5. What love?

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"Only fools fall in love"



"You took the library job?"  Manya questioned as we both walked out from the last lecture.

"Yes" i answered. I took the library job so i can take care of my monthly expenses.

"But why the night shift? Don't you think 11:00pm to  2:00 am is bit off?"

She asked while concerned laced in her voice.

"Because i can't sleep during those hours" i said and her face fell at my answer.

"You never share your reasons"

she said with a pout.

"Because that's the only shift with minimum work hours and maximum paycheck, moreover there's not too much rush at that time in library so i can study with work"

I answer looking at her face which light up after listening my answer and we both turned towards the route of our hostel.

"This is the longest para you spoke to me since we meet"

She said grinning at me.

"So we are friends now!" She declared with a smug look.

"No" i said checking out my phone.

"Yes" she debated.

"Ahh!" Manya flinched in abruptly as suddenly a football hit my legs.

"What the fuck?" Manya shout after calming herself down.

"There's a playground nearby" i said looking at a boy who was running towards us, probably for the ball.

"Thank you" that sweating boy said picking up his ball from the ground without looking at us.

"What the hell man! Keep your game in the boundary" Manya said narrowing her eyes over him.

"Excuse me?" that boy asked.

"You are excused"Manya speak taking the ball from his hand.

"Say sorry to my friend first, she got hit by this"

Manya said indicating towards the football in her hands. He look at me and his brown eyes glowed in sunset. Looking at his sharp features I can say that he is God's favourite.

"Aren't you Rana's girl?"

another boy speak to Manya coming from behind the first one.

"Say sorry to her" Manya speak again ignoring his comment but the light shade of pink grace her cheeks.

"It's not like she died and we don't say sorry"

A new face speak coming towards us.

Ok it's enough.

"Leave it Manya, they are just kids" i said not liking the flow of conversation and Manya throw the ball towards one of them.

"Huhh! Kids" one of them scoffed at my comment.

"Heyy! I don't like your tone" the brown eyed boy speak while staring at me.

"Like i care" i said and take a step forward to leave.

"You both are freshers right?" the other boy asked.

"Yes, so?" Manya asked stopping and i mentally faces palmed myself. It wasn't necessary to answer them.

"So ever listen about ragging or bullying?"

that brown eyed boy asked still not moving his eyes from me.

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