⭐ ~ { late night food }

186 1 3

TW: Some cussing :) 

Ship - Henriam (Henry x Liam) Fluff  (I guess) 

"Henry, I'm starving," Liam whispered urgently, nudging his friend who was half-dozing on the sleeping bag beside him.

"Me too, Liam," Henry murmured back. "I could really go for some McDonald's right now."

Liam's eyes lit up in agreement. "WHAT IF WE SNEAK OUT AND GET MC DONALDS?"

With a mischievous grin, Henry nodded, agreeing, "But if we get caught that's on you!"

They carefully slid out of their sleeping bags, tiptoeing across the room so as not to wake Henry's parents. The clock on the wall read 2 am, the perfect time for a stealthy fast-food run.

"Dang, I thought it was only 10..." 

"It doesn't matter, LET'S GO!"

The two friends made their way out of the house, feeling the cool night air rush over them as they stepped into the quiet street. They glanced at each other, excitement dancing in their eyes as they set off towards the golden arches of McDonald's. 

"Err, you drive, I don't feel like doing it." Henry muttered, already in the passenger seat. 

"Alright passenger princess." 

"You know damn well I am."

As they approached the glowing arches of McDonald's, they could already taste the salty goodness of their favorite fast food. The drive-thru beckoned to them like a beacon in the night, promising delicious treasures within.

Henry leaned in conspiratorially. "Okay, Liam, what's the plan?"

Liam rubbed his hands together eagerly. "We order everything. Burgers, fries, shakes, the whole shebang. And then we eat until we can't move."

Henry nodded in agreement, his stomach rumbling in anticipation. "Sounds great."

They made their way to the drive-thru window, trying to suppress their giggles as they placed their order. The voice crackled through the speaker, asking for their choices, and they rattled off their requests with the enthusiasm of kids in a candy store.

As they pulled up to the pick-up window, the smell of greasy goodness wafted through the air. The cashier handed them their bags, and they exchanged triumphant grins before heading back home.

"Give me my food!" Henry yelled, grabbing the bag from Liam (bro you that hungry 😥😥).

Liam drove back to his house, Henry already starting to eat his food. They slowly headed into the house, hoping not to wake up Liam's parents. 

Back in Liam's room, they settled in their sleeping bags with their McDonald's feast spread out before them. They laughed and joked as they devoured their food.

Liam pulled out his phone, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Henry, have you seen these ridiculous 5-minute crafts videos?"

Henry's eyes widened with interest. "No, show me!"

Liam quickly pulled up a video, and they both leaned in close, their laughter mingling with the sound of rustling wrappers as they watched the weird creations unfold on the screen.

"Can you imagine actually trying to make that stuff?" Liam gasped between fits of laughter.

Henry shook his head, tears of mirth streaming down his face. "No way. I think I'd rather just do it myself."

"It'd probably end up being even stupider than this shit."


They continued to watch video after video, occasionally pausing to comment on the sheer absurdity of some of the crafts. Minutes turned into hours, and Henry stirred, his eyes fluttering open as he realized he had fallen asleep for a bit. Liam lay sprawled out on the floor beside him, his arms wrapped around a half-eaten box of McNuggets, his gentle snores filling the air. He glanced at the clock. 3 am.

 Guess he hadn't been asleep for that long. 

Carefully, so as not to disturb Liam, he shifted into a more comfortable position, draping his legs over Liam's chest.

Liam mumbled something incoherent in his sleep but didn't wake up. Henry stifled a laugh, realizing what had happened, and gently nudged Liam with his foot.

"Hey, Liam," Henry whispered, trying to rouse his friend from his slumber. "I'm bored..."

But Liam just snuggled closer to his box of McNuggets, a contented smile playing on his lips. Henry shook his head fondly, knowing that Liam would probably sleep through an earthquake if it meant he could finish his meal in peace.

With one last glance at his sleeping friend, Henry shoved away his trash and settled back into his sleeping bag, slowly falling back into the land of dreams. 

another one-shot after my depressed era 🤞🤞

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