Chapter 3

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Lucy : Tim what you doing here
Tim : to see you
Lucy : me
Tim ; I wanted to thank you for saving my life
Lucy : you don't have to do that it's my job to save people Tim
Tim : I wanted to anyway thanks
Lucy : you're welcome

*tim goes to leave

Tim : you seeing anyone
Lucy : me no I'm not why
Tim : maybe we could grab lunch some time *grabs his number out of his pocket gives it to her
Lucy *grabs it : I'll text you
Tim : I'm looking forward to it

* Tim left the hospital

Grace : did officer Bradford just give you his number
Lucy : yea he did
Grace : wonder what you're dad gonan say
Lucy : I'm not Gonna tell him yet and either are you
Grace : understood not telling him
Lucy : good

*back at Tim's house he's watching the game

*knock at the door

Tim *answers  it : ang

*Angela walks in

Angela : okay if you don't tell Lucy that you like her I'm gonna tell her myself I can tell Tim I know since Isabel you've not trusted people but Tim you like this girl ask her out
Tim : can I talk now
Angela : yeah
Tim : I gave her my number she'll text me or call me okay I asked her we could go for lunch
Angela : wow I'm proud of you getting back out there Tim
Tim : okay okay don't know if she's gonna text  *phone goes off

Lucy - hey it's Lucy lunch tomorrow 2pm don't be late officer Bradford

Tim : never mind I've got a lunch date tomorrow

  *Angela give Tim a talking to before tomorrow she left about 30 minutes ago

* Tim was happy he couldn't even watch the game he was exited to see Lucy tomorrow

*hope you liked this chapter

Chapter 4 be out soon

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