⭐ ~ { haunted adventures }

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Requested By: Me, Myself, and I 

Type: Fluff

Ship: Jean (Jake x Sean) - It's your choice to choose if its platonic or romantic -                                       AND A SIDE OF LANDER!1!! (Luke x Zander)

The moon hung low in the sky, casting eerie shadows over the streets. It was Halloween night, and the air buzzed with excitement. The friend group of six had decided to spend the evening going to a Halloween festival before trick-or-treating.

As they approached the entrance of a haunted house attraction, Milly twirled her demon cape, and Jake fixed his vampire teeth. They had decided to go in all together as Milly thought it would be more fun instead of pairing up. 

"This is going to be so amazing!" Milly exclaimed in excitement, "I heard that it's 10 times scarier than last year!"

"We'll see about that," Jake said boldly as he smirked and put his hand on his hip. 

"I bet you 5 bucks you'll at least scream once!" 

"Deal!" Jake yelled back as he aggressively shaked hands with Milly. Sean laughed at the crazy duo as Hailey bought the tickets and Zander and Luke were flirting with each other as always. 

"Guys stop making random bets let's just get this over with," Hailey said sighing as she motioned her hands signaling everyone to go inside. They all walked in, Zander being a bit paranoid as Luke held his hand and started walking with him.

"This probably isn't even going to be that ba-" Zander was saying before he got cut off by a bloody zombie with a chainsaw popping up in front of him.

"AAAAAAAAAH!" Zander screamed before almost falling as Luke caught him. 

"Zander you're fine, you know their just props right?" Luke said giggling as he lifted him back up. Zander just looked away blushing, embarrassed by his own reaction.

"You're such a wimp Zander," Milly said skipping around, "This isn't even that scary, to be honest I'm a bit disappointed."

"Shut up," Zander quietly muttered still looking away. Jake, Sean, and Hailey were just laughing with each other silently behind them. They walked a bit more, seeing the usual Halloween tricks like spiders, ghosts, and skeletons.

"See Milly, I told you I wouldn't scream at all," Jake said boldly to Milly as she just annoyingly side eyed him. 

"Eh whatever," Milly sighed, "But it isn't over yet so you can't guarantee that!!" 

"Hah! Well-" Jake was saying until he turned around to walk backwards and stopped as he stared past everyone else with a shocked and horrified look on his face.

"Uh Jake, what are you staring at?" Sean asked as he turned over too, Hailey following after. Then they all saw it, a man with blood and snakes all over him. And they were real. The man soon pulled out a prop gun as Zander and Jake ran to the exit, everyone else following behind. Except for Milly, who just booed the man before running after the man started getting closer to her. 

"WHAT IN THE WORLD WAS THAT!" Zander yelled as they got out of the haunted house. 

"I DON'T KNOW BUT THAT WAS HORRIBLE!" Jake replied as he hid behind Sean who had a straight face. 

"That wasn't even that bad, you both are such wimps," Milly exclaimed as Hailey just smirked back at her.

"And Jake now you owe me 5 bucks," Milly announced before running to a Halloween themed candy stand near them. 

"Damn it," Jake murmured as he emerged out from behind Sean, "I don't even have any money!"

"You know, I'm surprised that your scared of someone covered in blood despite the fact your a vampire," Sean teased as he smiled. 

"SEAN SHUT UP!" Jake yelled, a hint of red blush on his face. Hailey was with Luke and Zander until she walked over to Jake. 

"He's not wrong though," Hailey added as her and Sean started bursting out laughing. 

"Come on guys, why not go tease Zander or something!" Jake muttered.

"Well, if we did Luke would probably kill us by now," Hailey said between laughs. Jake was about to mention something else when Milly came up to all of them.

"Guys I got us candy!" Milly announced as she handed everyone a piece of sugar filled candy. 

"Well, I guess were done with that, how about we all go play some Halloween games?" Luke mentioned as Milly jumped up in front of Sean.

"I bet YOU 5 dollars you can't beat me in ring toss!" Milly yelled as Sean smiled once again. 

"Oh, you're on!" Sean yelled back following Milly to the rage filled game. Jake chuckled a little going after them as the rest of the club followed behind. 

This really was a fun Halloween they would all remember. 

Word Count - 782

This took me like 3 days to actually complete but at least it's out now!! :D

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