Chapter 17

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* couple weeks later

* it's been 3 weeks and Lucy is going back to work Tim is worried she's pushing herself to much

* at the hospital

* Lucy in her uniform she's doing a desk shift she walks into someone she apologised

* hears a bang

* Lucy begins to have a panic she can hear that guy in her head shot she can't breathe she feels shot all over again

Grace : Lucy are you okay

* end of flashback

Lucy : yes I'm okay
Grace : okay

* it was lunch time and Tim goes to see her

* at the hospital

Tim : hey you
Lucy : hey babe
Tim *kisses her
Lucy : babe
Tim : yea
Lucy : I heard a bang just now someone dropped something it panicked me I had a flashback
Tim *goes to her wraps Arms around her : he's gone baby he's been arrested you are okay
Lucy : promise
Tim : I promise

* Tim had to go back to work

* it was the end shift for Lucy she changed into her Normal Clothes she heads home

* Lucy arrived home

* Lucy pus her back down jacket on the side she shut the door she makes her way to the couch lays down she shuts her eyes

* at 11pm

* Tim and Nolan arrived home

* they walked in and shut the door

* Tim opens Lucy's door

Tim : Nolan Lucy's not in her room where is she
Nolan : okay I'm sure she's okay
Tim : no no she had a flashback at work what if it happened again
Lucy : what's going on
Tim *runs to her : oh thank god *hugs her
Lucy : ow not too tight babe
Tim : sorry *kisses her
Lucy : so how was work
Nolan : it was
Tim : do not say that work the Q word
Nolan : I wasn't gonan
Lucy *smiles : I'm not hungry I'm gonan head to bed * kisses her dad on the cheek

* Lucy heads to bed changes into pyjama's

* Tim goes to bed as well he takes off his shirt and jeans and leaving him with boxers he gets into bed and wraps an arm around him

Lucy : Tim
Tim : mmm yea baby
Lucy : you're the best boyfriend ever
Tim : and your the best girlfriend ever
Lucy *kisses his cheek and puts head on his chest and shut her eyes and eventually falls asleep

* both of them eventually fall asleep

* the next day

* Tim could tell Lucy was struggling so he decided to do a surprise for her

Tim : baby
Lucy : yea
Tim : I've got a little surprise for us
Lucy : what
Tim : come here
Lucy *goes to him sits on his lap
Tim : I've booked us a holiday
Lucy : what no you haven't
Tim : I have we're going to Miami
Lucy : omg This is amazing * kisses him and hugs him
Tim : just wanted to see you happy
Lucy : and I am * kisses all over his face
Tim *laughs

* they're going on holiday next week

* hope you liked This chapter

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