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Requested By: one of my friends!!

Ship - Jaisy (Jake x Daisy) Romantically*

Picture above is from just_nia212 on Instagram!!

Jake had been nervous the whole day. He was going on his first date with Daisy!

It had been a while since he had asked her out and she accepted his feelings. They had just been talking and hanging out more during school but now it was a real date!

Anxiously Jake walked out his front door to get to Daisy's house. What if he did something embarrassing? What if something happens and they can't even continue the date? Jake tried to take these nervous thoughts out of head as he kept walking to his new girlfriend's house. 

Eventually after a long walk of thoughts and thinking of the worst, he reached the white-haired girl's house. He took a breath before walking up the stairs to the porch and knocked on the door. 

"I'll get it!" he heard a faint voice say from inside. It sounded just like Daisy's soothing and calm voice. As he stood in front of the door awkwardly for a minute, the door slowly creaked open. 

"Hey Jake!" a magnificent girl said looking at Jake from the door. It was Daisy, and she looked way prettier than Jake's mind could imagine her. 

"H-Hey Daisy!" Jake blurted out, blushing intensely as he stared at Daisy. How could someone be this pretty and nice?

"Let me just get my bag really quick and we can go!" Daisy exclaimed as she ran back inside, "You can come in too by the way."

"Oh ok!" Jake beamed. He walked inside and admired the huge house. Everything Daisy had and did was amazing. He walked into the living room and looked around, noticing how neat and clean everything was. As he turned to go back near the door, Daisy came running down her stairs.

"Ok I'm ready!" Daisy cheered with a mini backpack with daisy flowers on it. Jake felt a huge smile spread across his face as he went next to Daisy and bowed. 

"Jake, what are you doing?" Daisy muttered slightly smiling.

"Ladies first!" Jake said as he lifted his body back up and winked. Daisy chuckled a bit and grabbed Jake's hand running out the door. Eventually after a few minutes of chatting and walking, they reached Rosemeadow Park. 

"Let's go to the hill!" Daisy said grabbing Jakes arm as she started running up the hill. Jake wasn't even paying attention as his whole mind was focused on Daisy and her beautiful long silky hair. How did he manage to get someone this pretty?

Soon they reached the top of the hill, and Jake placed down the blanket as Daisy pulled out all the food from the basket. Jake had made some sandwiches with some chips, and Daisy baked cookies and brought juice boxes. Daisy spread out all the food and handed Jake one of the sandwiches.

"Thanks!" Jake said cheerfully as he took a bite of the sandwich. Both enjoying each other's food, they sat in silence for a bit as Jake started to look a bit down, which Daisy soon noticed.

"Are you ok Jake?"

Silence flowed gracefully in the air as Jake placed down his half of the sandwich, and unhappily focused his eyes on Daisy.

"Daisy, can I ask you something?"

"Yeah of course! You can ask me anything." Daisy assured, grinning back at him. He loved it when she smiled and giggled a bit before going back to his miserable state.

"Why'd you choose..me?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I-I mean like, why'd you choose to love me? Out of everyone, I even thought you liked Sean!" Jake admitted, slightly raising his voice at the last sentence.

"Jake..." Daisy mumbled before putting her arm on his shoulder, "I just do."

Daisy pulled him in closer before looking back at the view in front of them. It was a sunset, with mixed colors of orange, yellow, and purple, all blending in perfectly.

"You see the beautiful sky?" Daisy whispered as Jake nodded his head slowly, "You're just as perfect and handsome as it, if not more."

Jake practically turned into a tomato the second she finished that sentence and looked away embarrassed.

"T-Thanks Daisy," Jake muttered, still blushing. Daisy chuckled and continued eating her sandwich as Jake grabbed a cookie.

After a while, they had both finished their food and started packing up to go back home. They had both been messing around and talking about who's house they should go to for a movie night.

"Please let's go to yours, your TV is way bigger, and my brother would just annoy us the whole time!!" Jake whined, practically begging Daisy. She was an only child and had a way bigger house than Jake, so Jake desperately wanted to stay over at hers rather than his own.

"Ok, we'll go to my house," Daisy said giggling, "Let me just text my mom first."

Her mom ended up agreeing and Daisy told Jake as they started walking into the direction of her home.

*Time Skip*

"Ah finally!" Jake said as he immediately flopped down on Daisy's couch. She couldn't help but laugh a bit as she shut the door and placed her bag down on the coffee table.

"So, what movie do you want to watch?" Daisy asked, picking up the remote and jumping next to Jake on the couch.

"What about a horror movie!" Jake exclaimed smiling.

"Ok but only this once," Daisy responded, "But you pick it, I don't know any good ones."

Jake grabbed the remote from my hand and started scrolling through the movies.

"Hey, do you want me to bring a blanket?" Daisy asked getting up from the couch. Jake slowly nodded as she went up into her room and grabbed a blanket off her bed. She also decided to get popcorn, and quickly threw a bag in the microwave. After waiting for a few minutes, she got the popcorn out of the microwave, put it in a bowl, and walked back to the living room.

"I got popcorn too!" Daisy said beaming as she handed Jake the bowl, who immediately started eating. Daisy chuckled before settling down to watch the movie. Not even 30 minutes into the movie, Jake had already fallen asleep, which Daisy noticed soon after.

"I guess he really was tired," Daisy mumbled as she got up to turn off the lights and TV, and got back on the couch soon after, laying on top of him.

"Goodnight to you too."

(Word Count - 1083)

I said I would cut up some stories if they got too long but...............I didn't feel like it this time...

and part two of that drake one-shot is coming sooooooon :>

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