

I'm currently searching for the twins inside out my cabin/hut.

I searched every nook and cranny of my damn cabin/hut, I searched and searched but it was no use...

How can be so fucking clueless and dumb to lost two red monkeys?! Ughh!! I'm so fucking dumb sometimes!

Where could they possibly go?...

POV Rumble:

I was just following Savage through the thick forest of Flower Fruit Mountain.

We were walking through the forest to who knows where.

I was a little guilty because I never really wanted to run away from Mr. Wukong. Savage did.

We were just having fun playing the game Mr. Wukong made but Savage just suddenly told me to run away with him seeing that Mr. Wukong was distracted.

I was hesitant but Savage dragged me with him anyways...

I don't like it here... In the forest. Savage seems to not mind it though. He actually looked proud that we ran away...

I finally decided to break the silence with Savage.

"Savage... I really think we should go back to Mr. Wukong..." I said as I stopped walking.

Savage stopped walking too after I stopped.

Savage scoffed and turned his head to look at me. "Come on Rumble, we can't turn back now! We're already too deep into the forest!"

"But why do you want to run away from Mr. Wukong? He didn't do anything to us..." I said and turn my gaze to the ground.

Savage just smirked and crossed his arms.

"Are you being a chicken?" He said and I just looked at him confused.

"What? I'm a monkey, stupid. Not some chicken." I said but his stupid smirked just went wider.

He got close to me and pretended to hear something.

"You heard that? Pock, pock. You heard that? Pock, pock."

I stared at him confused when he started to make chicken noise. He even started to flap his hands like they were wings or something.

"What?..." I decided to just ask. I have no idea what's he's doing right now.

"Seems like you're a scared little chicken!! Pock, pock!" He said and mock me while flapping his wings like a chicken.

I blushed out of embarrassment. "I'm not a chicken! Stop it!!"

He just continues to mock me using that stupid chicken dance he suddenly invented.

"Stop mocking me!!" I said angrily and he chuckled some more.

"So you admit you're a chicken?" He said and I began chasing him out of anger.

"You- ughh!! Get back here!!" I said angrily as I chased him. He just ran while still flapping his hands like a chicken and making those stupid chicken noises.

"You can't catch me!! Big brothers always beats little brothers!!"

Savage said and continued running. I groaned out of annoyance.

"You are not the big brother either the one who always wins!!"

I said back angrily but...

While I was chasing him...

I can't help but fell that he was trying to ignore my first question of asking him about why he wanted to run away from Mr. Wukong...

I know my brother... And I know he's trying to hide something...

Author's here and... I don't know what to talk about here...

Do you guys like dogs? I have a dog, she smells like shit but boy is she lovable.

(620 Words)

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