Chapter 1

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*it's Nolan's first day on the job Lucy was out at 5am she had a shift she put something on the table for him

*Nolan drove to the station

*Nolan training office is Tim Bradford he looks hard and he is

*Nolan's phone was going off it's Lucy

Tim : you gonna get that boot
Nolan : can I sir it's just she's my daughter
Tim : get it hurry up

*nolan answer it

Nolan - Luce is everything okay
Lucy - dad I love you
Nolan - I love you too
Lucy - I didn't tell you that before I just wanted to tell you it'll let you get back to Your work
Nolan - love you kiddo
Lucy - you too dad

*the call ended

Tim : everything okay
Nolan : ye sir she just wanted to talk to me that's all sorry
Tim : she's your daughter you should answer it you ever know what could happen
Nolan : yea your right sir

*they were going to a scene drunk guy they got him into the car and arrested him and booked him in back at the station

*it's break time

*lucy and grace was going to the food truck

Lucy *bumps into someone : sorry
Tim : it's okay
Lucy *looks up : dad
Nolan : Luce what you doing here
Lucy : Grace likes this food so we're getting something then going back
Nolan : sorry this is Lucy my daughter Luce this is officer Bradford my training officer
Lucy : nice to meet you
Tim : you two boot get the food *walks off

*they grabbed the food

*man get trying to get Lucy's number Nolan told him to leave his daughter alone but didn't listen

Tim : problem over here
Man : yea I'm trying to get her number
Tim : when a girl says no it's no do you want to get arrested and ruin my lunch break
Man : no I'll go *runs off
Lucy : thanks
Tim : no problem

*they eat food and they finished and went back

*tim and Nolan was going into a alley and they were shooting at the guy with the gun Tim gets shot

Nolan : 7-100 officer down I repeat officer down need ambulance here now

*nolan grabbed Tim he put him down he shot back and Aaron and Nyla came

*ambulance came Tim told him to go and get him boot

*they took him to the hospital right away

* they got Tim into surgery right away

*about 30 hours later Tim was out of surgery

*nolan , Nyla , Angela ran in

Nolan : let me call my daughter
Lucy : dad
Nolan : is Tim okay
Lucy : Tim got out of surgery he's in 203 he's asleep at the minute he's gonna make a good recovery
Angela : thanks for saving my best friend
Lucy : me and dr sawyer did it together ma'am

*angels sat with him

*they all left about 20 minutes later as they had to get home

*Lucy promised she'd call if anything happens

* Tim started to wake up he sees Lucy

Lucy : officer Bradford you got shot but you'll make a good recovery
Tim : t.. thanks
Lucy : my dad is okay just so you know
Tim : call me .. Tim
Lucy : okay Tim

*they look at each other

* till a doctor came

Lucy : I'll get going to another patient I'll see you Tim
Tim *nods

* are Tim and Lucy having feelings for each other

*find our next chapter

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