Chapter 10

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Nolan : Lucy what's going on why did you kiss Tim
Lucy : dad because me and Tim we are dating
Nolan : boyfriend and girlfriend
Lucy : yes
Tim *sits up probably
Lucy *makes sure it's comfy for Tim
Tim : Nolan I.... I'm sorry we wanted to see if it's real first
Nolan : and is it
Tim : yes it is I love your daughter
Nolan : you love her
Tim : yea I do *holds Lucy's hand
Lucy : dad I love him
Nolan *walks out of the room
Lucy : dad
Tim : let him cool off baby
Lucy *nods sits on the chair still holding his hand

* Nolan sits outside on the bench

Angela : you know Tim's a good man
Nolan : he didn't tell me anything about her name my daughter
Angela : I know but you should be grateful that Tim loves her he's been though a lot over this couple of months Lucy saved him from his Demons *walks away

* Nolan goes back to Tim's room

Lucy : dad
Nolan *looks at Tim : you really love my daughter I can see that but you hurt her or break her heart I will come to you you understand
Tim : yes yes sir
Nolan : good Luce see you later *kisses her head and walks out
Lucy *laughs
Tim : what
Lucy : you should've seen your face you were scared
Tim : wasn't

* Lucy lays in Tim's arms in his good side where he does have any pain

* they fell asleep in each other's arms

*hope you liked this chapter

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