Chapter 6

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* Tim and Lucy went out to for lunch they had Lunch and they headed back to Lucy's house

*inside the house

* Tim and Lucy are looking at each other

Tim *kisses her
Lucy *puts hands on his cheek
Tim *wraps arms around her waist
Lucy *takes off his jacket
Tim *drops his jacket

Lucy *pulls away : wait
Tim : am I doing something wrong
Lucy : no no I thought I heard something

*key opening

Lucy : Tim my dad
Tim *grabs his jacket : your room
Lucy : on the right
Tim *ran to Lucy's room and shut the door

Nolan *walks in and shuts the door
Lucy : dad
Nolan : your home early
Lucy : day off
Nolan : ah of course
Lucy : don't you have a date
Nolan : nope * I sit on the couch
Lucy : you staying here all day
Nolan : yea why
Lucy : uh no reason dad

* Lucy went to her room open it

Tim : is he still
Lucy : we may have a problem

* uh oh Tim is stuck at Lucy's house how will he sneak out

* find out next chapter

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